Recent content by Zuzan

  1. Z

    Echo in Left Ear!

    Will it disappear by itself or do I have to get treatment for it?
  2. Z

    Echo in Left Ear!

    Yes, they usually feel full but I can hear very well. I also have crackling in my ears. The echo is bothering me though
  3. Z

    Echo in Left Ear!

    About a week ago I heard some strange echo sounds. I thought it was noise from outside. However, I realized that it is coming from my left ear and I hear it when I talk or someone else talk! I have had tinnitus for 10 months now and additionally I'm getting echo in the left ear. It is not...
  4. Z

    My Tinnitus Went Away but Then Came Back... :(

    Hi, I got tinnitus in June this year after a car accident. It lasted for about 17 days. It completely disappeared since the end of June until July 17. Now, I hear it suddenly for 1-3 minutes a few times a day. It is loud when I close my ears but other than that I can’t hear it. I am just...
  5. Z

    Me Again

    The doctor said that I have some fluid in my ears as well
  6. Z

    Me Again

    Yes, I will consider that. I am worried that there is something wrong with my jaw or neck and that I need surgery to fix it. I’m also worried that the ENT will not do anything. Right now, the ringing is there, not super loud but the volume is increasing throughout the day. Do most people...
  7. Z

    Me Again

    Thank you for your advice! Would an ENT be able to refer me to an upper cervical specialist or a Neorologist? When I wake up in the morning its conpletely gone but when I start moving or talking it slowly comes.
  8. Z

    Me Again

    I’m not so sure. I remember someone posted youtube links and links to threads. I asked if I can use earbuds. However, I was not able to come back after that and my account was gone with my thread.
  9. Z

    Me Again

    Hello, my account disappeared and my post thread did as well. Weird. I joined yesterday about my tinnitus that I got 10 days ago after a car accident. The car accident was not very violent but enough to give me a post concussion syndrome. I had a loud ringing in my ears when I woke up and it...