Recent content by Varda

  1. Varda

    Tinnitus Worsened by Azithromycin — Next Steps?

    @DebInAustralia, do you feel that you had any improvements after the gut treatment protocol?
  2. Varda

    Acoustic Reflex Measurement

    I’d like to add my report that I had an acoustic reflex test done, and that same evening, I experienced a worsening. I developed a new, distinct “crickets” sound, which lasted for about a month before fading. If you’re not familiar with an acoustic reflex test, it’s the one where they place...
  3. Varda

    Conflicting Info: Is Hydroxyzine (Atarax/Vistril) Ototoxic or Not?

    I just got a spike after taking Hydroxyzine.
  4. Varda

    Is Sertraline (Zoloft) Safe to Take with Tinnitus? (Trigger Warning: Mention of Suicidal Ideation)

    @delta784, if I’m reading your history correctly, this issue started for you around November 2024. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do except push through the first year. It should get a bit better over time, and you’ll gradually adjust. If you seek professional treatment, be...
  5. Varda

    Is Sertraline (Zoloft) Safe to Take with Tinnitus? (Trigger Warning: Mention of Suicidal Ideation)

    You will build a tolerance, and it will stop working, leading you to keep increasing the dose. Eventually, even higher doses will stop working. You may develop “benzo belly,” which interferes with digestion and causes IBS and other gastrointestinal issues. When you try (or are forced) to come...
  6. Varda

    Tinnitus from Weapons Fire in Army — I Have Been Silently Dealing with It for Years

    I believe there is a member here who had their auditory nerve severed during a tumor operation. It did not relieve their tinnitus symptoms. @Joe P. Tamborra, A Work in Progress: Living with Tinnitus
  7. Varda

    Got Tinnitus from Azithromycin (Z-Pack)

    10-Month Update The fever I mentioned in my previous post resolved without antibiotics, though I never found out what caused it. The eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) was quite severe for weeks. The feeling of waterlogged, pressurized ears was so unbearable that, out of desperation, I tried a...
  8. Varda

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    Do you remember which antibiotics you were taking? Were you on them at the time you had the MRI? There’s a chance the antibiotics might have contributed to harm to your auditory system, in addition to the acoustic trauma. I’m not saying this in a “you shouldn’t have” kind of way—it’s just that...
  9. Varda

    The Dangers of Microsuction

    It’s time to consult a lawyer and pursue a malpractice case against them.
  10. Varda

    Yours was steroids right? That seems weird because steroid injections seems to be a treatment...

    Yours was steroids right? That seems weird because steroid injections seems to be a treatment for hearing damage.
  11. Varda

    I think tinnitus sufferers should be given a small device that emits a radio frequency that...

    I think tinnitus sufferers should be given a small device that emits a radio frequency that causes all sirens within 50m to be silenced. It should also cut the engine on nearby motorcycles and construction equipment and power tools. This sort of device is possible to implement with technology...
  12. Varda

    If You Must Get an MRI, Would You Opt for Full Sedation?

    I’d be concerned about the potential ototoxicity of the sedation-inducing drug.
  13. Varda

    2024 US Presidential Election

    I noticed not one candidate in the entire campaign mentioned tinnitus even once. It seems neither one cares at all about the 20 million Americans suffering from this awful disease.