Recent content by T Bone

  1. T

    Is This Hearing Loss?

    Yesterday I went to the ent to get my ears cleaned due to was buildup. Ever since I got both ears cleaned with the special tools they use not a syringe, my hearing in my right ear has been noticeably dull, which also increases the t in that ear as well. So I'm kinda worried because my ear is...
  2. T

    Having troubles equalizing my ears

    Hello, So I have just been getting over a head cold which has lasted about 4 days so far. Anyways this cold has taken a real toll on my ears as far as equalization goes. They have been so plugged these past days it's scary. Even when I go down a very small hill they plug up completely, I've...
  3. T

    How to Prepare for a Flight?

    Hello, I know that this question has been thrown out a lot on how to prep for a flight, but I just kinda want to narrow it down a bit. So basically I found out t have to fly to Vegas in about a month, and I'm not going to lie I'm pretty nervous about it since it will be the first one since...
  4. T

    Earplugs for Sports?

    It's not unusual for you t to spike after physical activity, that's the case for many. But it is something you would have to get used to, and I bet if you keep sticking with it you won't even notice the spikes as much.
  5. T

    Earplugs for Sports?

    Hello, I am a very competitive baseball player and I am around loud crowds/ loud music everyday, ( our stadium plays very loud music btw), and have never had any change in t. When I come home from a game my t is generally lower. My take on this is I think wearing earplugs in sports is very...
  6. T

    Question about ear popping

    Hello, I just have a quick question about popping the ears. Every morning when I get out of bed my ears feel a little bit full, I then plug my nose and very very gently Pop them, I do this only once a day, in the morning, do you think I should stop doing this? cause I've heard stories of people...
  7. T

    Tinnitus in Head vs in Ear

    Hello, I hear many people say that their t fully comes from their brain and not the ears. How can you tell if it's in your brain vs in your ears, is there a different feeling/ sound?
  8. T

    ahhhh the sounds of summer....

    I think that you are definetly over thinking it, just like lapidus seid previously if you have sensitivity, where talking about a whole nother thing, but those sounds that you described would have zero effect on further damage. Btw remember not to over use ear plugs, especially on everyday...
  9. T

    Minor concussion, major tinnitus increase

    Hi mark, My t was caused by a cold in the end of november of 2013.
  10. T

    Minor concussion, major tinnitus increase

    Hello thanks for the replies everyone, Im pretty sure the t is slowly going down to where it was, as far as working out goes its very on and off. Sometimes it spikes like crazy, other times not at all, even sometimes it decreases during/ after workouts. So maybe it's trying to still adjust, so I...
  11. T

    Minor concussion, major tinnitus increase

    Hello, About a week ago I got a minor concussion from baseball (very minor), and ever since then my tinnitus has increased a ton, especially after I work out it spikes like crazy and doesn't go down, my t hardly used to spike after workouts before, now after jogging it absolutely skyrocket. So...
  12. T

    Tinnitus Without Hearing Loss

    I know this question pops up quite a bit, but I just had my second hearing test today which was a more in depth one, and it showed absolutely no hearing loss, in fact above average hearing. So im really just confused of why my ears are ringing. Any ideas?
  13. T

    Any competitive/pro athletes out there with tinnitus?

    What sports do you play?
  14. T

    Any competitive/pro athletes out there with tinnitus?

    The trick is really just to say f*ck it, and and focus on the important task at hand, which is definetly not the t. That goes with anything not just baseball. I just have to learn to have that f*ck it attitude towards everything!
  15. T

    Any competitive/pro athletes out there with tinnitus?

    Ya baseball is no football or hockey as far as concussions go. My t has not affected my performance in any way, sometimes its worse then others like if its a cold day and I find myself focusing on it more, but if I'm healthy and it's a hot nice day, my t is almost non existent!