Recent content by Seawater7

  1. Seawater7

    How to Be with Someone Having Tinnitus?

    The challenge can make us stronger, we can find a supportive and understanding women.
  2. Seawater7

    Do You Hear Tinnitus in Sleep?

    You have two types of sleep deep dreamless sleep and rem cycle dream sleep. You can hear tinnitus or the mind can react to it still in dream sleep but not in deep sleep. In deep sleep you're not aware of anything
  3. Seawater7

    How to Be with Someone Having Tinnitus?

    Why is every girl so loud in america? Most quiet simple girls are better women simply because they value peace and silence and the simple pleasures in life. If this response receives negative and mean comments by women i'm sorry but point proven.
  4. Seawater7

    Pulsating Fullness

    Have you tried manually draining your lymph nodes on your neck by running your fingers down your neck from below your ear?
  5. Seawater7

    WiFi and Tinnitus

    That is the emf type radiation, i have a friend who worked in it for 15 years around a room full of computers on the net and she didnt get tinnitus or anything from the wifi internet radiation. Yes it might not be good for us but we can normalize after being away from it. If you are worried get...
  6. Seawater7

    Does Anyone Know the Decibel Levels of Common Everyday Sounds?

    Most daily noises like slamming a car door, someone talking loud, a dog barking close to you, car horns, dishes, lawn mower etc. Don't usually reach above 90db. Look up niosh noise levels, it will show you the maximum amount of time you can be exposed to these decibles For me loud noises bug...
  7. Seawater7

    Went to Tinnitus Support Group at UCLA...

    Anyone know of any tinnitus meet up groups in LA?
  8. Seawater7

    Loud Exposure (Fireworks), Please Help

    What would 170 db be at 80 feet though? I heard 140db can cause hearing damage
  9. Seawater7

    Me Again

    It started in a similar way with me, it will feel less sharp and annoying if it even stays. Try not to stress about it that just makes it worse
  10. Seawater7

    Loud Exposure (Fireworks), Please Help

    Yes, that chart. I don't understand how to determin how many desibles decrease by 80ft. Thank you
  11. Seawater7

    So Confused! Can Anyone Shed Some Light?

    My tinnitus came on from stress and a back injury. Drums could be the cause or contributed, or have little to do with it, i wouldn't rule anything out too soon but also don't feel like you have to know right now. Because from what I've seen so far all causes for tinnitus are either theory or...
  12. Seawater7

    Loud Exposure (Fireworks), Please Help

    How can i know if the neighbor shooting off a large firework will cause me hearing damage? They launch up about 30ft above the house it looks like and they are very loud. How is this legal? I read they are up to 170db? Does anyone know how loud consumer fireworks that launch and explode like...
  13. Seawater7

    Loud Exposure (Fireworks), Please Help

    Thank you.. i am still worried though that the decible level could have been 170 though and that i might have hearing damage because of this at 80ft.
  14. Seawater7

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus — Positive Success Stories

    I wouldn't blame yourself, a lot of people get tinnitus without hearing damage, and i know people who dont have hearing damage who have tinnitus. If you are prone to it seems like it's inevitable for some, both my parents have it and i do as well. My mother has no hearing damage, and my...
  15. Seawater7

    Super High Loud New Pitch After the Night. Please Help — I'm So Scared :(

    Have you tried cutting down on salt and caffeine? Did your anxiety or stress level change recently? I have had a lot of spikes in tinnitus that have lasted for 2 weeks at the most, but always went back to the base level. I always get worried after a loud noise exposure .