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  • Lucky you, sounds like your healing......well done
    Lets hope for the best. If it is, it will still take months going from the current pace.
    My days are weird. I had a 4/10 moment today, but I have already the second moment today where my T is hardly noticeable.
    The hissing also becomes slightly more active when I move my head, then calms down again. As if it were connected to the movement. I'm tempted to call it interesting... :)
    Today I had a moment where I had to strain to hear my T in a near silent bath. After a minute I continued my day. Day feels quite silent.
    Nice! Enjoy it!
    It's hard to assess whether it is down to habituation/lessening of anxiety and depression (my T is relatively mild, so these symptoms might improve faster for me) or an actual improvement. Maybe both?
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