Recent content by Sleaford Mod

  1. S

    I suffered no side effects or withdrawal symptoms after I stopped taking Rivotril. It has not...

    I suffered no side effects or withdrawal symptoms after I stopped taking Rivotril. It has not returned for over two years. Also have extremely loud, bilateral tinnitus but a stoic attitude is all that helps with that.
  2. S

    Hi Biaxca, my symptom consisted of a sporadic thump in my left ear that would happen a couple of...

    Hi Biaxca, my symptom consisted of a sporadic thump in my left ear that would happen a couple of times a minute. It took about 3 months to resolve on the couple of occasions that I had it for a while. I was treated by Gerald Brookes, a Harley Street consultant who knows about the condition. He...
  3. S

    Unleashing the Power of the Mind to Manage Tinnitus?

    Not sure if this will be of any use to anyone but it's what I do for severe (though not catastrophic), very loud tinnitus (I don't have hyperacusis) that is bilateral and consists of several tones, as well as for mild but chronic paint. The approach is easy to learn (by Googling 'shikantaza')...
  4. S

    2020 US Presidential Election

    And a second term of Trump is the solution? Slightly abbreviated extract from Ian Hughes's highly acclaimed book Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities Are Destroying Democracy. Can’t think who this reminds me of. 'The characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder are...
  5. S

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Inflation, eh? Maybe an economic history lesson is in order, starting with the UK (because that's where I am). Thatcher got elected on the back of the Saatchi slogan 'Labour Isn't Working'. This is because there was, at that time, one million unemployed in the UK. For Friedman and Hayek (the...
  6. S

    How to Habituate to Tinnitus

    Veterans like myself and Michael Leigh are well aware that there’s nothing out there right now apart from TRT, CBT and MBCT. So I am not sure that he can be accused of ‘gloating’ in pointing out a state of affairs that is as true today as it was 15 years ago (when I first developed severe...
  7. S


    I missed this earlier post of yours. What surprises me about it is the fact that it was recommended that one should make tinnitus the actual object of meditation. I have serious reservations about that. To me it seems masochistic (or tantric if you happen to be familiar with that strain of...
  8. S


    Chinmoku, you are such a star! And it’s a real shame that the stunning, evocative post that you have contributed has to appear in a necessarily debilitating forum of this nature. I have to state categorically that I hate the universe for compelling us to interact in this manner. Have just...
  9. S


    Chinmoku, I sincerely apologise if any of my earlier posts, especially the one about Kent Taylor, caused you discomfort in any way. I have the highest regard for you and regret - even temporarily - staking out a position that is different from your own. As far as I am concerned - and this is...
  10. S


    When TRT is presented as exceptionless dogma, I would very much agree. However, this is not the position I have taken in previous replies to this thread. My view is somewhat more pragmatic, in the sense that it seems to work for some people. That’s all that I am claiming.
  11. S


    You know what, Chinmoku? I am tired of disagreement and will readily bow out of this thread and this forum in deference to you guys. But there’s a slightly weird reason for doing so in your case. I just happen to know that ‘chinmoku’ means ‘silence’ in Japanese (having lived in the country in...
  12. S


    He was suffering from additional, post COVID-19 symptoms that your disingenuous post conveniently overlooks.
  13. S


    Years ago I had an operation for an umbilical hernia which was treated by the insertion of a a surgical mesh. A couple of days afterwards I encountered a forum with threads that warned off all-comers as to the dangers of having this procedure performed. Having yet to personally experience the...
  14. S


    This is me writing several years ago: "I certainly have profound suicidal ideations. Now my tinnitus fluctuates between being extremely loud and off the scale. It's just day after day of searing, squealing, hissing madness. Basically, I just don't understand what people are going on about when...
  15. S

    Going to Football Match at Wemble Stadium with Earplugs and Earmuffs — Will My Hearing Be Safe?

    They might well be (as Digital Doc has also suggested). I have never tried the foam ones so I can't compare, though I did wear wax earplugs to a gig once and pretty much all I could sense were vibrations of sound through my feet. To be honest, overnight I have found myself regretting having...