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  • Happy that my COVID spike has quieted down -- I'm now back to where I was in May-- a "loud" day every 3-5 days, but "loud" is now 5-6, not 8
    T was improving --hadn't had a really bad day in over a month. Then I got COVID. Now: 8/10 every third day, waking me up at night. Whaaaaa.
    Hi Spencer, I can really relate to a lot of your story. I too got my tinnitus actually the day after my second Covid vax and it is intermittent as well. However, mine is like 3 days on and 3 days off. I have found some relief from Gabapantin. Anyways, wanted to say hi and that our stories are somewhat similar and not to many are in this world from what I have seen.
    sorry -- I just saw this. Yes, this fluctuating thing is weird. After nine months, mine is still approximately two quiet days and one loud day, but it's not as set in stone as it was in the beginning. Sometimes I get an extra quiet day.... hope yours heals up quickly.
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