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  • Anyone else take lisinopril? I was supposed to start but I've been afraid of making t worse. Now that I see HPB makes me at risk for virus
    If you have hypertension, try magnesium and coq10 instead. How does HBp put you risk for virus?
    @DebInAustralia it puts me at risk for complications and death :( they say those with pre existing condition get sicker
    This corona thing is wrecking my nerves. I have a headache and I can't help but freak, certainly doesn't help the tinnitus
    Burnt my right hand baking. So yes I took the forbidden Advil!! as my hand swelled. Will try to respond to everyone with my left hand.
    Can't figure out my tinnitus sound. It makes the sound a plastic bottle soda makes when you first open the cap and some pressure is let out?
    @Bill Bauer i can't remember, I think it was more of a ring. I used to compare it to a piece of technology left on in a room like a computer. But now it's shhh and sometimes my right ear has a cricketish quality.
    @aot i get crickets too! Sometimes.
    My tinnitus is similar to this, a staticy hiss. Thankfully it's become very low in volume. (Moderate when it first started.)
    What's your best coping mechanism?
    Reading. It took awhile to start reading again with sound enrichment, but I've got the hang of it now.
    @aot reading novels or anything? I haven't tried novels yet. Only informative text, news, articles. Sometimes t distracts me from shows but I'm getting better at ignoring it :)
    Anything, @Shelbylynn. My T was so bad at some point that I actually had to kinda reteach myself how to read. Started with comics, worked my way on to prose. It helped a lot. Sometimes I need noise, sometimes I don't.
    Hopefully the hpv shot doesn't increase my tinnitus :( I'm scared but I still did it. Now wondering if I should finish the course
    I got 1 out of the 3 hpv vaccines today. I hate having to worry if it'll effect my tinnitus. :(
    did the hpv vaccine effect your tinnitus? did you end up taking all 3?
    I don't have tinnitus in dreams. A remnant of my old perceptual experience of this life. I hear it boot up as I re-enter consciousness.
    @Horrorpopz ugh I have a feeling this may eventually happen to me as time goes on because it becomes more a part of my constant life. It's still new to me (month and half maybe). sorry to hear that.
    Happy to say I've never had T in dreams that weren't about T itself.
    I dream of tinnitus and hyperacusis every now and then, but only once can I recall hearing a ringing in my dreams (that sounded nothing like my own T)
    I've been looking for work and it's so difficult to get hired. I'm a recent graduate too. Trying to look for fairly "quieter" jobs.
    I struggled with this a lot too 3 years ago. Not sure of your degree but admin can be quiet depending on the field!
    @Orions Pain for as neurotic as I am, I actually have a psych degree. Honestly want to get my masters/license for MFT
    Anyone else have asthma? I haven't needed my inhaler since I got tinnitus so idk how it reacts with mine. But breathing getting a little eh
    I do. I take my inhalers (salbutamol mostly) quite regularly and haven't found them to affect my ear issues.
    @RishRamsey that's good to know! I have albuterol. I don't need it all the time just occasionally. thank you! :)
    Ok so... ear/eye infection gone. Basically I have terrible allergies and fluid still stuck in ear. So just treating allergies now :)
    Glad to hear it, Lynn. Is your T any better at all now that your infection is gone?
    @aot its much better thank you! :) It's come back down to its original volume I think. With ear infection it went from binaural to one ear tinnitus. Now it's back to both ears. I'm still taking lots of allergy meds so not sure if they will influence it.
    Goodness once all this illness passes I'll be so happy to not have to deal with it. Feel like I'm almost there. Hope so!
    Finally got rid of my ear infection!!! F I N A L L Y. Eyes feeling gritty terrified of pink eye comin back and Reinfecting ear, eye dr tom.
    went to urgent care today and nurse practitioner said ear looked ok and healed. So no new antibiotic. I'm having pain so not sure why.
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    Has your distortion improved? able to listen to music yet?
    @aot things much better! Only thing bugging me still is my eyes, going to get checked out tomorrow make sure no more infection. :)
    @James1977 i either got more used to it or it's improved a little! I think it's still there a bit but not nearly as pronounced! I still have fluid behind my ear drums. As of today not infected but fluid still.
    Anyone used neomycin drops for ears since tinnitus ??
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    You probably know it's ototoxic. Some say it's just a risk if you have a torn ear drum. I took one dose on Jan 26 and swear I developed a new tone. I would be afraid to take it ever again.
    It's supposed to be only ototoxic if it gets through the eardrum. 1I used an ointment for ekzema on my hand 2 days prior my HF tinnitus appearing. I have like 5 other possibly causes why after my unilateral, low freq T started to resolve I developed the bilateral screaching hell, but I won't touch neomycin again unless it's something totally life threatening comes up and I don't have a choice.
    8th day of my ear infection and it's still causing me pain, at my wits end. May go back to urgent care tomorrow. Wish this thing was gone
    I went to urgent care today and np said it look ok and healed. So very weird I have pain still?
    I shall see if it clears up or comes right back after antibiotic course finished tomorrow
    Are you taking pain killers? Your ear may be sore after the infection. Give it a few days. Stay away from loud noises.
    Does anyone know an antibiotic besides augmentin that would help middle ear infection? I've been on augmentin 7/10 days. Still infected
    Prescribed Flonase and Allegra. Hopefully my tubes open up so I can hear well and enjoy music again.
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    I've had tinny sounds for several weeks too. I had fluid build up as recent as last Friday that muffled my hearing. Middle of the week I started taking Sudafed 12 hr and its improved a little. I take it with my Nasacort / Claritin as I'm still very very congested.
    Ugh it's this worst! Some songs just sound weird as my own voice, I figured out it's higher frequencies. My ear infection is just hanging on to me 8th day. Sudafed helped me a lot with the fluid/pressure. Hang in there, I know I'm trying to.
    Continuing on same antibiotics. Apparently I have fluid trapped behind both ears so that's probably why everything sounds tinny I'm assuming
    My ear infection is kicking my ASS. Let's hope it gets better soon. Can't take this loud tinnitus forever. Wishing for moderate again
    Hope you feel better soon, Shelby. Are you taking antibiotics?
    Yes I'm taking augmentin :( at dr now to hey it looked at again. See if need to change antibiotics or continue
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