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  • Last year I tried launching a Kickstarter, and then a hurricane hit my home and things derailed from there. Now that my business model has changed, I might actually get results. I'm so relieved.
    Trying to work on my business startup with so many unexpected obstacles has been stressful. Hurricane Helene has delayed me further. Hope this is the last roadblock.
    The greatest accomplishments can be achieved simply by having the courage to ask friends for help. I'm so amazed & inspired by the progress.
    Ngl the filters on this site can become a puzzle. I get why they're there, but I find myself trying to change every word to fix it LOL.
    The staff of Hub/Talk are sincerely wonderful people, & I'm immensely grateful for their hard work in raising awareness & running this site.
    Back after a lot of work in my personal life. Tinnitus is still a pain. Will be working on related business startup now.
    I'm going to find a way to treat this, one way or another. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Nothing will stop me.
    "Stem cells require a mixture of growth factors and nutrients to differentiate and develop. The medium should be changed each day." -(BMC)
    The least costly potential solution to this madness just HAD to have a cancer risk, among other things. Ugh. There's always a downside.
    It's amusing how 7 years ago I was complaining about tinnitus and 10 dB hearing loss, but now I'm complaining about a notch at 20 lol.
    Ok. So. Standalone IGF-1 IT-injections: Very risky, despite studies of efficacy. ~100 mcg may be all I'm willing to try. Will ask doctors.
    Keep hoping, searching, and fighting. An answer will be found. Maybe not today, but someday, and that someday could be here before you know.
    It would really help if anyone knew a endocrinologist so that we could have an educated insight for IGF-1 safety.
    My lack of time from a few months ago made me believe that BDNF wasn't in PRP, but it apparently is? That's good I guess.
    Fibroblast Growth Factor, BDNF, and Insulin-like Growth Factor seem to be the most discussed growth factors in stereocilia regeneration.
    @Artemis2K Has any of the Drs. who provide PRP, blood injections into people's ears ever discuss it, or say why not? Seems illogical not to, with the potential benefits.
    @sakrt What do you mean? Why aren't there more SC/PRP clinics doing IT-injections? Probably because it's not skin/muscle/skeleton related. Interior related treatments can make the FDA suspicious.
    Fibroblast Growth Factor is another growth factor worth looking into. Unfortunately, there's no peptide version available.
    If molecular, stem cell, and growth factor therapies don't work... just... what else would there be left?
    Tinnitus implant system, based off of cochlear implant. That would be the "next" thing that would hold true promise for those with tinnitus rooted from a cochlear source like hearing loss/damage. Hopefully the current trial is on pace and will be completed with results in June.
    That's good, but that's just half of my issue I'm afraid. I have a hearing loss notch in my left ear that makes focus and conversation very difficult, despite it not being bad enough for hearing aids.
    Why does regenerative medicine have to cost so much? Lol
    Believe me, I know ;( Let me know if you talk with a clinic about your approach and what they say!
    There are moments like this where I wish I was rich. A potential answer right in front of me but it could cost so much money.
    Ryan Scott
    What's your answer?
    IGF-1 extracted from PRP that is at least 150 micrograms. There are numerous studies showing that IGF-1 is capable of so much for the cochlea, but having a foreign variant of it is both expensive and dangerous, while from PRP is just expensive. The objective is to have a pure form of it so there is no dilution disrupting the potential effects.
    150 micrograms of standalone IGF-1 can be extracted from PRP. The safest most potent option, but it would cost more.
    I feel our medical insurance should be assisting, allow this for sufferers to try, when there's really no other option, except narcotics. IF it was covered under some approval agreement, the medical system would be able to collect data to know if truly effective. In the long run, if positive, would decrease the huge health and disability burden. Reality is, most cannot afford this, and very expensive health ins.!
    Have an ENT appointment so I can finally find out why my ear behaves strangely in April. Will also see about plausible damage treatments.
    Looks like I am getting another ENT visit... After some hopeful diagnosis, I wonder if I can potentially get the treatment I want to try.
    Because of the resurrected discussion of growth factors, I find myself going down a research rabbit hole once again. ...Great.
    Wow, great finds and points @Artemis2K , how would someone even go about bringing something like this to a research institution's attention? Furthermore, would it even be worth discussing with those who are already doing stem cell / exosome protocols? Like I wonder what StemCell21 would respond with.
    As for America, my experience with that clinic in Charlotte made me more worried about the willingness of experimentation from stem cell clinics, especially the ones that specialize in the sports injury treatments. They'd probably be worried about being in trouble with the FDA since IGF-1 is illegal for professional sports use. IGF-1 is approved for other genuine conditions though... @ErikaS
    @ErikaS I've never tried to get an institution's attention like this. I probably wouldn't be able to do that alone. They'd probably write me off as a nobody lol. I'm really willing to try though. To be honest IGF-1 has been in discussion for about four years now. I kind of wish I had this idea back then. Then again, we didn't know as much about stereocillia, support cells, and ribbon synapse as we do now.
    I choose to keep being optimistic. Through the power of science there is always potential. We'll get there.
    It's a bit frustrating when an AI does a better job answering my ear questions than my ENTs and audiologists.
    I think my hearing might have gone back to normal, but there's a weird numbness in my left ear. An imbalance, of sorts. I dislike it.
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