Recent content by Saraazar

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    MRI with Hyperacusis

    @Marko Nakovski did gabapentin helped?
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    Blowing Air in the Ear? Dangerous for Hearing?

    @NO MOOD ent doc did this to me now my inner ears hurt really bad
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    Eardrum Vibration? Tensor Tympani Myoclonus?

    @Rachel Murray how's is your TTTS, did it get resolved? I have a similar condition as you and do need your help. Please respond, would appreciate it
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    Stopping Antidepressants — Worried About Falling Back Into a Pit of Despair

    hi @brownbear I see that you are an ENT surgeon. I'm so new to this journey and I'm so desperate and fighting for my life right now (I'm not taking any meds so it has been very hard) would appreciate if you could help me understand. I have tinnitus but I can hear the sound along with constant...
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    First Post — 16 Years of Tinnitus and Now Middle Ear Myoclonus — Also Some Words of Advice

    I have constant humming like a refrigerator engine running all the time.. I can physically feel it when I put my palms over the ears. It is 24x7, companied by static electic buzzy sound. Do you think it is from vein blood flow? is it TTTS? it isn't clicking so it may not be TTTS. would...
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    Eardrum Vibration? Tensor Tympani Myoclonus?

    For me the vrooooooom feeling continues until I sleep then it is better but start again once I wake up.
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    Eardrum Vibration? Tensor Tympani Myoclonus?

    I have this vibration feeling in my ears constant, never goes away except when I'm in deep sleep.. any suggestions? I've had T for two month caused my medication
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    Hi Sueloe, I'm considering the type of surgery you had for stopping the vibration in my...

    Hi Sueloe, I'm considering the type of surgery you had for stopping the vibration in my eardrum.. could you give me an update? would appreciate it
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    Hi Norwaygirl, I'm so inspired by your article. I want to thank you for having so courage to...

    Hi Norwaygirl, I'm so inspired by your article. I want to thank you for having so courage to write and shine rays of hopes for the rest of us. I'm a new T suffers and would really appreciate if we can talk over the phone or chat. Would help me tremendously, can we be talk?
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    Tinnitus Due to Using Toothpaste

    Hi all, I need your opinion. I developed tinnitus just about 6 weeks ago from an allergic reaction to Fluoridex Sensitivity Relief Toothpaste most likely to its ingredient potassium nitrate. Doctors don't believe me that a toothpaste can cause this, but as soon as I was done with only one...