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  • Anyone have earplugs recommendations for concerts? My sister has lots of gigs coming up so I want to get her a pair (she doesn't like foam)
    @Charburchar ACS Custom and Westone have universal tips that use the same filters as their customs. It's a good stepping stone from universal to custom later down the road.

    They're not as flashy as those loop earplugs though.
    I might be wrong about the ACS customs. Their universal fit has a 19SNR filter which isn't offered for any of their custom molds. The customs have 17SNR and 20SNR filters along with several others.
    I had some discomfort hyperacusis rather than pain hyperacusis when I had the acoustic trauma that caused this mess. Went away after a couple of months to regular hyperacusis, then a few months later that too went away.

    Still got the ringing unfortunately. Hope you see improvement, as pain hyperacusis on top of Tinnitus truly sucks.
    @Charburchar I had split second shooting pains in my left ear yesterday for about an hour or two and then it went away (weird because all my other problems are in my right ear). Did yours eventually go away too?
    I've been experiencing sporadic pain hyperacusis over the past week - split second shooting pains in my left ear. Praying this disappears
    I hope you have a nice time! Your friend sounds very considerate- I'm sure you'll be fine:) it's also good to get out and test to see what your ears can/can't handle in a controlled environment
    Thank you! I'll let you know how it goes.
    @Charburchar So ever since my quiet socialising over weekend, I now have slight burning sensation/dull ache in my ear... Guess I have to limit them for now or wear earplugs more in social setting...even though I can't stand my whistle in ear when I talk with earplugs in!
    The devil's orchestra in my ear playing the loudest set in months. Turn it down please guys people are trying to sleep!
    Walked into the local Sainsburys for 30 seconds without earplugs. What happens? Piercing anti-theft alarm goes off 3 times right next to me!
    Happened to me in the Co op the other day. Alarm issues seem to find me more now, car alarms shop alarms!
    Ergh I hate them & they just seem to be everywhere. I can barely stand the *beep* noise contactless card machines make..
    Fellow T/H sufferers, do you state that you have a disability when you apply for jobs?
    I personally wouldn't especially if the job you're applying for is really competitive. You could state your disability to employers after they've hired you though.
    Joshua Macleod
    Depends entirely on the industry. Some have quotas to fill and will perhaps favour you, some will gladly accommodate. Others will screen you out, as Jammer said. Sorry we can't be more absolute.
    Nope i don't mention stuff like that not even anxiety. They are not supposed to discriminate but they will certainly toss the cv away if things like that are put on.
    How are you doing lately? How is the Masters degree going? :)
    On the last leg of your education journey? Congratulations and good luck with your dissertation!! :) soz about the ears also, hopefully they are not too bad.
    I'm good thanks, up and down habituation with this crap and easing off TT lately :)
    Unsure atm, would like to pursue a phd though! Glad to hear your t is easing. Ah habituation is a nightmare isn't it. I hope you continue to improve :)
    My left ear T reactivity is terrible right now. Feeling sad.
    @Sammy0225 Most things. Sometimes I hear what I can only describe as an alien insect noise over everything. Fortunately it's settled down a bit
    *also a high pitched whistle sound which is more common than the alien insect noise
    I had both of those you described the alien one sucked you have my sympathy man this condition sucks
    3 weeks into my masters, the fire alarm in the library goes off right next to my ear. Didn't go off once during undergrad. Go figure :')
    Fire alarms are just a risk everywhere. Did it spike? I really really hope your T doesn't get affected
    Thank you Nadia. A minor spike so far, hoping no damage was done.
    Return of the reactive inside head noises since taking a 4-stop trip on the London underground last week. Oh how I've missed you :')
    I might get a pair so I can wear them around campus & not have to fiddle around with foam plugs multiple times a day
    Have you tried filtered plugs? I use 20db hearprotek ones when I'm out and about and in the car as they let me hear talking while blocking out other noises. Plus can keep them in without fiddling with foam ones.
    I have a pair of Senner 20db plugs but I've never been able to get used to the sound of my footsteps when I wear them- that's why i've always used foams! Maybe i'll give them another try :)
    Does anyone wear over ear headphones (no music on) in public places just to soften the noise?
    Yes! I wore them at my dad's 60th birthday party last year. My sister said I looked "special" haha! XD
    Yes, I cant insert plugs into my ears and wear my old headphones to dampen house noise (washer/dryer, dishes etc.). However, if around louder or unfamiliar environments, buy some over the ear noise muffs. The gun ones are TOO tight for me. Looking for another over the ear lightweight muff to use..
    @Steph1710 lol!! I bet you looked fab ;)

    @MaxRabbit I just want something 'normal' (i.e. not bulky ear defenders) to wear while I'm walking around uni that can easily be taken off/put on. Let me know if you find a good pair of lightweight muffs :)
    Went on the London Underground yesterday (earplugs in). Immediately regretted it. Forgot how horrific the noise was, yikes.
    Haven't done that in a long time. Thanks for reminding me.
    After 2+ years T has finally spread to my good ear. A little reactive buzz that I can hear above most noises. Feeling blessed :)
    On a bus today with my plugs in & the engine sounded overwhelmingly loud. Convinced it would've been quieter had I taken my plugs out. Odd!
    I used them for about two days. I don t want to discourage people from using them, but trying them for 15-20 minutes in the beginning would be a safer approach. Better safe than sorry. I still hope it wasn't the head phones because I love them.
    At least for the car engine sound they are just wow :)
    Ah hope the spike has receded since you posted this aura! I'm going through one myself, hence why I'm on here. My Mum mentioned n-c headphones recently so I just might try them
    Today I instinctively launched a mug against the wall out of frustration at losing a game of online chess. It was loud. I am very stupid.
    @Charburchar wow! That IS stupid! I never knew chess was such an angry game! XD
    Also, I hope you're alright? No worsening? I've done stupid things in the moment- like getting really angry and blasting music.. instant regret afterwards. X
    My left ear was a bit sore but I'm ok. Yeah it's so stupid! I hope you've been keeping well? xx
    Was going through a really good patch until I went on a date to the pub without my earplugs :')
    Thanks Steph ♡ though I don't think I'll be going on another anytime soon while this spike persists lol. @aura hahaha I like figs! But I like dates more ;)
    • C


    Glad to read your getting out. That's the best we can do for ourselves. Hope your doing well bud.
    Thank you Capstan. Great to hear from you! I hope you're doing ok
    The terror I feel when I hear an approaching siren and don't have my earplugs with me
    I was stuck in a restroom stall today while someone ran the "Xlerator" brand hand dryer for fucking forever, and I had only my weak earplugs in.
    I heard a lady tell a school child not to be silly when the little girl said the noise of the hand dryer hurt her ears. :( poor thing. But mind you, we wouldn't have even considered the noise of a hand dryer before we were cursed.
    Realistically, what are the chances that a cure for tinnitus will be found in the next ten years? What's the consensus here..
    @TheDanishGirl to clarify I'm not resting my hope's on a cure, I'm just curious what the general consensus on here is. But yes that's what my own uninformed view tilts towards
    @Charburchar tbh, I have no idea. I reckon at some point there will be a form of relief, but not a cure. Either way, I try not to think about it. What be will be, will be.
    • B


    A cure will immediately follow as soon as a sufficiently expressive tinnitus model will be developed. Tinnitus is like a mathematical problem: it will become trivial once completely understood (the problem, not the solution). I worked in academia for the past 4.5 years and I see that science and things, unfortunately, really take time. If I had to shoot a number, I'd say we will see something significant in 15 years.
    The phase where it feels like anything could make T worse, ugh. Cup of tea? Ha, good luck! Shower? Nope! Walk to shops? Don't think so pal!
    Inserted one of my earplugs far too deep and now my ear hurts, darn!
    @Charburchar , did you have clogged/ muffed ear afterwards? I am dealing with the same now.
    @Steph1710 I know the feeling... I used to catch the bus into London (no earplugs) and just explore, but even the thought of doing that now makes me squirm!

    @Freerunner No, none of them side effects. Just felt a little sore inside, like pre-infection feeling. I'm sorry you're dealing with that :(
    And no @Steph1710 I havent moved out of London yet :( omicron isn't helping things. How's the job going?
    I am much better than I was before, ty for asking :) how are you!? I hope you're feeling better too!!!
    Wow, i'm so glad for you! There is hope after all!
    I' a rollercoaster, hanging on for dear life. :)
    Ty! The inside head noises are still there but they've lowered in volume so definitely improvement. Well I hope you're managing to find some relief :( Hang on in there! Thinking of you xx
    Chess obsessed since watching The Queen's Gambit. Not a bad hobby to have for us T sufferers
    I played chess before, but became much more interested after The Queen's Gambit. Such a well done series. And chess is great, I've had friends over to play with me silently.
    Agreed - it was terrific! As for the game I really enjoy learning the theory behind it. Currently trying to learn different openings. Maybe we'll play a game together one day Stacken!
    The sound of Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kanobi dueling with lightsabers inside my head atm. You can do it Obi-Wan!
    Hey, it sounded like a spaceship inside my head the other night. I think we might be onto something here!
    Maybe our tinnitus is really just aliens trying to communicate with us? Hmm
    My T sounds like someone trying to tune in… it's all connected!
    Saw an ENT about the new doom-level tinnitus. What a waste of f***ing time lmao
    Ah I see, did you wear ear plugs during the drive? I dont leave the house without my plugs these days. Not being able to sleep sounds awful :/ Touch wood I havent been woken up yet though I do find it difficult to get to sleep. Yeah lack of sleep makes my T worse, it's such a vicious cycle. I will look into getting some Clonazpam if it does get to that point
    Yes,i did wear ear plugs, but i guess 4 hours one day and another 4 hours the next day were too much for my ears.
    You should totally get some Clonazepam. But use it only if you really need it,it's kinda addictive. Works good as a safety net though.
    Oh that sucks :( I hope you've been better today. And ok will bear that in mind :)
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