Recent content by Smeef

  1. Smeef

    Will My Tinnitus Be Permanent?

    It was for a band called Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker or USS for short. They're music is kinda loud but nothing that would make your ears hurt during the concert
  2. Smeef

    Will My Tinnitus Be Permanent?

    Thanks for the advice guys. I'm gonna make sure that I am more careful in the future
  3. Smeef

    Will My Tinnitus Be Permanent?

    Hello everyone, I feel like it might be a bit of an overreaction, but I just want to get some advice from people who have Tinnitus. I went to a concert on Saturday, January 21, 2017. I was up close to the front of the stage, with a speaker only a few feet away from my head. And, being a...
  4. Smeef

    Hopefully it's temporary...

    Hopefully it's temporary...