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  • Hi tiniturtle- I really appreciate the info you've posted on PT and how to get help with diagnosis. I've connected with a neuro-interventional surgeon in NYC. Would you mind me asking if you've heard of him? We had a video consult to go over my MRA and I was pretty impressed. It appears I have a jugular bulb diverticulum but will have an MRV next. Thanks again.
    Hi tiniturtle, I have had a CT which showed nothing definitive. I am now looking for a specialist in the Boston area to further investigate my PT. Do you happen to know of anyone?
    My general doctor recommended a carotid scan which I did and nothing came up there. She also recommends that I see an audiologist and and ENT which I have scheduled for next week. You say that you need to go to a specialist in a city or university hospital. Can you tell me what this means? I am in the Chicago area. We have Northwestern and Rush here. Is there a specialist you have heard of in my area?
    @mhess Not in particular. But you can start by looking up neuro-interventional radiologists.
    Hi @tiniturtle! I see that your t is drug induced. I believe mine is as well. How long did it take for you to experience improvements? It's been 9 mos for me and I can't say a lot has changed. I do get some quieter days. Hope you're well! :)
    @LilSass weird that I can't start a conversation with you here. I'm right across the water from you in Rochester. Are you able to see this?
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