Recent content by Stina

  1. Stina

    My Mum Seems to Believe Antidepressants Are the Cure

    Tinnitus does not cause your body any harm or indicate a serious health condition (in most cases). Its a problem for most people because it causes stress, anixiety, depression - eg. your mind. Tinnitus cant be treated nowadays but stress can and this is where antidepressants come in. They help...
  2. Stina

    Behold, My Hearing Test Results!

    I also have normal hearing according to the standard test. As LadyDi said, you may have hearing loss in higher frequencies. However, as far as I'm concerned a normal hearing test is positive news: it would be far worse if you had both hearing loss AND tinnitus!
  3. Stina

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    That is sad news given how many people had their hopes on this drug. However the advancements in medicine have been quite fast and most fields so hopefully ear related issues will catch up as well. I hope the people with loud tinnitus will find a way to cope and not give up hope. I am sure...
  4. Stina

    Do You Think I Can Still Practice Electric Guitar at Home?

    If you are able to hear your own normal speaking voice it can't be too loud :) Its an easy way to check.
  5. Stina

    Does It Actually "Go Away?"

    I dont think there is sufficient statistical data about how long tinnitus lasts but if you really want to know you should contact someone who is able to read and understand such papers. From my experience I would say that life rarely turns of the way we want to so instead of focusing on hoping...
  6. Stina

    Valdoxan Anyone? Any Other Medications That Help? CBN?

    I simply used valdoxan without other ADs and without sleeping pills. I suggest you speak to your doctor - morning depression can be a result of your depression, sleeping pills and/or valdoxan so only a doctor can give you the right advice.
  7. Stina

    Valdoxan Anyone? Any Other Medications That Help? CBN?

    It did but they only became noticeable after taking it regularly (1 pill every night) for 3-4 months. Valdoxan is not a sleeping pill, it is meant to be taken regularly and like other ADs will take time to start working. However people are different so its logical that one pill doesn't have the...
  8. Stina

    Valdoxan Anyone? Any Other Medications That Help? CBN?

    Ive been taking Valdoxan for about a year and about a week ago during I routine check I found out that it may have affected my liver as my bilirubin levels where a bit higher than normal. I haven't spoken to my doctor about it yet but in case anyone here takes Valdoxan make sure to get your...
  9. Stina

    Being Young with Tinnitus

    In general I agree with the statement of fear but does being brave really have to do with doing something that will very likely create a problem? Brave can mean accepting the consequences and not doing the thing you want to do. I think a person can figure out why they love loud events so much...
  10. Stina

    Being Young with Tinnitus

    Im 24 so Im also pretty young. I never really enjoyed clubbing or concerts so its not a big loss for me but after getting tinnitus I wouldn't even consider going to a loud event. I see people with tinnitus attending loud events and getting increases all the time. Some of them get the loudening...
  11. Stina

    For What Situations Do You Wear Earplugs? And How Has Your Tinnitus Progressed?

    My cause of tinnitus is the incurable condition called stupidity, eg. listening to loud music for years and years with my MP3 although my parents warned me about hearing loss. I haven't had an increase yet but it might come. I wear plugs in all situations that are too loud. I would advise you to...
  12. Stina

    Do You Consider Your Tinnitus a Disability?

    Exactly, Im investing into my future:D
  13. Stina

    Do You Consider Your Tinnitus a Disability?

    Well in the beginning it was quite a shock. I was used to getting conditions treated and this was the first one that couldn't be fixed. I was also developing generalized anxiety disorder at the time and hadn't realized it yet myself so that made matters worse... I guess I was (still am) young...
  14. Stina

    Do People That Have Tinnitus From Acoustic Trauma Tend to Have More Spikes?

    So little is known about tinnitus and I am not a doctor so I don't really understand it. But I think other causes such as taking certain medications and maybe even stress can damage nerves in the ear. Therefore I doubt people with acoustic trauma are more prone to increases (except for the fact...
  15. Stina

    Do You Consider Your Tinnitus a Disability?

    Well like with most chronic diseases it depends on the severity of the case. I have very mild tinnitus so no, it is not a disability. However, if it were loud and accompanied by hyperacusis i would consider it a disability.