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Jun 29, 1987 (Age: 37)
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Cake Decorater (Bakery)

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Member, Female, 37, from United States of America

I have been taking Claritin for my allergies thinking it will help my tinnitus but I believe my tinnitus is much worse.Anyone same? Sep 12, 2022

CrystalB was last seen:
Nov 10, 2022
    1. CrystalB
      I have been taking Claritin for my allergies thinking it will help my tinnitus but I believe my tinnitus is much worse.Anyone same?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. GoatSheep
        They also make mine worse.
        Sep 13, 2022
        CrystalB likes this.
      3. CrystalB
        You would think antihistamine would make it better, so odd.
        Sep 18, 2022
      4. DebInAustralia
        Did you take loratadine only?
        Jul 17, 2023
    2. CrystalB
      Very Blessed to be Alive
      1. MindOverMatter
        Lets not forget, even on our harder days.
        Aug 8, 2022
    3. CrystalB
      I believe my acid reflex makes my tinnitus louder, maybe the acid coming up and messing with my ears, idk
      1. NYCGuy and Wrfortiscue like this.
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      3. Rockman
        It can get into your eustachian tubes.
        Jul 27, 2022
      4. Guywithapug
        @Wrfortiscue try raising the head end of your bed a few inches. Should help.
        Jul 27, 2022
        CrystalB, Steph1710 and Wrfortiscue like this.
      5. jsalisbury
        I think I'm in the same boat. GERD can cause sinus/ET inflammation. You'll probably also carbonated drinks, alcohol and getting a cold make it worse?
        Sep 2, 2022
    4. CrystalB
      Does anyone have extremely bad Gerd and does it effect your Tinnitus?
      1. Wrfortiscue and Steph1710 like this.
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      3. CrystalB
        @Wrfortiscue are you on any kind of medicine? Mines about 24/7 go to stomach doctor Monday.
        Mar 5, 2022
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. Wrfortiscue
        Mar 5, 2022
      5. Rockman
        I have heard of stomach acid getting in the eustachian tube. Which can cause t or make it worse
        Mar 5, 2022
        CrystalB likes this.
    5. CrystalB
      Does anyone have very high pitch loud tinnitus?
      1. makeyourownluck, NYCGuy and JPGL like this.
      2. Robster
        Me, unfortunately it became incredibly high pitch after I had the Pfizer vaccine. Hope yours quietens down.
        Feb 28, 2022
        CrystalB likes this.
      3. CrystalB
        @Robster i hope yours eventually will get quieter also!
        Mar 4, 2022
    6. CrystalB
      I got a puppy to keep my mind occupied instead of focusing on my tinnitus and other health problems going on,her name is Puffs
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Wrfortiscue
        @CrystalB cute dog! Yeah just keep your mind busy and build from there.
        Feb 21, 2022
        CrystalB and ZFire like this.
      3. LilSass
        Good for you CrystalB! She is adorable. I got my puppy, Teddy, one year ago, and he has brightened up my life tremendously and done wonders for my relationship with my husband, which has been under some strain with covid & health issues. Good luck getting through the first year! It is challenging but so rewarding. :)
        Feb 22, 2022
        CrystalB likes this.
      4. CrystalB
        @LilSass thank you! Is that Teddy in your picture? So Cute! I’m so glad things are going better for you now!
        Mar 4, 2022
        LilSass likes this.
    7. CrystalB
      I have bad heart burn/acid reflex.I noticed that when my acid is not as bad my ears are worse,also when my acid is worse my ears are better?
      1. Guywithapug and LilSass like this.
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      3. CrystalB
        He said I would lose hearing temporary until it healed,I think he said it would help with pressure in the ear.They offered it too me, but I declined it for now, trying to deal with it without medication for now, it’s hard. Are you on any? And does it help deal with it better? I read somewhere where someone had said that how they got use to there tinnitus was just not caring about it anymore.
        Dec 1, 2021
        Jon39 likes this.
      4. Jon39
        I'm not on any medication aside from trying the Prednisone pack. I'm going to an ENT to get checked out soon. Right now i'm in the same boat, trying to just get by without any additional medication, but we'll see. Are you able to sleep ok? The high pitch is making it hard for me.
        Dec 2, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
      5. CrystalB
        Some nights it is about unbearable but I keep telling myself it won’t stay like this it will go down some.I hope you have better nights.
        Feb 20, 2022
    8. CrystalB
      I go next week to see if my precancer has returned had surgery in May to remove it,now my stomach acid has been awful and my ears.Pray 4 Me
      1. LilSass, Steph1710 and Nadia231 like this.
      2. MindOverMatter
        My prayers to you @CrystalB Hope you'll be alright. Stay strong. For better days!
        Nov 27, 2021
    9. CrystalB
      I am very grateful,I just wish one day this tinnitus would go away :(
      1. BrOKeN_1
        Fingers Crossed...
        Nov 1, 2021
        SarahMLFlemmer and CrystalB like this.
    10. CrystalB
      I am about to loose it!Ive dealt with bad stomach acid for days,finally got some relief and my ears now are so loud they woke me up!
      1. Exit, Nadia231 and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. Nadia231
        Hang in there! Some days are too tough, but hopefully you'll get better ones.
        Oct 24, 2021
        CrystalB and danielthor like this.
      3. CrystalB
        Thank you!
        Oct 25, 2021
    11. CrystalB
      Can anti acid medicine make tinnitus worse?Ive had major heat Burn for 7 days,took Tums and my tinnitus is booming?
      1. Rb86
        I have read others wondering if there's a correlation between reflux and Tinnitus, but, I've had reflux for 10 years easy, and T for almost 2.5.
        Oct 20, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
      2. Robster
        Various over the counter medical dations can cause temporary spikes. Hopefully it settles for you.
        Oct 22, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
      3. CrystalB
        Once one thing settles down seems like one fires back up. I’ve heard reflux can mess with the ears,but I’ve had reflux longer than tinnitus too
        Oct 24, 2021
    12. CrystalB
      At the moment I need some success stories on how anyone has hibernated to high pitch loud tinnitus,I’m hopeless right now.
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        How high? Can crickets mask it?
        Oct 11, 2021
        Robster likes this.
      3. CrystalB
        I could try. It’s extremely high pitch.
        Oct 11, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. Robster
        Wish I knew the answer. My T has been the highest pitch it has ever been today. This is a brutal condition.
        Oct 12, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
    13. CrystalB
      Yesterday I barely could hear my tinnitus,woke up this morning it’s so loud and high pitch,How can I go on like this,how can I deal
      1. View previous comments...
      2. CrystalB
        Has anyone experience that?
        Oct 9, 2021
        Exit likes this.
      3. Robster
        It's good that you have found a way to reduce your T, but unfortunate that it involves provoking your allergies. Hope things improve for you.
        Oct 10, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
      4. Exit
        Yes got it too sometimes.
        Just like my pillow can make it feels “easier”...
        Oct 25, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
    14. CrystalB
      I can’t even swallow without my ears popping
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
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      3. Tanni
        ENT can't find anything wrong. MRI fine. I got it a couple of days after tinnitus, and someone suggested to me that it was probably caused by the stress/anxiety of that. I would love to know for sure - such an odd symptom.
        Sep 29, 2021
        ALS and CrystalB like this.
      4. CrystalB
        That’s the way mine is,got it after I got tinnitus,so your tinnitus high pitch?
        Sep 30, 2021
      5. Tanni
        All kinds of sounds, but not currently high pitched. Don't think the tinnitus pitch has any significance re cause etc, but there are others who disagree so I stand to be corrected.
        Oct 1, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
    15. CrystalB
      I had surgery in May,when I came out of surgery waking up I did not remember hearing tinnitus,even at home after surgery for about a day?
      1. Stacken77
        @CrystalB What a wonderful experience it must have been to experience silence, if only for a day. I don't know for certain, but if there was any anesthesia involved, it could have maybe silenced the tinnitus temporarily?
        Sep 22, 2021
        Steph1710 and CrystalB like this.
      2. CrystalB
        It did seem good.Tinnitus might had still been there but I might had been so out of it I couldn’t hear it. If the anesthesia did have effect on my tinnitus would that mean my tinnitus is coming from my Brain?
        Sep 22, 2021
      3. Robster
        Tinnitus emenates from the brain over amplifying the signals it sends after the ear's hair cells are damaged or compromised.
        Sep 24, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
    16. CrystalB
      My worst ear that is the loudest I’ve been plugging up because it’s so high pitch it hurts,and to try to get use to the sound.Is that ok?
    17. CrystalB
      I’ve had tinnitus over 4 years and I’m back to square one with it, how do I train myself all over again to accept it? This is me now.
      1. MBH likes this.
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      3. CrystalB
        Do any of you work? I need to work, but how?
        Sep 21, 2021
        Steph1710 likes this.
      4. Steph1710
        @CrystalB yes, I work. :) It was hard at first, but it really is mind over matter. I told myself that I can do it, and T isn’t/wasn’t gunna stop me. You really have to be strong. I know you can do it! X
        Sep 21, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
      5. Robster
        I'm still working from home due to the pandemic, but work want people to start doing a minimum of 2 days a week in the office from October. Dreading it.
        Sep 23, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
    18. CrystalB
      Is anyone’s ears sensitive to sound?My tinnitus is so high pitch my ears hurt towards sounds of everyday living.
      1. Rudedog205, aot and Guywithapug like this.
      2. Rudedog205
        yeah, it could be some hyperacusis which is quite common with tinnitus
        Sep 21, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
    19. CrystalB
      Just curious, does anyone on here have singing or musical tinnitus?
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
      2. danielthor
        I’m in the dark about the difference between “musicial tinnitus” and “audiotory hallucination”. I have a tone that’s music, but it’s also sometimes something from real-life conversation and even internal dialogue. Luckily most of gets drowned out by the piercing tone. If it was any louder I would go insane
        Sep 18, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      3. Steph1710
        Once I started humming to myself, and thought ‘what is that tune?’ Then I realised I was humming my tinnitus tune. -_- so yeah, my ears have a little musical thing going on.
        Sep 19, 2021
      4. SD7
        I have this garbage in my right ear. It seems particularly sensitive to high frequencies. I work near a window downstairs and there are wind chimes outside and if I stay down long enough they become absorbed in my tinnitus. Usually evaporates after an hour or so.
        Sep 19, 2021
        CrystalB and JPGL like this.
    20. CrystalB
      How can you habituate to your tinnitus when it changes so much everyday,anyone else’s like this?so loud it takes over.
      1. Exit, JPGL and Steph1710 like this.
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      3. CrystalB
        Can you hear yours over just about anything?
        Sep 18, 2021
        Exit and JPGL like this.
      4. danielthor
        When it spikes, yes
        Sep 18, 2021
        JPGL and CrystalB like this.
      5. LilSass
        Hi Crystal! I've now had tinnitus almost 2 years, some days are harder than others. Mine changes volume from day to day, it can be super quiet to being able to hear almost over everything. Not sure it will ever seem 'normal'. Hope you're doing ok! :)
        Sep 20, 2021
    21. CrystalB
      Does anyone else have a extremely high pitch tinnitus?and has hibernated to it?
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      2. CrystalB
        I’ve had this for over 4 years, some days are okay but here lately I feel like I’m back at the first day it came. Do any of you have hearing loss?
        Sep 16, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      3. Damocles
        Well, spikes always make me feel that way @CrystalB. Take me right back to square one until they alleviate, or on the occasions where they're permanent, I get used to them.

        About the hearing loss: none that can be detected on a standard audiogram, no. But I find it highly unlikely that anyone with noise induced tinnitus wouldn't have (hidden) hearing loss to some degree.
        Sep 16, 2021
      4. PortugalTheMan
        @Damocles If we think about it everyone has hearing loss, if our ear has a threshold of 0hz - 20khz everyone has high frequency hearing loss.
        I think for us with tinnitus, if it's not something in the brain it's something messed up in our inner ear, nobody knows what.
        Sep 16, 2021
    22. Rajin
      It get better with time ... Mine I get some good days and some bad days . But I am thankful that it do get better .
      1. JPGL and CrystalB like this.
    23. CrystalB
      Has anyone experienced tinnitus for years and it goes away after years?the feeling of it not going away is hard to deal with.
      1. Exit, JPGL and NTV like this.
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      3. Sentinel
        After years and years we will probably have a treatment or cure if all else fails. That's what keeps me going.
        Jun 2, 2021
        Exit, JPGL, CrystalB and 1 other person like this.
      4. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Have you experienced Any fading over the past two years?
        Jun 3, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
      5. CrystalB
        @Bill Bauer nope, mine fluctuates so bad,one day it’s so quite,then there’s like tonight where it’s so loud I can’t hardly stand it.I just done understand :(
        Jun 8, 2021
    24. CrystalB
      I’ve got over one thing,Had to have surgery May 4th it went good.Now I’m dealing with a Tinnitus spike,why this now?!
    25. CrystalB
      Does Weather effect anyone Tinnitus?
      1. Lurius
        I've just wondered that myself, I made a post about it just a few days ago. But we have super sunny weather today so I don't think it does after all. If it did, my T would be ok today.
        May 30, 2021
        JPGL and CrystalB like this.
      2. CrystalB
        True.I have thought it could be weather but my tinnitus has got worse and it’s been sunny.
        Jun 1, 2021
    26. CrystalB
      So Blessed
      1. LilSass and Steph1710 like this.
      2. Steph1710
        Same girl! :)
        May 28, 2021
        CrystalB and Jebbis like this.
    27. alyssaG
      hi did you do your surgical procedure? i just started hearing ringing in my ears this month and im having popping in both ears. i saw on a post that you had the same thing. has anything worked for you?
      1. CrystalB and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. CrystalB
        I did have my surgery done,and it didn’t effect my ears at all,so glad for that.Sounds like we have Similar Tinnitus problems.I saw a ear Exercise on YouTube a while back I do every once and awhile,it seems to help with my fullness in my ears.
        May 28, 2021
    28. CrystalB
      I having a surgical procedure done next month,I’m nervous,maybe a dumb question,does anyone know if general anesthesia effect tinnitus?
      1. Daniel Lion likes this.
    29. CrystalB
      Has anyone had tubes put in there ears,did it help with tinnitus?can you tell any difference?
      1. just1morething
        I had them put in and it didn't help. My loud noise in left ear is either barotrauma caused or TMD. Is your noise in one ear or both?
        Feb 7, 2021
        CrystalB likes this.
      2. CrystalB
        My tinnitus is in both ears but my rights seems worse. I have ETD and I wondered if tubes helped with the tinnitus or the feeling full.
        Apr 4, 2021
    30. CrystalB
      I had a ocular migraine,3 days later I got tinnitus,I’ve had tinnitus ever since.they day of my ocular migraine I panicked and screamed.
      1. Fightingscream likes this.
      2. Fightingscream
        Sorry to hear this. How long have you had this going on for?
        Jan 13, 2021
        CrystalB and Bill Bauer like this.
      3. CrystalB
        I’ve had it for almost 4 years! Long time lol
        Jan 19, 2021
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  • About

    Jun 29, 1987 (Age: 37)
    United States of America
    Cake Decorater (Bakery)
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    I have had Tinnitus for almost 4 years!