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  • I know hydrocodone&ibuprofen are both Ototoxic but those were the pain meds I was given. Any 1 worse than the other? I've been on ibuprofen
    I don't think ibuprofen is especially damaging, unless taken in high doses.
    not sure but ibuprofen is an NSAID and I've encountered alot more warnings of their ototoxicity than opioids online. I'd take the hydrocodone, probably better at killing pain and at least it'll feel good. But I'm a bit of a junkie so don't mind me lol
    I've been using ibuprofen and haven't noticed a different in my T. X
    I wish I never did the surgery but was told I could run into problems in the future :( I kept putting it off
    Look at it positively. You got all four wisdom teeth out and you won't have to do it in the future. I still have three to go and with extreme H that will not be possible for years! I wish I had them all removed. You'll be OK :)
    @Labyrinthine youre right! I'm going to do my best to avoid dental work from now on though! Thank you! :)
    Sometimes I can't tell if hyper vigilant. I mainly cope by distraction but sometimes my t just makes me stop and go holy crap that's loud
    Full 24 hours from surgery. Can't tell maybe slight spike?? Bearable. Hoping it stays ok and no crazy delayed spike
    Hi everyone I got all four wisdom teeth out today. So far no tinnitus spike everything is same or quiet. They had to use drill for bottoms
    I think I'm going to have to get my wisdom teeth pulled! Has anyone tinnitus been ok with that?
    I was fine. If you're unlucky, they have to break the tooth into smaller bits and pull them out separately (all under local anesthesia ofc). I asked the surgeon to take frequent breaks due to T as the drilling is quite loud.
    @Labyrinthine apparently I have bony impaction on the bottom so I'm worried about the use of drill.... thinking of just having the one bothering me taken out for now. And do bottoms later? Not sure what to do besides wear ear plugs
    @Labyrinthine i got all 4 taken out at once and was put under so not sure how much drill was used. The nurse said probably only two needed drill
    I mean how long til You know you're in the clear of a spike after being around loud noise?
    @Bill Bauer is there a a way to tell I'm having a spike or just being hyper vigilant?
    Bill Bauer
    When you have a T spike you KNOW that you are having one. If you aren't sure, then you are either not having one, or it is minor and you don't need to worry about it as it is even more likely to be temporary.
    @Bill Bauer i had to have wisdom teeth removal so I'm terrified :( we'll see fingers crossed
    How long does a spike take to set in? My parents dogs were barking so loudly and I thought someone was breaking in so I stayed.
    was it the neomycin that worked for you?
    Don't take neomycin. Aminoglycosides are proven to be ototoxic.
    Agree with Kritszti. Don't take neomycin. It is what gave me tinnitus and hyperacusis. Totally turned my life upside down.
    Tinnitus sucks. Hard to create music with it. Hard to play guitar/sing. Hard to sleep. Hard to think sometimes too.
    Can one ear spike louder than the other unprompted? I can't figure out why my right ear is louder today
    john paul
    yes totally normal. I always have one bad side and one ok side, it alternates every day pretty much.
    Can a non ottoxoic drug cause a spike? I think benedryl May be spiking my t? I didn't take and it went town. Took last night and loud again
    Annoyed that I was doing so good now I'm back to being annoyed/bothered :(
    I'm having trouble too, Shelby. I hope we both get back on track.
    When you talk on the phone do you do anything special? I feel like my phone ear is louder?
    New Guy
    Same here, speaker only, lower the volume as much as possible and hold the phone in front of my face, not next to my ear, in case it gets loud.
    I use an external speaker for long calls. I find the noise of my phone built-in speaker a bit aggressive to my ears.
    I also use speaker phone only. I actually got my T from a phone, so I no longer press noise-creating devices against my ears.
    So stressed about Covid. I still have fluid behind my ear drum and I'm worried I'll get an ear infection again when I get sick
    There's no gurantee that you'll get sick. Wash your hands, be socially distant.
    Hang in there!
    I've been doing a lot better with my tinnitus lately but for some reason feels or is louder. Hope this is temporary!
    Scratched my ear canal like an idiot.... uhm? I guess dab some alcohol on it?
    Bill Bauer
    Be careful! Alcohol is ototoxic (as is polysporin, as is hydrogen peroxide)... I guess as long as it doesn't get on the other side of your eardrum, you ought to be ok. So if you use it, make sure for it to all go into the wound, and for no drop to roll down your ear canal.
    I can't get my Eustachian tubes to open. I want the fluid from my ear infection to drain already.... it's been a month at least
    I wonder what it'd be like to suddenly have my tinnitus go away..... I think I would be scared something was wrong with me...
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