Recent content by william adams

  1. william adams

    What Do Doctors Need to Understand About Tinnitus?

    My ENT sent me for an MRI to check for a tumor and when that came back negative he said you have some high frequency hearing loss and you have tinnitus and there is nothing we can do. You just have to learn to live with it. At that point I felt so alone and a feeling of abandonment and afraid. I...
  2. william adams

    Habituation Linked to Sensory Memory

    I have had T for three years and as long as my brain is active in a project or am very interested in something I can go for hours and not hear my T. When im alone watching something boring on TV or listening to music it is present loud and clear. I am not afraid of it and it sometimes can be...
  3. william adams

    Alcohol and Its Effect on Tinnitus

    I had 6 beers last night which is much more than I usually drink and my tinnitus is really loud today.....
  4. william adams

    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Have a Certain Pitch/Frequency?

    You really have to except T no matter what the tone is for there is only one thing that works to get relief is habituation. Go on with your life with some small modifications and after a period of time it wont seem so dam invasive. I can now go for hours and my brain focuses on other things and...
  5. william adams

    Poll: Does Your Tinnitus Have a Certain Pitch/Frequency?

    mine sounds like a high pitched electrical sound crossed with air leaking from a tire and can hear over the TV almost everything but the shower. Thank God I am pretty much habituated but when bored its always playing its tune...
  6. william adams

    Doctor I Saw Has Amazing Research/Possible Tinnitus Cure

    Just cut the lamp cord and stripped back the wire then attached the positive to right and negative to left ear with clothes pins. Getting ready to plug this baby in so wish me luck.. LOL In all sincerity hope these guys are on to something with electrical stimulation to the brain....
  7. william adams

    For Those Who Have Habituated... Do You Still Have Emotional Responses to ALL Aspects of Tinnitus?

    I have T I can here over the TV, driving my car most everything but the shower. I have habituated and really dont hear it mostly all day. In the evening when im trying to relax I hear it but dont let it bother me anymore...I guess after awhile you just say F---k it !!!!!
  8. william adams

    New Member. Can't Sleep. Help?

    I took 1/2 ambien and in 4 hours took the other half and slept 8 hours. Also played nature sounds from utube at night...
  9. william adams

    I Can't Sleep Anymore, Drug Advice

    When I had trouble sleeping I took 1/2 ambien 20 minutes befor bed and took the other 1/2 at my bedside when I woke in about 4 hours and got a good 8 hours sleep.
  10. william adams

    Tooth Extraction

    Had both back bottom impacted wisdom teeth extracted and made no difference in the volume of my T....
  11. william adams

    Found Out the Cure for Tinnitus Is to Get Bigger Problems

    Nothing worst than severe back pain. My rhuemotology pain management doctor give me injections of Depomedral with an xray and it did wonders for me..
  12. william adams

    Do You Mainly Sleep on Your Right Side, Left Side, Back, or Stomach and Which Ear Is Your Tinnitus?

    Great question that I wondered about myself. My right ear has more high frequency damage than my left but the T is mostly perceived in my better ear the left side. I have always slept on my right side like many others have stated.
  13. william adams

    Tinnitus Gets Quieter While Heavy Training

    The gym and the shower I dont hear my T. If I dont focus on my T I dont hear it but its so high pitched it is hard to ignore. Real annoying condition.. Now Im on doxycycline for lymes disease and it seems extra loud. I have 10 more days of meds and then I hope I go back to my baseline....
  14. william adams

    To Those of You Posting About Suicide, or the Ideation of Such:

    Dwell on T and it will consume you... Live your life the way you always have and T will move into the background. I have ringing in my ears which is not pleasant at times but im not blind and still can move around and hear most things. Dont have cancer or life threatening disease so im still...
  15. william adams

    How to Tell the Level of Tinnitus?

    The higher the pitch or frequency the harder to mask.