Recent content by Sam Bridge

  1. Sam Bridge

    Turmeric with Curcumin Seems to Be Helping

    I bought these and took my first one earlier today. Did it help you at all?
  2. Sam Bridge

    Dealing with Tinnitus as a Musician/Audiophile

    I've had tinnitus for about 6 years. My tinnitus is generally the same unless I'm stressed. I did play bass in a band about 15 years ago. My tinnitus is like a soft shhhh sound which isn't too bad to deal with. I did take an 18 month break from attending concerts but after that have been to a...
  3. Sam Bridge

    I Want to Become a Musician... Should I Not Because of Having Tinnitus and Minor Hyperacusis?

    Link to Townshend's tinnitus being cured, please?
  4. Sam Bridge

    Can Mercury Toxicity Cause Tinnitus or Hearing Loss?

    Yeah, it was used hence why I changed it. I didn't notice any strange symptoms around it though. Certainly not worth worrying about now!
  5. Sam Bridge

    Share Your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Experience: Any Impact on Your Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

    I got the 1st Moderna shot yesterday. I feel rough and tinnitus is worse but that always seems to go hand in hand anyway.
  6. Sam Bridge

    Can Mercury Toxicity Cause Tinnitus or Hearing Loss?

    In October i was changing a light bulb but I pressed too hard in the wrong place and the bulb exploded in my hand. I did have a small cut but I'm not sure if that was from picking up the glass or from the actual explosion. It didn't make my tinnitus worse, light bulbs have very small amounts of...
  7. Sam Bridge

    What Music Can You Still Listen to Despite Your Tinnitus/Hyperacusis/Dysacusis?

    I don’t notice any problems listening to music.
  8. Sam Bridge

    @Bill Bauer always been a shh noise with buzzy part in there on the bad days. Never had a high...

    @Bill Bauer always been a shh noise with buzzy part in there on the bad days. Never had a high pitch tone apart from fleeting t
  9. Sam Bridge

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Is anyone currently considering going down the Lenire route?
  10. Sam Bridge

    Tinnitus is a very low shh sound today, i am having more of these days but still get my fair...

    Tinnitus is a very low shh sound today, i am having more of these days but still get my fair share of louder buzzy days. Will keep a diary..
  11. Sam Bridge

    Can Tinnitus Caused by Hearing Loss Get Better Over Time?

    I say yes because I have a 30 dB dip around 3-4 kHz but my tinnitus can be really mild some days and others it's moderate and more buzzy.The mild days are a smooth shhh sound. I don't think my hearing has recovered but something is causing good and bad days.
  12. Sam Bridge

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus from Clubbing: This Is My Story

    How old are you? Welcome to the club by the way!
  13. Sam Bridge

    When the Darkness Consumes You... Will You Ever Feel Happiness Again?

    Indeed I remember you. I haven't been here in months. I wonder why I always had the hum and not the tone... Hope you are well Bill.
  14. Sam Bridge

    When the Darkness Consumes You... Will You Ever Feel Happiness Again?

    Where did you read that? Mine's always been a hum but it can be more buzzy when I'm stressed or haven't slept well. I've never had a classic "ringing" or tone type of noise.
  15. Sam Bridge

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Moderate hearing loss is 40+ dB. 25 dB hearing loss is mild.