Recent content by Zimichael

  1. Zimichael

    Tinnitus Safe Travel & Meeting Network — Participants

    @SugarMagnolia... It struck me later that maybe you only 'semi-understood' the Network idea as had not realized or seen the primary "Discussion" thread for it?! In case that is so, and in case others miss it too (and where actually this kind of back and forth more correctly belongs) here is the...
  2. Zimichael

    Tinnitus Safe Travel & Meeting Network — Participants

    @Starthrower - yes very well put above! The only thing I would add to this one sentence below though, is the meeting part. I realize you are not disqualifying that at all from your description but it is at least as important to me as the travel and getting out aspect. Meeting new people if...
  3. Zimichael

    Why I Am Back After Nearly 3 Years

    @Starthrower ... Very good suggestions! And indeed, the initial posting on "Support" was very much preliminary to see if there were much response for the idea, etc., etc. Ultimately I too see this being in a different sub-section/area of the Tinnitus Talk main page. Not sure if we are there...
  4. Zimichael

    Tinnitus Safe Travel & Meeting Network — Discussion

    @glynis ...Indeed, this is well within the range of what I was thinking. I did not just mean staying in and with someone in their own living space. Absolutely, more detached options would in many ways be a 'safer' re initial inter-personal aspects. Likewise, places that are 'somewhere else' than...
  5. Zimichael

    Tinnitus Safe Travel & Meeting Network — Participants

    @SugarMagnolia - I presume your comment is a light-hearted banter (which is fine). Though of course if even somewhat serious or wishful thinking don't leave it there...step up! This thing will only work if people get involved. And yes I know all about "limitations" and "trepidations", as have...
  6. Zimichael

    Why I Am Back After Nearly 3 Years

    Ummmmmmmmmm.....could we please keep this thread focused on specific aspects of the initial posting! The main point was to announce the "Travel-Meet Network" idea and caveats about me getting re-involved in Tinnitus Talk with specific requests re that. So I could understand if comments are made...
  7. Zimichael

    Tinnitus Safe Travel & Meeting Network — Participants

    As an example to illustrate "place", I will use my own situation a few hours north of San Francisco in N. California: I have a guest bedroom that is never used. A beautiful and very quiet location with an incredible view and deck overlooking a huge valley. Hiking from the front gate. 10 minutes...
  8. Zimichael

    Tinnitus Safe Travel & Meeting Network — Discussion

    As someone with severe, long term tinnitus and hyperacusis I live a very secluded and isolated life, especially in comparison to my life 'before'. *[See my Profile for details!]. I used to love to travel, do classes, dance, perform, socialize, etc. yet for many years all I have done really is...
  9. Zimichael

    Why I Am Back After Nearly 3 Years

    After an absence of nearly 3 years being a very active member of Tinnitus Talk, I have decided to come back primarily to present an idea because it is something that I would want for myself. However, the more I reflected on the idea the more I realized there may be others out there (likewise...
  10. Zimichael

    Is Tinnitus Getting Louder Each Day a Good Sign?

    Geeeezuz...sorry, but I would not be a party to this philosophy. I would go for decreasing volume as a goal no matter what the situation, cause, trigger, etc., etc. Hearing and inner ears (let alone brain aspects) are incredibly delicate and complex, despite also being unfathomably resilient -...
  11. Zimichael

    Round and Oval Window Reinforcement for the Treatment of Hyperacusis

    @lapidus ... With me and this treatment I do not think Silverstein will be interested in reviewing my case for at least year. My condition is just too "extreme" and with trials and early stages of stuff like this, they want to stick to more 'normal' type cases. I have pretty much taken it off...
  12. Zimichael

    Is It My Imagination...? Have Hyperacusis, Tinnitus Increased After a Car Ride with a Loud Person

    @Dale Danche ... Dale, not sure what mean about all the paperwork (are you on Covered California??? - Though answer in a PM if you want...) With Obamacare you basically "have" to have insurance so you must have some drug coverage??? Anyway go to this site here: Type in...
  13. Zimichael

    Is It My Imagination...? Have Hyperacusis, Tinnitus Increased After a Car Ride with a Loud Person

    @Dale Danche ... I'm sorry to be a voice of more "concern" here, but I'm afraid I can relate to your situation in a very direct way perhaps more than 99.9% of "others". If you look at my Profile/Info. you will see some of my long and sordid affair with T and H. What happened to me in Dec. 2012...
  14. Zimichael

    Interesting News Article by BBC Ref. Germany's Love of "Silence"...

    A rather surprising review of Germany's relationship to noise and silence... No wonder I like it there so much! Zimichael
  15. Zimichael

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) — Another Possible Potassium Channel Modulator?

    @attheedgeofscience ...and if you don't want to try your novel approach there are always "the darts"! Pin up names of all the common AED's out there (let alone the 'speculative ones')...or print this handy list below (which leaves out a lot of others I have run into, for some reason). Stick it...