2020 US Presidential Election

El Salvador President tweeted, asking if the US is intentionally destroying itself from within.

So far, no MSM source has covered it but many alternative news sites have reported it.

It's peculiar that even Central Americans recognize something sinister and shady is going on (in Western First World countries) but of course, the MSM sugarcoats things or ignores it entirely.
The United States now has 896,000 COVID-19 deaths. Biden promised during his campaign, to end the COVID-19 Crisis. He said that any President with the number of deaths at that time, which was 220,000 in October 2020, should not be in office. He now has about half a million more deaths since January of 2021 when he was inaugurated. Soon, the total number of U.S. COVID-19 fatalities will reach one million. The United States is in last place for COVID-19 control success.

If he had a drop of honesty or self-respect, he would resign, immediately, from the office of POTUS.

Those that voted for him are responsible for this.
They prefer to be bailed out? Where's the money going to come from when everyone is beyond broke? Print even more? Well, that would lead to even more inflation, and if we carry on with this nonsense we'll end up seeing hyperinflation creeping into some countries, just like we saw in Germany, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and many other countries. People need to understand what is happening in the world as these ridiculous solutions are nonsensical. What we have is an epic unsustainable fiat bubble.
People will have to earn less. People who are not productive, and Spain is full of them. People who live moonlighting or doing deals under the table, and not declaring their profits.

Many of them will be wiped out by the current economic crisis anyway. Without tax statements, those people will not be able to get any benefits, or only very smalls amounts as subsidies.

The COVID-19 and the economic crisis also destroyed a good chunk of the underground economy.

Anyways, as for the US, I think the FED will have no option but raising interest rates and reducing its balance sheet. That's going to kill the NASDAQ, but anyway those billionaires do not pay any tax, so who cares...
Biden and his lockdowns have destroyed lives and businesses, and a new John Hopkins study claims that lockdowns accomplished practically nothing, in terms of helping to curb COVID-19 deaths.

A Johns Hopkins study says 'ill-founded' lockdowns did little to limit COVID deaths
The researchers say lockdowns had no noticeable effect on COVID mortality and had a "devastating effect" on economies and social ills.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have concluded that lockdowns have done little to reduce COVID deaths but have had "devastating effects" on economies and numerous social ills.

The study, titled "A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality," said lockdowns in Europe and the U.S. reduced COVID-19 deaths by 0.2 percent.

Read more here:

The researchers say lockdowns had no noticeable effect on COVID mortality and had a "devastating effect" on economies and social ills.
You have to be kidding. Lockdowns are what contained the pandemic when it was out of control and there were not any treatments for COVID-19.
In the 1960's, Malcolm X was 100% correct about Democrats using lies and false promises to get black votes, and the Biden administration has done the same exact thing. He has failed virtually all communities, especially those who supported him the most.

Biden has given blacks the opposite of prosperity, safety and security
By Gianno Caldwell
February 5, 2022

The 2020 political cycle was arguably the most divisive in American history. Friends and family withdrew to partisan corners, and decades-long relationships ended. I experienced this myself, as people I knew for years suddenly treated me as a pariah simply for being conservative.

Read the entire article here:

Peter Thiel left Facebook and Paypal and shares plummeted. The guy is also behind Palantir, and he is controversial for using a tax instrument designed to help the middle class save to hide massive gains on stocks not paying any tax.

Peter Thiel, PayPal founder and Trump ally, to step down from Meta board

Thiel, a major donor to the Republican party, was seen by critics as part of the reason why Facebook did not censor Trump


Billionaire Peter Thiel amasses $5bn tax-free nest egg in retirement account

ProPublica reveals files on other billionaires' tax-free savings

Roth IRAs were originally intended for middle-class Americans

Trying to think of things that you "like" about Biden, is almost impossible as evidenced by this poll which was posted today on CNN, a network which supported him.

CNN Poll: Most Biden detractors say he's done nothing they like since becoming president
February 10, 2022

(CNN)Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there's literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of. The finding, from CNN Poll conducted by SSRS in January and February, highlights the entrenched politics driving the nation at the start of the midterm year, with little agreement across party lines on priorities for the government or how to handle the coronavirus pandemic.

The President's ratings have fallen across the board, the survey found. Just 41% approved of the way he's handling his job while 58% disapproved, a significant drop from his approval numbers.

Read more here:

US inflation surges to 7.5% in fastests annual rise in 40 years.

Inflation by itself will kick Joe Biden out of office.
Inflation, eh?

Maybe an economic history lesson is in order, starting with the UK (because that's where I am).

Thatcher got elected on the back of the Saatchi slogan 'Labour Isn't Working'. This is because there was, at that time, one million unemployed in the UK. For Friedman and Hayek (the economists who Republicans tend to favour), the focus of macroeconomic theory should be on controlling inflation. So Thatcher raised interest rates. This should lower demand as it then costs more to borrow money. Unfortunately, those higher interest rates attracted foreign capital, driving up the value of the British pound and making British exports uncompetitive.

The result was a huge recession. Unemployment soared to 3.3 million people, a significant chunk of British manufacturing was destroyed, and many traditional industrial centres were devastated.

Reaganomics didn't work either. As in the UK, interest rates were jacked up in an attempt to reduce inflation. Between 1979 and 1981, interest rates more than doubled from around 10% to over 20% per year. A significant proportion of the US manufacturing industry, which had already been losing ground to Japanese and other foreign competition, could not withstand such an increase in financial costs. The traditional industrial heartland in the Midwest was turned into 'the Rust Belt'.

Neoliberals subscribe to what is known as the D-L-P formula (De-regulation of the economy, Liberalisation of trade and industry, Privatisation of state owned enterprises). Financial deregulation in the US at this time laid the foundation for the unstable and morally egregious financial system we have today, which involves hostile takeovers, asset stripping, and so on. To avoid this fate, firms at the time of Reagan had to deliver profits faster than before, otherwise impatient shareholders would sell up, reducing the share prices and thus exposing the firm to a greater danger of takeover. The easiest way for a company to deal with this was through downsizing, reducing the workforce, cutting overheads and minimizing investments, even though these actions diminish the competitiveness of the business in the longer term.

Here's a damning statistic from Cambridge economist Ha Joon Chang: '...distributed profits as a share of total US corporate profits stood at 35-45 per cent between the 1950's and 1970's. Between 2001 and 2010, the largest US companies distributed 94% of their profits [to shareholders] and the top UK companies 89% of their profits.'

And here's another: '...in the UK, the average period of shareholding, which had already fallen from 5 years in the mid 1960's to two years in the 1980's, plummeted to about 7.5 months at the end of 2007.'

The D-L-P formula has also proved disastrous for developing economies too. One of the latest examples is India (often held up as a neoliberal economic success story) where 250,000 farmers have committed suicide because of what the novelist Arundhati Roy has called the 'Privatisation of Everything.' For the back story on that, read her book Capitalism: A Ghost Story.

Let's also consider the instability of the financial markets that has been a consequence of the deregulation of them.

Start of 1990's - banking crises in Sweden, Finland and Norway
1994/95 - 'Tequila' crisis in Mexico
1997 - crises in 'miracle' economies in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea
1998 - Russian crisis
1999 - Brazilian crisis
2002 - Argentina
2008 - We all know about that one

Virtually no country was in banking crisis between the end of the Second World War and the mid-1970's, when the financial sector was more regulated. Between the mid-1970's and the late 1980's, the proportion of countries who experienced a banking crisis rose to 5 to 10%, weighted by their share of world income. The proportion then shot up to around 20% in the mid-1990's. The ratio then briefly fell to zero for a few years in the mid-2000s, but went up again to 35% following the 2008 global financial crisis.

Now let's move on to look at the consequences for mental health of decades of neoliberalism, taking Mark Fisher as an example, along with teaching as a profession.

Fisher notes in Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative that a correlation has been found between rising rates of mental distress and illness and neoliberal economics as practised in the UK, USA and Australia. For example, in Britain, depression is now, Fisher claims, the condition that is most treated by the NHS. He argues that this is due to the instability of the modern working environment, in which there is no longer any long term job security.

The pressures of constant evaluations that employees are repeatedly subjected to additionally results in an unprecedented level of bureaucracy and excessive paperwork ,which mainly involves employees having to prove that they are doing their jobs properly. Fisher sometimes refers to this process as 'Market Stalinism', as it is more readily associated with planned economies like the ones favoured by Marx, which are typically criticised for being excessively bureaucratic.

In state sector of UK teaching (arguably a laboratory for the application of free market principles), rigidly formatted and excessively detailed lesson planning is one manifestation of this bureaucracy at work and is part of the machinery of self-surveillance (as the documentation evidences the efficacy of the teaching). However, given that teachers these days are held to account for pupil's public examination performances, the teaching itself tends to be geared passing the examinations. Narrowly focused 'exam drills' replace a wider engagement with subjects.

Meanwhile, when it comes to pupils, Fisher states that 'it is not an exaggeration to say that being a teenager in late capitalist Britain is now close to being classified as a sickness.' One reason for this is, of course, because teaching to the test requires pupils to be constantly tested and evaluated.

Additionally, families are buckling under the pressure of a neoliberalism that requires both parents to work (and frequently to work long hours as neoliberalism promotes a 24/7 working culture). A consequence of this is that teachers are now increasingly required to act as surrogate parents, as profferers of pastoral and emotional support for pupils who, in some cases, are only minimally socialized.

Fisher goes on to conclude that, 'The 'mental health plague' in capitalist societies would suggest that, instead of being the only social system that works, capitalism is inherently dysfunctional.'

He isn't a lone voice, either. Paul Verhaeghe has taken a very similar line in his book What About Me? The Struggle for Identity in a Market Based Economy. And, of course, Erich Fromm did something similar decades ago in his book The Sane Society.

Lastly, Wilkinson and Pickett have provided a statistical foundation for the above arguments in their well-known publication The Spirit Level, and also in their newest book, The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and Improve Everyone's Well-Being. According to their research, in societies where there is more of a gap between rich and poor, levels of trust between citizens tend to be lower, people have fewer friends, more people tend to suffer from mental health issues and obesity, and levels of self-reported happiness are lower.

The last time I checked, the USA was found to be lagging behind less economically unequal countries on the following social and health indicators:

Physical health

Mental health

School success rates

Trusting others


Drug addiction

Violence and murder

Rates of imprisonment

Chances of escaping poverty

Early or unwanted pregnancy

Infant mortality

The well-being of children in general

I could go on to explain why inflation isn't necessarily an issue unless it gets beyond a certain point, but maybe this brief survey of the bigger picture will hopefully do for now.
Inflation by itself will kick Joe Biden out of office.
And a second term of Trump is the solution?

Slightly abbreviated extract from Ian Hughes's highly acclaimed book Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities Are Destroying Democracy.

Can't think who this reminds me of.

'The characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder are well-known: a grandiose sense of self-importance or uniqueness; an exhibitionistic need for constant attention and admiration; a lack of empathy and an inability to recognize how others feel; disregard for the personal integrity and rights of others; and relationships marked by a sense of entitlement and the exploitation of others...whose minds are structured to convince them of their own superiority and for whom the idea of equality is literally inconceivable.

...Narcissists love and admire themselves for qualities for which there is no adequate foundation. Their apparent self-confidence arises from the fact that their mental stability depends on their believing in, and projecting an image of superiority...As the myth [of Narcissus] conveys, the core of narcissistic personality disorder is the obsession with an image of perfection and the absence of an authentic sense of self-worth. The narcissist's deep insecurity compels him to engage in continual exhibitionism, seeking constant attention and approval. But like the child who fears his exhibitionism will be met with ridicule, the narcissist is constantly living in fear of humiliation and shame. Should his perfect image of himself be exposed as a sham, he, like Narcissus, would die of sadness. More often, however, he flies into fits of narcissistic rage in order to keep his unstable personality structure intact.

A quirk of their psychology also means that narcissists can come across as intelligent and articulate. Because of their absolute conviction that they are always right, narcissists seldom trouble themselves with understanding other people's views. They are often incapable of listening and synthesising others' ideas with their own in order to create something new. Bereft of creativity, they excel as masters of destruction. In discussion and debate, their objective is not to reach a rational or objective conclusion, or to work together to reach a compromise. Their objective is simply to demonstrate their own superiority...Generally, narcissists do not hold onto any particular belief or consistent position...They can therefore constantly shift their stated position and adhere to this altered position as doggedly as before.

This combination of rigid certainty (they are superior to others and therefore must be right) and blatant inconsistency (shifting their position moment to moment) makes it extremely difficult for others to counteract their arguments. As a result, narcissists often come across as being intelligent, articulate and skilful negotiators - the ultimate triumph of style over substance.

The narcissist's belief that they are always right and others are always wrong means that they invariably dismiss other people's arguments with contempt. Anyone who dares to disagree with them shows themselves to not only be intellectually inferior but also as having the impertinence to question their superior knowledge. They are therefore likely to react to anyone who challenges them with active or passive aggression...

Narcissists exert a disproportionate influence on society because a number of characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder means that they are more likely to reach positions of authority than those with normal psychology. Their abiding self-confidence, their absolute certainty in their beliefs and abilities, and their sense of entitlement to positions of authority over others, means that they pursue power and authority with a passion that most others like. Their energy, doggedness, and drive - which masks an overpowering need to triumph and an inability to accept defeat - often propel them to positions of power.'

The USA is, of course, suffering from an epidemic of narcissism. In 1951, 12% of young people between 14 and 16 agreed with the statement, 'I am an important person'. By 1989, this percentage had risen to 80%. A further analysis of tens of thousands of questionnaires showed that 93% of high school students had a considerably higher narcissism score in the year 2000 than in 1980, while in 2006, one student out of four fulfilled the conditions for being qualified as narcissistic, and one out of ten was found to be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder.

And Donald Trump is a veritable champion of narcissism. one who exhibits his name in huge, gilded letters on all the buildings and skyscrapers that he owns, on his private jet, on his university buildings, and elsewhere. So his election and popularity should come as no surprise. He once declared, 'Show me someone without an ego and I'll show you a loser.'

But this claim is false. It has been observed that high school students who retain too high an opinion of themselves have grades that decline year on year, and the percentage of those among them who abandon their studies is higher than average. An excess of self-confidence leads them to think that they know everything. Consequently, they are neither motivated nor persevering.
And Donald Trump is a veritable champion of narcissism. one who exhibits his name in huge, gilded letters on all the buildings and skyscrapers that he owns, on his private jet, on his university buildings, and elsewhere. So his election and popularity should come as no surprise. He once declared, 'Show me someone without an ego and I'll show you a loser.'
I totally agree. I do not like Donald Trump at all, but Biden is digging his own political grave.

The epitaph will read "he did not act against rampant inflation!" :LOL:
The epitaph will read "he did not act against rampant inflation!" :LOL:
I don't like Biden at all. I think he's been utterly useless, but controlling inflation is out of his remit. That is the job of the Federal Reserve who are supposed to be independent and apolitical.
I don't like Biden at all. I think he's been utterly useless, but controlling inflation is out of his remit. That is the job of the Federal Reserve who are supposed to be independent and apolitical.
Central banks refuse to do their jobs. This is Christine Lagarde talking about a real estate bubble in Europe that she could solve raising interest rates. She does not need to "recommend" anything or "warn"; Lagarde only needs to do her job!!

Watchdog sounds alarm on financial risks of Europe's property boom

Banks at risk from soaring prices, loosening lending standards and rising household debt levels

House prices in the EU have grown well ahead wages and gross domestic product in the bloc

Europe's financial regulators are warning the region's housing market has "decoupled" from the rest of the economy since the pandemic hit, increasing risks for banks due to soaring property prices, loosening lending standards and rising household debt levels.

The European Systemic Risk Board, the authority responsible for monitoring and preventing dangers to the European financial system, signalled its concern on Friday by calling on seven of the 30 countries it oversees to take action to curb the risks created by surging house prices.

Fuelled by low interest rates, residential property prices in the EU rose 9.2 per cent in the year to September 2021 — the fastest growth since just before the 2008 financial crisis and well ahead of growth in both European wages and gross domestic product.

Yet when the pandemic began in 2020, most European financial regulators removed measures designed to increase banks' resilience to a potential correction in housing markets by building up extra capital in good times so they can absorb losses in a crisis.

As the European Central Bank prepares to tighten monetary policy in response to multi-decade high levels of inflation, borrowing costs are set to rise for housebuyers, which could depress prices and make it harder for some households to keep up with payments on variable-rate mortgages.

On Friday, the ESRB called on Germany and Austria to introduce more safeguards — such as capping borrowers' debt at a set multiple of their income and forcing lenders to have more capital. It also warned Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Liechtenstein about increasing housing market risks.

The "key vulnerabilities" it identified included "rapid house price growth and possible overvaluation of residential real estate, the level and dynamics of household indebtedness, the growth of housing credit and signs of a loosening of lending standards".

Decisions by the ESRB, chaired by ECB president Christine Lagarde, are not binding. It can only issue warnings and recommendations to countries about the need to act over housing market risks, as it has done since 2016.

EU households increased their debt as a proportion of incomes to 107.2 per cent in the first quarter of 2021, up from 101.9 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2019.

The ESRB said housing market risks were also elevated in Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Luxembourg — where household debt levels were the highest — exceeding 180 per cent of income in all five countries. But it issued recommendations to four of those countries in 2019 and thinks Norway has taken sufficient measures already.

Both Germany and Austria have already received the ESRB findings and responded with plans to introduce some of the measures it recommended. German banks will need to have €22bn of extra capital buffers by next year based on the size of their domestic assets and their residential mortgage exposure — though most already meet the requirements.

Austrian authorities plan to introduce legally binding rules limiting the mortgages people can borrow in relation to their income and the value of a property as well as how long they have to pay it back, after many banks ignored non-binding "sustainable lending standards".

Neither country went as far as recommended by the ESRB. Germany did not introduce limits on mortgage lending, while Austria decided against requiring banks to build up extra capital, known as a countercyclical buffer.

Claudia Buch, vice-president of Germany's central bank, told the Financial Times last month that if the country's banks did not "think twice" about the recent trend for some to provide mortgages for the entire value of a property with little or no deposit, they could face legally binding limits on how much they can lend against a property.
All the stimulus money went into assets because currencies were being rampantly debased. Do we never learn from history? Our governments need to take a close look at what happened to the Roman Empire.

Rich people would rather park their money in real estate than see their purchasing power diminish at a rate of 15-20% a year. And that's partly why property prices soared around the world. It's just basic economics.

The central banks have been reprehensible in creating this mess. It's time for a financial revolution that is more inclusive and not reliant upon a few people making decisions that affect the entire world. It's madness. They can print money at will and reduce the value of a working persons salary in a single stroke, and we allow them to have this power over us. Why? Times have moved on and we have the technology now to do so much better!
Claudia Buch, vice-president of Germany's central bank, told the Financial Times last month that if the country's banks did not "think twice" about the recent trend for some to provide mortgages for the entire value of a property with little or no deposit, they could face legally binding limits on how much they can lend against a property.
By the way, the German central bank is a partner of Ocean Protocol.
Many of our thoughts of CPI on this page became more of a reality on Thursday and Friday as the markets were hit.

I mentioned that financial markets were going and were being hit in last two days of previous week on the General Market Discussion thread. That shorting indexes and energy (oil) was the play.

To view the General Market Discussion thread and investments, one must have made a donation to Tinnitus Talk. I will give updated thoughts with investing this Sunday night on the General Market thread.

Hoping that my partner @Ed209 will join in.
The central banks have been reprehensible in creating this mess.
It's in their hands to fix it, in the hand of Powell and Lagarde. They just have to raise interest rates. If the Americans are wise they will raise their rates first and all the money will be "parked" in American debt.

And then Lagarde, despite her obvious incompetence and reluctance to do her job, will raise interest rates in the Eurozone.
Biden has a black unemployment rate that is twice the number of whites. For this, and a number of reasons, he is losing his base of support from this very important group of voters. Most Democrats of various backgrounds do not want him to run again in 2024, which is unheard of for a president within his own party after only one year in office.

Black voters are fleeing Biden in droves. Here's why

President Biden's poll numbers have been stunningly bad lately. The most recent CNN poll has him at 58 percent disapproval, 41 percent approval. In December, Biden was at 49 percent approval in the same poll. And among those who disapprove of his performance, 56 percent say the president didn't accomplish anything in his first year of which they approve.

To be fair, President Trump's poll numbers were similarly dismal at this stage of his presidency. But there are two major differences:

1) Trump's polls could be largely explained by a special counsel's investigation into possible Russia collusion and the 2016 election (which ultimately led nowhere).

2) Trump's base, those who strongly supported him, was infinitely stronger and more reliable than Biden's current base, which at just 15 percent strongly approving ain't much of a base at all.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democrats don't even want Joe Biden to run again in 2024, with just 48 percent supporting the idea. This is unheard of after just one year.

Two more big numbers to consider: Less than 7-in-10 Black voters (69 percent) support the 46th president. This is significant, because more than 9-in-10 Black voters (92 percent) voted for him in 2020.

So, we're talking about an almost 25-point drop in a relatively short period of time. Inflation obviously is playing a huge role here, with the Wall Street Journal estimating that the higher price of goods is costing families an extra $276 per month, or an additional $3,300 or so annually. Many poor and middle-income families and single parents and individuals simply cannot afford that while living paycheck-to-paycheck.

It bears repeating: Joe Biden won the Democratic nomination for president because he wasn't Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and won the general election because he wasn't Donald Trump.

But his handlers thought he had a big mandate to be the next FDR, to radically change the country by expanding government in ways never seen before. Trillions in new spending have already been signed into law. Trillions more were proposed via Build Back Better, with the administration arguing that such spending would reduce inflation and the deficit, which makes zero sense.

Sensible Americans, including two key members of Biden's own party in Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), rejected the radical proposal. Ultimately, many voters, some suffering from Trump fatigue that came from non-stop drama in the White House, just wanted a return to normalcy, and not a jump to a socialist America.

And now we're seeing an administration like a rudderless ship at sea, seemingly with no port.

Read more here:
The level of gun violence in America, during the Biden administration, has risen to levels not seen in decades. Biden promised to make things better. He has not only failed to enact legislation that might have helped, he has apparently made it worse. This seems to be a pattern with him, as evidenced with his failure to control COVID-19.

Gun control advocates 'disappointed' with President Biden
Survivors of a school shooting that left 17 people dead have said they are "disappointed" in President Joe Biden's lack of action on gun control.

Monday marks four years since a teen gunman killed 14 students and three teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Mr Biden marked the date by highlighting action to reduce gun crime taken during his first year in office.

But frustrated activists say it is too little.

"They ran on one of the most comprehensive plans to reduce gun violence," Igor Volsky, executive director of Guns Down America, told CNN.

"The fact that they haven't done everything in their power is absolutely unacceptable."

Read more here:

I find it grotesque that some Trump supporters are trying to find far-fetched arguments to criticise Biden when there is an inflation of 7,5% (official data), which means there may be a real inflation of at least 15%... :ROFL:

Inflation by itself will kick Biden out of the White House.
Biden started a national crime wave by supporting the defunding of police, now he is singing a different tune. Americans need safety, and his actions have not provided this. The citizens who voted for him are being slaughtered in the streets, we have been overrun with illegals that Biden brought in, many of them working for criminal enterprises and now he's saying that he's tough on crime. He goes back and forth, accomplishing nothing other than making matters worse.

From the article below:

As a senator, Biden helped write several major pieces of anti-crime legislation, including a 1994 omnibus bill that academics and many elected officials in both parties now say paved the way for an era of mass incarceration of Black Americans.

Can Biden tackle rising crime without abandoning police reform promise?
A Gallup survey showed only 24% of Americans were satisfied with efforts to 'reduce or control crime', the lowest it's been

Read more here:
Trump accountant has said that financial statements "could no longer be relied upon"

The Financial Times says "letter from former president's lontime accounting firm disclosed by New York attorney-general"

It seems former president has been lying for a long long time. Basically that's why Trump has been hiding his tax statements... the IRS should look into this.
While the president is spending all of his time worrying about other countrie's borders, he has left ours wide open to drug smugglers and other dangerous criminals. Kamala Harris, who was supposed to do something about this, has done nothing.

As fentanyl deaths double, Kamala Harris ignores the drugs pouring over the southern border
By Carrie Sheffield February 15, 2022

Fentanyl deaths have doubled in two years, and black men are seeing the biggest increases in drug overdoses. So why isn't Vice President Kamala Harris doing something about the illicit drugs coming into the country through the southern border?

When the Biden administration assumed power, it promised us that Harris, who is of black and South Asian descent, was a new type of revolutionary champion for people of color, especially black Americans. And the president put her in charge of one of the country's biggest crises (albeit one of his own making), as record numbers of illegal immigrants and drug traffickers have swamped the southern border.

It's clear she's failing — and with deadly consequences.

Shockingly, Harris doesn't seem jolted by the fact that fentanyl overdoses are the top cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 45 — more deadly than car accidents, cancer and suicide. Drug overdoses are also more fatal in this prime age group than COVID-19.

While the Biden administration continues to push ineffective policies and COVID fearmongering, people are dying in isolation and desperation from drug overdoses.

Harris would rather send "safe-smoking kits" to Americans to "promote racial equity" than stop foreigners from smuggling deadly drugs over the border.

Read more here:

I have had a lot of fun reading this week's Time magazine, which includes an article on the "US housing crisis" and includes a brief account of the careers and antics of Marcia Fudge, head of the HUD, in charge of US housing policy.

It has been amusing to read that Mrs Fudge has talked to a loooot of people, and visited like 30 cities in a few months... but she forgot to talk to Jerome Powell, the person responsible for creating the biggest housing bubble in US history! :ROFL:

The Time magazine's article beats around the bush and talks about a bunch of nonsense, budget restrictions, minorities, 3D-printed houses... all you can think of. It is just short of speaking about the possibility of creating a colony in Mars and building skyscrapers there.

However, the Time's article does not devote a single word to the role of the FED and of Jerome Powell in the housing bubble! :LOL:
Biden's first great failure was Afghanistan. Even the liberal, Democrat-favoring Washington Post is aware of this. Biden is apparently not even aware of how badly he handed this situation, which is very, very disturbing. He is probably going to be thought of the worst President in over one hundred years. In fact, many people think today he is the worst President, of all time, and I am not sure that they are wrong.

Opinion: Biden should stop passing the buck on the Afghanistan debacle
By Max Boot
Columnist Washington Post
Feb 15 2022

After the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961, President John F. Kennedy did not insist that the operation actually went about as well as expected or try to shift the blame to the Cuban exiles. Instead, the White House issued this statement: "President Kennedy has stated from the beginning that as President he bears sole responsibility. ... The President is strongly opposed to anyone within or without the administration attempting to shift the responsibility."

Read more, here:


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