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Well I am feeling better and recovered from Covid. Returning to a healthy lifestyle and it has been helping my mental health, T, and hearing Aug 22, 2024

MatthewR was last seen:
Aug 22, 2024
    1. MatthewR
      Well I am feeling better and recovered from Covid. Returning to a healthy lifestyle and it has been helping my mental health, T, and hearing
      1. kingsfan and 2049v like this.
    2. MatthewR
      I wish I never exposed myself to loud gunshots without ear protection
      1. 4Grace and gameover like this.
    3. MatthewR
      Bad news. I thought I was doing better but I have Covid and my hearing is terrible and tinnitus is loud..
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. kingsfan
        T usually spikes when your sick, especially if you are feverish. Hopefully it will go back to baseline once you are better. I know Covid can cause hearing loss but it's not a guarantee, so hopefully it will pass without any issue. Maybe try and get paxlovid, if it is isn't ototoxic - I've never checked.
        Aug 12, 2024
        MatthewR and snizzleberry like this.
      4. RunningMan
        Sorry to hear you caught COVID and that it worsened you. So often, people end up back here due to an illness, medication, or exposure, etc. worsening their condition. Hopefully, once you recover from COVID, your tinnitus will return to the previous baseline.
        Aug 12, 2024
        MatthewR likes this.
      5. MatthewR
        That’s what I’m hoping! Thanks everybody! I have hope I will return to baseline once this fever passes.. Covid is terrible
        Aug 13, 2024
        RunningMan likes this.
    4. MatthewR
      I’m doing much better. Went through a SEVERE acute acoustic trauma about 8 months ago &. Hope to do a success story at my 1yr mark
      1. NL50, snizzleberry, Ngo13 and 5 others like this.
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      3. MatthewR
        I also can relate to having good and bad days as far as hearing and T. Sometimes I’ll feel like it’s worse than other days, but for the most part I’m just grateful I’m not deaf and T is much lower. I’m good & you will be too I truly believe that
        Jul 27, 2024
        NL50 likes this.
      4. 2049v
        Hey @MatthewR, as far as I know you didn't get any treatments for hearing loss as well. When you say your hearing got better. What do you mean? Thanks.
        Jul 27, 2024
      5. MatthewR
        No treatments. It literally got better. I remember the first 2 months I couldn’t hear high pitched noises with an audio I would use, now I can. I still can’t hear the way I once did but I adjusted and healed
        Aug 8, 2024
        2049v likes this.
    5. bman9422
      Hi I wanted to check in with you. Two months ago I had a bad experience shooting with no ear pro for about an hour with my uncle.
      1. Kerza likes this.
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      3. MatthewR
        The tinnitus is a bother, but my main concern is hearing loss. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Hearing aids help, but I’m scared to lose more hearing
        Jul 2, 2024
        2049v likes this.
      4. 2049v
        @MatthewR hello. We have similar audiograms. Both of my ears are 25db at 8k hz. My hearing is terrible. It's muffled, i can't hear most of the things that i used to hear before, clarity of sounds are gone...

        Is it getting better with you? How are you doing?
        Jul 15, 2024
        MatthewR likes this.
      5. MatthewR
        @2049v I’m about 8 months out from a severe acute acoustic trauma with gunshots. I used to hate my life so much, but I’m doing a lot better. Still have Tinnitus, and hearing loss, but it’s gotten better! Thank the lord
        Jul 16, 2024
        2049v likes this.
    6. Sherif
      How're you doing Matthew ? Hope you're feeling better
      1. MatthewR likes this.
      2. MatthewR
        Over 7 months out from a seriously bad acute acoustic trauma with gunfire, and I can confidently say I am much better
        Jul 2, 2024
        tpj and Sherif like this.
    7. MatthewR
      Matthew 19:26
    8. MatthewR
      Best Valentine’s Day ever, one to never forget… when you find out ur gf has been cheating with a co worker. Confidence low since T H & loss
      1. 4Grace, RunningMan and gameover like this.
      2. Juliane
        I am sorry
        Feb 19, 2024
      3. 4Grace
        I am sorry to. Life will get better for you. Keep your faith in God.
        Feb 23, 2024
        Mark F. likes this.
    9. MatthewR
      Thoughts of wanting to be dead.. I sympathize for everyone on this forum. I wish we could just heal
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      2. gameover
        Exactly. No money in the world. I guess at some crazy amount of $$$ it becomes moral dilemma - can I make the world better for others and my family?

        Frankly, fuck it. I am too selfish for that. And I am quite sure my family would better off with my old self, rather than $$$. So, yeah, I don't even want a 10 trillions of dollars. Shove it. I just want to get rid of T and H.
        Feb 16, 2024
        Juliane, 4Grace and tpj like this.
      3. gameover
        As my (former) therapist said, it makes you realize how RICH you are when you are healthy. I kinda knew, but you don't really until you experience this kind of misery.
        Feb 16, 2024
        Juliane, 4Grace, tpj and 1 other person like this.
      4. crescentsky
        @gameover 100% even at suboptimal health prior to T, it is still 100% better. What makes this difficult to manage is that other health issues usually can be managed through meds and goes back into remission or resolve your symptoms. T on the other hand doesn't really unless there is a miracle.
        Feb 16, 2024
        Juliane, 4Grace, tpj and 1 other person like this.
    10. MatthewR
      Ahhhhh….. it’s all I think about.. I’m obsessively thinking about my hearing issues. FK… this can’t be forever.. why don’t ears heal wtf
      1. SharonBell likes this.
    11. MatthewR
      I’m a power lifter, so every time I’m in the gym I use headphones full blast. I know it’s not smart considering I have hearing loss. Oh well
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      2. HearingHell
        Feb 12, 2024
        MatthewR likes this.
      3. MatthewR
        Thank you. If you could give me your opinion on my audiogram that would be nice. I think my hearing is awful, maybe it’s mostly in my head? I hate my life man fk
        Feb 12, 2024
      4. 4Grace
        Wow - I actually wish I could do that… your going to be okay if you stop blasting your ears. Try not to make things worse. What I would give.
        Feb 14, 2024
    12. MatthewR
      Matthew 21:22
    13. MatthewR
      I think I made the correct choice rejecting the prednisone my ENT wanted me to take after gunshots ruined my hearing?
      1. Jupiterman
        Why do you say this if your life is ruined?

        If you could go back, would you not want to take the Prednisone?
        Feb 10, 2024
      2. MatthewR
        Because for most people it doesn’t work, and I am the type of person that is afraid of medicines
        Feb 10, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
    14. MatthewR
      I just want my hearing back. Idc about tinnitus
      1. Tryn2BHopeful
        If your hearing comes back your T will likely fade. I hope something gets better for you. Hang in there.
        Feb 8, 2024
        Mark F. likes this.
    15. MatthewR
      Rollercoaster of emotions. I pray to God every single day and hope I can live a happy life. Mental breakdowns happen but gotta get back up
    16. MatthewR
      Is it possible for one to regain FULL hearing after acute acoustic trauma?
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. Tryn2BHopeful
        Jan 25, 2024
        SharonBell, 4Grace and MatthewR like this.
      3. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        @MatthewR The general consensus is that if you will have any significant improvement, it will be in the first month. That is why the window for steroids is so small.
        Jan 25, 2024
        4Grace and MatthewR like this.
      4. From9to<1
        Absolutely possible. I went deaf from an explosion when I was young. It was a gun that exploded. From the breech...right by my ear. Literally deaf and tinnitus as hearing came back. Whole process less than a week, all better. Probably youth. Doctor said tympanic membrane tightened to protect.
        Feb 27, 2024
    17. MatthewR
      I work at a loud tire shop… i don’t wear earplugs I just say F it… hope I’m not deaf by age 40
      1. 4Grace likes this.
      2. tpj
        Jan 21, 2024
        Nettles, 4Grace, Juliane and 5 others like this.
      3. Jupiterman
        He'll soon earn.
        Jan 25, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
      4. 4Grace
        I go out and do the same. Ear plugs drive me insane. I do it knowing it will be the end of me.
        Feb 4, 2024
    18. MatthewR
      Went from 55dB hearing loss in left ear to 30dB hearing loss
      1. SilverFox, Note, gameover and 6 others like this.
    19. MatthewR
      The mind is powerful
      1. L along the way likes this.
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      3. MatthewR
        Positive mindset > negative mindset. ALWAYS
        Jan 14, 2024
      4. gameover
        There is no "law of attraction". That's pure nonsense. Positive mind can help, to a point.
        Jan 14, 2024
      5. MatthewR
        @gameover That’s your outlook on it which is fine, but I’ll continue to believe in it and pursue every day despite all my pain and see how far I can go. I think a positive mind can help tremendously regardless of this extremely bothersome loud ringing in both ears of mine. I will succeed. I know I will.
        Jan 15, 2024
        4Grace likes this.
    20. MatthewR
      It’s hard for all of us. Yes. Some worse than others but DONT GIVE UP! Enjoy life as much as you can despite restrictions. We are a family
      1. Juliane
        Jan 13, 2024
    21. MatthewR
      Anyone have good experience with lipoflavonoid?
      1. SharonBell and RunningMan like this.
      2. RunningMan
        I haven't used it. There's a thread on TT about it. My ENT suggested trying it. I didn't waste my time based on the thread on TT and study about it.
        Jan 11, 2024
        MatthewR likes this.
      3. Tryn2BHopeful
        My ENT suggested it as well. I have a bottle sitting here but haven't mustered up the courage to try it. ENT told me that it helps some but others tell her is a waste of money. If I try it I will likely post something on my experience on TT
        Jan 11, 2024
        MatthewR likes this.
      4. SharonBell
        @MatthewR I took them when I first got Covid my doctor prescribed them. I think they helped then, I havnt taken since sept-oct.
        Jan 12, 2024
    22. MatthewR
      Visiting an ENT tomorrow to re test hearing/T. I’m just trying to find myself again. This accident changed me. I thought they were friends..
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. MatthewR
        Thank you for the positive comments. Turns out my hearing improved and T since my first test. Now doctors say it will plateau. That makes me sad, but they said my hearing is almost in normal range but I just feel like it’s not
        Jan 11, 2024
      4. Tryn2BHopeful
        Jan 11, 2024
        MatthewR likes this.
      5. Juliane
        @MatthewR That is incredibly good news. Believe me
        Jan 11, 2024
        MatthewR likes this.
    23. MatthewR
      Sleep has been rough. Fan/white noise can only do so much
      1. SilverFox and L along the way like this.
    24. MatthewR
      Has anyone recovered from noise induced hearing loss? Ever? Moderate? I can’t accept this. I truly did ruin my life
      1. 2049v, Juliane and gameover like this.
    25. MatthewR
      Reducing caffeine and exercise have been helping me sleep better!
      1. Juliane, Mark F., gameover and 3 others like this.
      2. RunningMan
        Good to hear. Seems for me I just need to stop caffeine by mid-morning, although I mostly stopped completely most days for now. I exercised most days through the summer, but it didn't seem to help. Still a problem for me.
        Jan 4, 2024
      3. MatthewR
        Yeah actually last night was terrible. I just want to sleep good, but tinnitus interferes so much
        Jan 5, 2024
    26. SharonBell
      So you hearing loss and tinnitus is in just one ear? Mine is in both ears and my head24/7. So you should give it a little time.
      1. MatthewR likes this.
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      3. SharonBell
        MatthewR they say hearing aids can help with tinnitus also, but you need to get it set up by a professional.
        Jan 2, 2024
      4. MatthewR
        I really don’t want to use hearing aids :/ I’m going to give this time and hope for the best
        Jan 3, 2024
      5. SharonBell
        @MatthewR I had Covid twice in 2021 and 2022 and had tinnitus both times it was just a little ringing at night. It went away both times, but then came back in 2023.
        Mar 12, 2024
    27. MatthewR
      I feel disabled, I don’t want my girl to leave me
      1. SharonBell, SilverFox and gameover like this.
      2. Juliane
        I am sorry for what you are going through. I have had similar fears. If people truly love you they will not leave you ❤️ No one is invincible and we can all fall ill
        Dec 31, 2023
      3. MatthewR
        God bless you Juliane ❤️✝️ thank you for your support. We all miss our old lives but it’s true that staying positive is our best option. Stay close to God
        Dec 31, 2023
        Mark F. and Juliane like this.
    28. MatthewR
      I can’t sleep. I am depressed... this is way too much for me to handle.
      1. 4Grace and gameover like this.
      2. LukeYoung
        Getting good sleep is the first step, once you have found relief in sleep you will feel better. Have you tried masking? A fan was my go to and sometimes rain sounds on top when things were bad
        Dec 31, 2023
        Mark F. and gameover like this.
    29. MatthewR
      I lost 55dB in my left ear with tinnitus obtained at 8KHz from gunshots. Anyone think my hearing will return with time?
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      2. MatthewR
        I’m taking a non medical route
        Dec 28, 2023
      3. Utdmad89
        No one knows sadly. But if it is at 8KHZ hearing aids should help.
        Dec 28, 2023
      4. RunningMan
        You're about a full month out since the incident, so any improvement will likely be slow and minimal at this point. But at least some of that loss could come back. Protect your ears. And you can adapt to it over time where it won't be as depressing.
        Dec 28, 2023
    30. MatthewR
      Noise induced hearing loss…. I can’t live the same anymore I’m so depressed……… I want to be normal
      1. SharonBell likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. MatthewR
        Moderate hearing loss in my left ear. I don’t want to use a hearing aid I truly want to heal. I can’t accept this
        Dec 28, 2023
      4. MatthewR
        Tinnitus obtained at 8KHz and 55dB HL in left ear.
        Dec 28, 2023
      5. just1morething
        @MatthewR, do a search of “gunshots” on upper right search bar. Maybe others here have some good advice for you.
        Dec 28, 2023
        Mark F. likes this.
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