Recent content by volsung37

  1. V

    Please Don't Say There's No Cure for Tinnitus

    Unfortunately when I healed, the last place I wanted to be was on a tinnitus forum. I do wish I had called in from time to time and had seen the threads here on vaccination.
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    Please Don't Say There's No Cure for Tinnitus

    I’ve been getting an average of about 3 hours sleep for the past 5 months. Habituation is difficult for severe tinnitus but it can be done. It takes a lot of time though. Maybe a year or more. I did it when I first had tinnitus. Once I habituated sleeping became easier and the noise itself...
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    Please Don't Say There's No Cure for Tinnitus

    I healed completely from severe tinnitus after two years. I lived in lovely silence for 3.5 years until November 2021 when I took the Pfizer jab. Now it's back at twice the volume along with pulsatile tinnitus.
  4. V

    Fighting Tinnitus the Second Time in My Life — It Got Worse After COVID-19 Infection

    The holiday was in Malta. I am absolutely sure the vaccination caused the return of my tinnitus. I had virtually zero tinnitus for several years If you do a search you will see that tinnitus is a very common adverse effect of all the vaccines. Vaccines take 7-8 days to begin working in the...
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    I was almost 4 years free of severe tinnitus. It had started in 2016 and ended in 2018. Then I took Pfizer in November last year. Severe tinnitus returned with loud banging pulsatile tinnitus. It took 8 days for that stuff to wreak havoc in my body and undo years of healing. I thought of...
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    Fighting Tinnitus the Second Time in My Life — It Got Worse After COVID-19 Infection

    Nothing really other than listen to the sounds of nature intently. The sound of the sea especially. It's all about calming the nervous system as much as possible. Tinnitus is often a problem of the hyperattentiveness causing fear.
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    Fighting Tinnitus the Second Time in My Life — It Got Worse After COVID-19 Infection

    Be careful not to take too much medication. The body has enough to deal with without all these strange substances being thrown at it. I recovered from tinnitus after 2.5 years. At the start I was like yourself taking all sorts of medication, supplements etc. However, after a while I realised...
  8. V

    My Tinnitus Started 2 Hours After the COVID-19 Vaccination — Should I Try TRT?

    Thanks Deb. I am at a very low point at the moment. To have been free of all noises for years. Then to have everything come back with additional severe Pulsatile Tinnitus within 8 days of vaccination is literally soul destroying. The psychological effects are just as devastating. I actually...
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    My Tinnitus Started 2 Hours After the COVID-19 Vaccination — Should I Try TRT?

    That’s interesting Deb. Thanks. Hadn’t thought along those lines. Is it easy to be prescribed LDN by doctors? The low histamine diet is probably a good idea. I had my blood markers done and they came back normal. I had tinnitus and pulsatile tinnitus before and they resolved naturally over a...
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    Hang on in there. I have been through this before. Suicidal in 2016. In 2 years or so I was back living a normal life with very low tinnitus. The body is a remarkable healing system. I am back here because of severe pulsatile and ordinary tinnitus brought on by the Pfizer shot. This is 10...
  11. V

    Low Humming Tinnitus

    Can’t say. Mine wasn’t brought on by antihistamines afaik.
  12. V

    Low-Pitched Humming = Meniere's?

    Yes, that hum went away after about a year. I suspect it may have been some kind of inflammation of the mastoid as that was only thing that showed up in an MRI. I found Promethazine helped with the hum as did ginger, honey and turmeric drink. The present hum is more problematic. I believe it...
  13. V

    Is This Pulsatile Tinnitus? Intermittent Rhythmic Hum Sound

    The hum may be your ear picking up blood flow through your blood vessels. I had that for a while some years ago. Recently due to the vaccine I’ve acquired a rhythmic hum which is definitely pulsatile tinnitus. I can hear my heartbeats in my left ear too. Very difficult to live with. I hope...
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    22 Years of Tinnitus Under Control, Now Randomly Spiked and Rearing Its Ugly Head Again

    My nightmare began 8 days after my first Pfizer jab. Reading up it takes a week or 8 days for the vaccine to kick in. It seems that the vaccine can actually cause tinnitus in some people. COVID-19 itself can also cause the condition. Wish I had known before I thought about vaccination.
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    22 Years of Tinnitus Under Control, Now Randomly Spiked and Rearing Its Ugly Head Again

    I went a few years with extremely low tinnitus after about 4 years of severe tinnitus. I got very severe pulsatile tinnitus and tinnitus back again after the COVID-19 vaccine late last year.