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  • Basically did not shower for 2 years, only baths, stayed indoors 95% of the time. If I taper pramipexole or keppra symptoms go haywire.
    Pramipexole, Keppra, and Caffeine are daily requirements. Still many terrible days but the highs are higher in terms of reduced symptoms.
    *In general*, 21 months in, improvements in reactivity from showers and driving, and can focus on podcasts/TV more.
    Why is it that everything that purportedly treats tinnitus also causes tinnitus?
    I think about your case so often. @GBB I know this doesn't mean much but your in my thoughts and prayers, and I believe in you.

    (PS: Persona 5 was great.)
    I don't feel as though my baseline is worse, but kava and xanax don't hit the same anymore... pretty marginal relief nowadays.
    I'll be at a year in about 5 weeks. After that I'm significantly ramping up how much / how fast I'm trying things in my spreadsheet.
    I'm too severe to be a habituation/TRT guy, but too positive to be an every device is a scam guy. Where does that leave me?
    If sound reliably causes you to feel tactile sensation in your ears, like heat/cold or pressure, is that considered a form of hyperacusis?
    I like how everyone is embedding automatically playing profile music videos on a hyperacusis site lol...
    Just had a thunderclap so loud above my house it knocked a painting off the wall :(
    T spiking hard because of shower with earplugs. FUCK reactivity.
    I haven't tried headphones since this started. I can listen to podcasts and music from speakers usually though. But low frequency sound like driving, showers, or fans makes my T go nuts :(
    I have the exact same problem still to all these sounds. Even hard rain outside raises my layer of T. How long do these spikes from the shower last for you?
    A shower can spike me for a week. It's a nightmare.
    My tinnitus is only reactive to certain sounds, but to those sounds is severely reactive. Frequency specific cochlear damage?
    Having tapered pramipexole again (now being on and off 2x), I can confirm it makes my T less chaotic and takes me out of suicide range.
    @__nico__ Consider trying pramipexole before you do anything. It makes the difference between me being alive or dead.
    When I follow people and they seem as unstable as me then they comment "WHAT IF I HAD IT IN BOTH EARS" -> :(
    This shit gets so much more complicated when its multi-tonal/bilateral/reactive...
    Around onset did anyone else have shattering sounds in their ears from loud noise? A sneeze made it sound like a glass object exploded.
    I ask because it sounded to me like I could hear damage taking place almost instantaneously after loud noise, and I wondered whether this is a common phenomenon.
    Storm of heavy static in both ears today. Not constant tcccccccchhhh but randomly pulsing tch tch tch.
    The good news is the purported effects of all the supplements I've been taking should make me an un-killable juggernaut. Storm area 51 v2?
    Took a shower without earplugs every day last week. 10 months noise induced - sound has not lowered at all, just morphed.
    Today is really really tough - I experimented tapering off keppra/pramipexole the last few days and I am getting my ass kicked.
    If any of these issues are due to nerve sensitization, couldn't laser therapy exacerbate that via additional stimulus?
    My tinnitus sounds like if you had a xerox scanner inside your head. In 10 months went from eeeeee to wawawawa to waaaaaaaa.
    Made myself do some chinups for the first time in 9 months. Gonna keep at it. Herniated disc feels not terrible after 7 months.
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