Recent content by Sadnoise

  1. S

    Are Crackling and Distortions Symptoms of Loudness Hyperacusis?

    My experience is somewhat similar in that my hearing distorts significantly. Low, mid, and high frequencies all have points where there is distortion and reverb. I performed a tone generator test on my PC speakers, starting from low and moving to high frequencies. Specific frequencies were 2-3...
  2. S

    Struggling BADLY with Dysacusis/Sound Distortion: Has Anyone Habituated and Does It Get Better?

    At this moment, my main issue is dysacusis, together with very specific hyperacusis, almost like a reverb kind of experience. It's present in the ultra-lows, mids, and highs. Is this recognisable for people? How do you cope and/or did it go away for you?
  3. S

    People with Dysacusis, Distortions or Loudness Hyperacusis — Describe Your Symptoms!

    I have been experiencing symptoms with no identifiable root cause. Dysacusis: I hear whistling sounds over some external sounds. Electrical high-pitched sounds have static to them. My hearing is distorted, especially with artificial sound. It sounds very crackling, sharp, and painful. Some...
  4. S

    Describe the Anxiety and Emotions Tinnitus Causes You

    I'm experiencing hyperacusis-like symptoms and ear fullness, which are currently more bothersome than the tinnitus. However, the initial moderate reactive hiss, which was difficult to mask, caused me extreme anxiety attacks. The scary part is that I can't identify a specific cause. It seemed to...
  5. S

    Acceptance of the Present, Hope for the Future: 4 Years on, I'm Good

    Congratulations on achieving such a mindset and being OK with it. I think my tinnitus would be in a similar position on some days, but my hyperacusis and dysacusis symptoms make it very difficult right now. Nonetheless, I think people, regardless of what they have, who can find this kind of...
  6. S

    High Pitch Noise Generated by Some Heat Pumps / Mini-Split Ductless Air Conditioners

    Perhaps the indoor unit can be tested. I assume you are talking about air-to-air, not air-to-water. In the latter case, I would focus on isolating rather than preventing it. It's more difficult with air-to-air. Perhaps it can be tested in a shop. But for the outdoor unit, there are casings...
  7. S

    Tinnitus, Dysacusis and Low-Frequency Hyperacusis?

    Dear all, I have been dealing with tinnitus for some time now, and for the most part, I had gotten used to it. Occasionally, I struggled with it for a few weeks, but it wasn't a major issue. However, over the years, I developed additional auditory problems such as hearing bass sounds and sound...