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  • Just asking. If T is caused by TMJ disorder, it can never fade on its own and there are no supplements for it?
    Holistic medicine in a nutshell: You have tinnitus? Let's treat your ankle.
    At this point I'd be willing to try it
    @Jebbis they ask you 100$ for a session and they will give you herbs to treat the ankle and tell you to do some stupid chore like pour some garlic oil on your ass everyday for 6 months and tinnitus will fade.
    What is the difference between muffled hearing and hearing loss?
    If there is any difference, and this is based on my subjective reading, muffled hearing is a form of hearing loss that may be transient. I've seen people report it going away, however that is no guarantee.
    Anyone have serious explanation why HBOT is 3x more successful if sufferer hopes it will work than it won't? (Source: one study)
    Placebo, and it doesn't mean more successful, it means the patient thinks they've improved
    @Tezcatlipoca but what is also interesting is that it had 40% efficacy for those people who had neutral expectations and only 20% for those who thought it is snake oil.
    I read that ADs have much higher efficacy if patient is convinced it will help them. If only it worked for Ginkgo and tinnitus :D
    @Stanlex it can't, the placebo effect eventually wears off. Tinnitus from placebo is a whole different deal.
    I read an article a while back that I'm trying to dig up. Placebo effects are very powerful and real.
    @Sayeed I read that ADs have efficacy 65% if you stay positive that they will do shit and 35% only if you won't. So "thanksimcured" advices ironically cure people lol
    Is it even worth to do TRT in 2021 or use in-ear maskers 24/7 until a cure is found? Since TRT takes 2 yrs and a cure may be in 5-10 years
    I think its entirely up to you to decide what is worth it, as everyone experiences this condition differently. I think its important for you to find a realistic path to well being that fits you and your tinnitus. Truly hoping for your relief, friend.
    These articles in news like "Do you suffer from ringing in ears? You will get rid of it with X!" Like if tinnitus was acne.
    Sometimes I wish that X was a sawed-off shotgun in my mouth.
    Bill Bauer
    Americans are fortunate to have that as an option...
    It is not just the tinnitus noise. It is also about ear fullness and headaches which make me feel everyday like I was hit by a truck.
    If it was tinnitus alone it would be sooo much easier.
    Keith Handy
    Any combination of things is worse than any one thing, but I'd gladly push through all this fatigue in exchange for normal sound; be less inclined to do the opposite.
    Oh same! I have PT as well as "normal" T. The PT is caused by too much spinal fluid in my brain, squashing the transverse sinuses and not letting the blood drain properly. I know about headaches - bastard things!
    It's so bad there is no way how to objectively scan cochlea for noise damage. Hearing loss test is super ancient way to do it.
    Don't tell that to some people of this forum!
    @Tezcatlipoca I stopped giving a f about some people on this forum. When someone thinks he is God and tells everyone their T is noise induced no matter what just to make them buy expensive TRT, shame on them.
    Everytime when they talk in TV about some super rare chronic disease they say X needs money to go to operation in some big city. Why not T?
    Because this problem can't be solved with an operation.
    Because it's more like "x needs money to go to another country and receive experimental stem cell treatment"
    @Tezcatlipoca don't catch me by words. My point was that for most diseases there is some very expensive treatment that most can't afford but here it is not.
    ENT had no idea what I am talking about when I told him about my dysacusis symptoms. At least my audiogram test came back clear yay!
    I would like to specify, for some people that like to tell me I am a troublemaker, that I didn't tell him exactly "I have dysacusis". I just described my weird symptoms. Unfortunately, he didn't tell me anything about it. I feel so sad and hopeless. :(
    If I ever get better from T and D and ear fullness, I will jump on optimism and productivity wave so HUGE that nobody will stop me...
    Keith Handy
    SAAAAME. I will be a cannonball shooting out of a cannon (proverbial, without the blast sound of course).
    Weird how characters in GTA shoot with shotgun all the time (up to 160dB) and never get tinnitus.
    They get Prednisone when they respawn at the hospital.
    @aot and intratympanic Dexamethasone as well.
    I really want to thank everybody for their supportive wishes and messages today.
    We totally have your back on here @Stanlex. We know how shit this condition is. It's okay to feel so down and out about it. I sure as hell did in the beginning! But honestly, don't let it beat you. Knuckle down and study for those exams. If you can pass them with T, then you're a true boss! ;)
    Did the THI quiz. Got more than 80 points = cathastrophic handicap. Almost 3 months after onset. No, it does NOT get better.
    @Steph1710 I love your attitude towards the T. I know it is possible to study with this. I did that in the first month without problem. The problem came in next months when I fell to huge depression and apathy because it is not getting better. Also I'm nervous from planned doc visits and can't really focus on studying.
    @Steph1710 No, I think your posts are f*#&ing great ;) You write like I imagine you talk. Well done on passing your exams so soon after T onset - very inspirational. I would have struggled, but you're proof it can be done.
    @Tanni thank you :) <3 Put it this way, I hadn't studied for over two and a half years to give up three months before the end. Plus, it would have been a complete waste of money.
    Going to ENT next week with long term clogged ears and possibly tinnitus. Scared as hell he will find nothing wrong. Wish me luck please.
    @Sayeed I am searching now for specialized tinnitus clinics even outside my country. I also plan to visit some ENTs who say they specialize on treating T. I don't care about money in this phase
    @Sayeed I also want to visit some tinnitus clinic that does not offer TRT, because I fear they would lie to me it can't be treated and only way is TRT because bussiness. But if I will be completely examined and all will be good then maybe I try TRT but I hope I won't reach that point.
    Try an otologist maybe? I'm assuming you have already been down neurologist path?
    I start getting scared I will have to live with this horrible painful unhabituable tinnitus for life.
    I was playing with my right ear and got a fleeting tinnitus in that ear. Coincidence? I think not.
    For the past 24 hours I've been exposed to many unpredictable unavoidable very loud noises. So far so good, but I wait for a week at least.
    Bill Bauer
    If you don't get a spike the morning after the exposure to the noise, it is safe to assume that you will be ok.
    @Bill Bauer ok it looks like my T is still the same. I survived MRI, loud trains, trucks etc. I dare to start using headphones at this point.
    One of my last hopes is being diagnosed with ETD or I will fall into hell of uncertainty of idiopathic tinnitus.
    My tinnitus strengthens everytime I laugh. It's like devil reminding me "Hey, didn't you forget to suffer?"
    RIP to every new sufferer who googles "tinnitus treatment" and gets results like mindfullness, yoga, meditation...
    Starting to thing 80% of my dysacusis is just my paranoia and the suspicious noises really exist.
    Keith Handy
    If the tones are only there in certain places, near certain machines, they do exist; just not that prominently.
    @Keith Handy this is actually good idea to cope. It feels better knowing that you just hear some freqs louder than other people instead knowing that you hear bullshit tones.
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