Recent content by SoulStation

  1. SoulStation

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    I take both benzo 1 mg klonopin / 20 mg lexapro daily and 1200 mg NAC no problems no help either
  2. SoulStation

    Keep Getting New Sounds, One After Another

    I have a Symphony of tones... I've lost track of them but I find paying them heed is bad. Sometimes they come and go. But mostly they're always there. Try clonazapam in small doses when you need relief ... Just don't do it daily.
  3. SoulStation

    Deaf Singer Mandy Harvey Wows Crowd on America's Got Talent

    That's amazing. I think I actually started crying. Being a musician too.
  4. SoulStation

    Inspiral Carpets Drummer Killed Himself After 20 Years of 'Unbearable' Tinnitus

    Really? I'd love to see that video. I assumed his wasn't that bad.
  5. SoulStation

    Never Forget to Plug'em

  6. SoulStation

    New Low-Bass Tone. Please Help.

    You're not a pussy. T is a monster bitch and we are strong to get through it. I'm not trying to blow smoke up your ass. And I've had a hell of a bad day. I've got so many different tones ive lost count. But the bass tone can get better . Mine goes through phases but it's always there. Bad...
  7. SoulStation

    New Low-Bass Tone. Please Help.

    It was destroying my life. But it hasn't gone away. I as I write this it's booming. You're right, it sucks the biggest balls in the world but listen, it can get better. Do you have any meds? Maybe rivitrol or Ativan to take the edge off? Please respond. Don't go we don't know what is on the...
  8. SoulStation

    New Low-Bass Tone. Please Help.

  9. SoulStation

    New Low-Bass Tone. Please Help.

    Please please please don't abandon your family. Trust me I thought I was done for read my original post. Please respond. If you need to vent I'll talk with you. It gets easier.
  10. SoulStation

    New Low-Bass Tone. Please Help.

    Jesus Paulie stop. You can get through this please stop what you're doing now. l've had it for a long time and we can survive this shit. @billie48 @valeri
  11. SoulStation

    New Low-Bass Tone. Please Help.

    I feel like my higher tones are more annoying. But that's just me. The bass tone for waxes and wanes now a days. I feel your pain but you will get through it. Push on.
  12. SoulStation

    Benzos and Tinnitus: Help or Hindrance?

    I now take 2 mg of Klonopin daily for anxiety/T. I'm in the Northeast NY/CT area. USA
  13. SoulStation

    Aurex-3 Tinnitus Therapy Technology (ADM Tronics / Aurex International Corporation)

    It looks like just more residual inhibition based therapy with a fancy box.