Concerned About Fullness / Pain & the Possibility of Tinnitus Getting Louder


Apr 17, 2014
Tinnitus Since
January 2014
I developed T a few months ago after years of exposure to loud music (head phones mainly) and I have been avoiding loud environments ever since but about 2 weeks ago I was walking down the streets & a truck driver was honking his horn which was ridiculously loud & ever since the T has been much louder in my left ear. Is there a chance it might go down? I am now in a frame of mind that it is just going to get louder and louder in future as I can't avoid loud noises for ever .

Also I need some info or advice on another issue. I have had blocked & painful ears for over a year about 9 months before my T developed. I tried penicillin, drops and syringing with no results so I had an MRI & CT Scan recently & still waiting to hear back from the ENT in regard to the results but he said before they were even done those results usually come back normal 99% of the time & is confused about what is causing the pain which worried me further.

Any advice will be appreciated greatly. I am new to all of this and the not knowing is the worst part...

p.s. I had a hearing test & the audiologist said my hearing is fine
My tinnitus is sometimes reactive and I find it subsides after a while, but it can take hours or weeks. It's likely to lessen more quickly if you don't worry about it, easily said but true. I also have pain (though mine developed with pulsatile tinnitus) despite using steroid drops and the ENT consultant I saw recently doesn't know why.
It's frustrating and worrying but it's good news that your scans and hearing are fine. I don't know where you are but some areas of the UK have hearing therapists to help manage tinnitus. Perhaps you could ask if onr is available where you are?
It seems many of us get fullness and pain. Eventually the fullness may subside, it has for others. For me my pain was being caused by tensor tympani syndrome. It's important to see a doctor who is knowledgeable about t not just one who is
convenient to see. As far as the noise get a good pair of earplugs for loud situations things like a truck honking it's horn probably won't permanently spike your t
and should settle down. Also many times the stress cause by these situations can cause us to perceive our t as louder when it actually isn't.
I developed T a few months ago after years of exposure to loud music (head phones mainly) and I have been avoiding loud environments ever since but about 2 weeks ago I was walking down the streets & a truck driver was honking his horn which was ridiculously loud & ever since the T has been much louder in my left ear. Is there a chance it might go down? I am now in a frame of mind that it is just going to get louder and louder in future as I can't avoid loud noises for ever .

Also I need some info or advice on another issue. I have had blocked & painful ears for over a year about 9 months before my T developed. I tried penicillin, drops and syringing with no results so I had an MRI & CT Scan recently & still waiting to hear back from the ENT in regard to the results but he said before they were even done those results usually come back normal 99% of the time & is confused about what is causing the pain which worried me further.

Any advice will be appreciated greatly. I am new to all of this and the not knowing is the worst part...

p.s. I had a hearing test & the audiologist said my hearing is fine
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my issues :)

I got my CT and MRI results back & everything is fine. I haven't been able to speak with the ENT properly about my T, in the brief moment we spoke about it in our first consultation he said everything would be fine & my brain who get 'used' to the sound. I wish he had listened to my concerns a bit more & I haven't been able to speak with my regarding the spike in my T. He is very busy and I can never get him to reply to the messages I leave his secretary. I live in the Repluic of Ireland and have gone private which cost 150 euros if I waited to go publicly I would have to wait over a year!

My ENT has suggested that TMJ might be causing the pain so he has referred me to a TMJ specialist who I will see in 2 weeks. The TMJ specialist will cost 200 euros but I really must find out what is going on. I really hope I get some relief from this as painkillers are not working.

Any further insight/advice will be greatly appreciated. I will keep everyone posted on what happens with my TMJ.


My tinnitus is sometimes reactive and I find it subsides after a while, but it can take hours or weeks. It's likely to lessen more quickly if you don't worry about it, easily said but true. I also have pain (though mine developed with pulsatile tinnitus) despite using steroid drops and the ENT consultant I saw recently doesn't know why.
It's frustrating and worrying but it's good news that your scans and hearing are fine. I don't know where you are but some areas of the UK have hearing therapists to help manage tinnitus. Perhaps you could ask if onr is available where you are?

It seems many of us get fullness and pain. Eventually the fullness may subside, it has for others. For me my pain was being caused by tensor tympani syndrome. It's important to see a doctor who is knowledgeable about t not just one who is
convenient to see. As far as the noise get a good pair of earplugs for loud situations things like a truck honking it's horn probably won't permanently spike your t
and should settle down. Also many times the stress cause by these situations can cause us to perceive our t as louder when it actually isn't.
It's great that your scans are fine. ENTs are so often not interested in tinnitus; I wish they could hear the sounds that we hear - and the pain that we feel - just for a few minutes, then they might be a bit more sympathetic!

Wow, waiting lists of a year? That's scandalous. I've just made an appointment with my hearing therapist for 2 months' time and I thought that was a long wait! I hope your TMJ appointment gives you some insight into your problem.
I spoke with a man on the phone earlier this week that helps run a support group that organises awareness about people who are suffering with Tinnitus and he said that most people feel in someway dismissed by their ENT when is comes to T. I used to live in the UK and still wish I had the NHS for help but a friend of mine who works on the NHS also made the point that follow ups are tough because doctors change around so much & that can be frustrating.

I can't get an answer from any professional about whether my T will continue to spike. I think also have a case of
hypercusis. I haven;t been given any advice on how to deal with the pain/sound by any Dr. the only insight I get is from other people dealing with T. Thank goodness for
tinnitustalk. I need to know is the cause of the pain so I can start researching different treatments, I will just have to wait for the TMJ appointment.

It's great that your scans are fine. ENTs are so often not interested in tinnitus; I wish they could hear the sounds that we hear - and the pain that we feel - just for a few minutes, then they might be a bit more sympathetic!

Wow, waiting lists of a year? That's scandalous. I've just made an appointment with my hearing therapist for 2 months' time and I thought that was a long wait! I hope your TMJ appointment gives you some insight into your problem.

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