Recent content by wagonwheel

  1. wagonwheel

    My Hyperacusis Has Reduced by 80%.

    I have done all those things for a year and none have worked.
  2. wagonwheel

    What Is Your Biggest Problem With Tinnitus?

    Sleep Anxiety (living with this condition forever, never silence, not coping with life, losing job etc.) Depression (loss of happiness, sadness, loss of interests) Not being able to go to concerts or anywhere that plays loud music :( Sleep is a huge issue :sleep:
  3. wagonwheel

    How Long Have You Gone Not Thinking About Your Tinnitus?

    I notice it every morning so never more than a full day
  4. wagonwheel

    Lily Tomlin Worked In Tinnitus On TV

    I am not offended either
  5. wagonwheel

    Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

    When I gave up weed I realised how much anxiety it was causing-paranoia/panic attacks etc. Stay away from it is my advice
  6. wagonwheel

    Three Hours of Silence

    I have a few seconds of silence every morning just as I wake up and its bliss :) then the T kicks in:(
  7. wagonwheel

    Ear Plugs and Clubbing

    I live in a small town in rural Ireland and I don't have access to buy custom made,also I have very little money right now so I was wondering would the following ear plugs protect me from loud music? if not can can you recommenced any ear...
  8. wagonwheel

    Ear Plugs and Clubbing

    I went to a pub back in April which was the first time I was in that sort of environment since I developed T back in January. I was not wearing ear plugs on that occasion. I was only in there about 10 minutes and had to leave as my ears were hurting and since then I have had an increase in my T...
  9. wagonwheel

    Poll: Do You Have Tinnitus in One or Both Ears?

    Left for me but it seems to be getting a louder in my right I hope its just temporary
  10. wagonwheel

    Concerned About Fullness / Pain & the Possibility of Tinnitus Getting Louder I just read this link and I have a lot of the symptoms listed but I can't find any treatments or a lot of info on it full stop.
  11. wagonwheel

    Concerned About Fullness / Pain & the Possibility of Tinnitus Getting Louder

    I spoke with a man on the phone earlier this week that helps run a support group that organises awareness about people who are suffering with Tinnitus and he said that most people feel in someway dismissed by their ENT when is comes to T. I used to live in the UK and still wish I had the NHS...
  12. wagonwheel

    Concerned About Fullness / Pain & the Possibility of Tinnitus Getting Louder

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my issues :) I got my CT and MRI results back & everything is fine. I haven't been able to speak with the ENT properly about my T, in the brief moment we spoke about it in our first consultation he said everything would be fine & my brain who get 'used' to...
  13. wagonwheel

    Concerned About Fullness / Pain & the Possibility of Tinnitus Getting Louder

    I developed T a few months ago after years of exposure to loud music (head phones mainly) and I have been avoiding loud environments ever since but about 2 weeks ago I was walking down the streets & a truck driver was honking his horn which was ridiculously loud & ever since the T has been much...
  14. wagonwheel

    The Story of Gaby Olthuis

    All the wonders of modern science and 'experts' can't even find a cure for ringing in the ears:dunno: I suffer from depression & anxiety and the tinnitus and constant pain I suffer might drive me over the edge some day. I understand exactly where this lady is coming from.
  15. wagonwheel

    Pain with Tinnitus & My Left Ear Is Worse... Worried It Might Be Getting Worse

    I developed pain in my ears about a year ago which hasn't gone away. I tried drops, syringing & pain killers but nothing made it go away. I am almost positive that the pain came from exposure to loud music. Earlier this year about January I developed tinnitus. One day I woke up with a sound like...