Recent content by UKBloke

  1. UKBloke

    Chit Chat and All That...

    ROCK 'N' FUCKIN' ROLL, E!!! I'm overjoyed for you. Nice timing too with Spring just around the corner. Much love to you and Mrs E.
  2. UKBloke

    A Proposed Method of Action for Tinnitus

    Thanks, Ann! :beeranimation: EDIT: It got pinged back: I found reference to his personal website with contact details on LinkedIn but that timed out. Dunno...
  3. UKBloke

    A Proposed Method of Action for Tinnitus

    I recently happened upon this paper authored by, Thomas Gisiger and Mounir Boukadoum, entitled: Mechanisms gating the flow of information in the cortex: what they might look like and what their uses may be Although there is no mention of tinnitus in the paper, the references to neural AND...
  4. UKBloke

    Chit Chat and All That...

    @Elmer B Fuddled, how you doing, E?
  5. UKBloke

    Episode 25: Tinnitus and Pain, One and the Same? — Prof. Peter McNaughton

    To be honest, I've largely skirted the "type of damage" debate because of the major problem I see with quantifying it. But I do think this is where Peter McNaughton's work can be interesting with, "temporary tinnitus after hearing damage", being a good example. We could have a case of...
  6. UKBloke

    LL-341070 Remyelination

    This recent study on mice discusses links between neuropathic pain and hyperacusis. There's evidently quite a bit of research into the role myelination plays in neuropathic pain so it looks like the common denominators are there whether it's visual or auditory systems.
  7. UKBloke

    Episode 25: Tinnitus and Pain, One and the Same? — Prof. Peter McNaughton

    Thank you @Markku, @Hazel and the rest of the team for another fascinating podcast. It was a great listen. I find Prof. McNaughton's ideas intriguing, and would echo what he said insofar as it's always good when someone new comes along and shakes up the field. Tinnitus as a peripheral...
  8. UKBloke

    Chit Chat and All That...

    Nearly there, E. At least the end's in sight.
  9. UKBloke

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Try following them on LinkedIn. Or subscribe to the UMich Innovation Partnerships newsletter.
  10. UKBloke

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Did anybody press him on that comment? I can't remember... I've just done what I felt I had to and acquaint myself with these processes since Neuromod really started to look like a serious contender six or seven years ago (or however long it was). Regarding the age of this thread, you're quite...
  11. UKBloke

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Based on 50% of the pivotal trial data being unusable. We don't need to know about that. 50% of the data is unusable. Whatever they have been working towards cannot now be delivered. Read the first line of my post again. Then consider the facts and weigh these against the balance of...
  12. UKBloke

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Obviously speculation, but based upon the available facts and balance of probability, this is the situation as I personally see it: Regarding trial criteria, the UMich team set the bar of clinically significant effect as low as possible. This is detailed in one of the post-trial Q&As Susan...
  13. UKBloke

    Metalworking, Noise Exposure, and Managing a Tinnitus Spike

    When tinnitus becomes severe, it can be a very cruel and demanding condition that few people, even those who "have tinnitus," can understand. You're doing the best you can. You have to keep living your life.
  14. UKBloke

    The Bionics Institute Claim They Have Found a Way of Objectively Measuring Tinnitus

    I'm not sure I agree with the argument about self-reporting anti-depressant efficacy and the absence of an external reference point. It's scarce for patients to exist in a bubble; those around a patient taking anti-depressants will notice improvements in their mental state when the medication is...
  15. UKBloke

    The Bionics Institute Claim They Have Found a Way of Objectively Measuring Tinnitus

    He made that comment about 5 years ago here. I like that Dr. Nagler posted on Tinnitus Talk, but I do take issue with that particular comment. If the volume doesn't closely relate to the level of irritation or intrusion, then we're back on that slippery slope to CBT. I don't discount CBT...