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  • I'm on a rollercoaster - last night so loud I could hear it outside, today so quiet it's largely masked inside. Let me off.
    I think it's gotta be nerve/inflammation related. Yesterday I was exposed to noise = nerves inflamed = loud. Today stay inside = less inflamed = quieter distant noises. I don't think it's hair cell loss as it doesn't explain reactivity or clean audiogram. I think basically my inner ears are open wounds and require inaction to heal. Also assume H is a similar mechanism as reactive T.
    Now the sound is like a sea of metal rice grains being poured over one another - largely atonal - still loud in silence - still can't nap...
    Tinnitus seems to be changing. I seem to have lost the EEEEEEEE of the first two months, except for when I put on Peltor.
    The thing about having a good day - particularly a drug-induced good day - is I am terrified of tomorrow. Severe T is heartbreaking.
    Dysacusis/distortion is still very much present and everything has a grating squeak to it.
    Almost hear silence today - I get this more often recently - but it feels so fragile. I feel inanimate. Maybe I have PTSD.
    Does anyone else experience "fake" silence? When most tones temporarily disappear and you realize there is still one
    My tinnitus sounds like a brassy wall of ultra-high pitched frequencies.
    Day 47. High pitched tinnitus that feels like my ears are being subjected to nails on a chalkboard. Still have distortion/reactivity.
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