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Jun 25, 2023
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Member, Female, from Underworld

I had a lot of hope for the Djalilian protocol but now I am not sure anymore really. Sep 1, 2024

    1. MiaVIL
      According to facebook and reddit, NOBODY completely recovers or gets a reduction in T. I only see success stories on here… hmm… fake
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      2. crescentsky
        I think it can happen. I did recover from my concert-T 10 years ago. Complete silence. Not sure abt my current-demonic-T.
        Jun 25, 2024
        SarahMLFlemmer and gameover like this.
      3. ECP
        @kingsfan I agree with you. I think Reddit is a catch-all type of basket full of random people commenting on random topics. The people who are most passionate or most knowledgeable about a topic are usually found at specialty websites devoted to said topic.
        Jun 26, 2024
      4. gameover
        Severe T itself is rare, and recovery even more so. But it happens.
        Jun 26, 2024
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    2. MiaVIL
      Saw a more specialized audiologist- My middle ear space, including my ear drum need to heal before I can even think of getting relief.
    3. MiaVIL
      I am blowing up angry now. All talk no action Shore. RED FLAG- hiding the most important info- FDA approval, coming out, non somatic etc
      1. SilverFox, Juliane and BB23 like this.
    4. MiaVIL
      I can’t do it anymore. I have one of the worst cases here. Nothing is improving like I thought. High hiss screeching. I have hearing loss.
      1. Juliane and streifzug like this.
    5. MiaVIL
      How do you live with screeching. I just can’t. This is just existing. One sinus infection … one…
      1. Juliane, tpj, Sansa and 1 other person like this.
    6. MiaVIL
      So do ppl who get T from viruses or noise have less of a chance of reduction than people who have age related hearing loss and wear HAIDS?
      1. RunningMan
        Age related hearing loss isn't going to get better until there's a treatment for it. T is more common in older people. And for sudden noise trauma, it seems the younger folks have a better chance of recovery in the short term.
        Jun 10, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      2. MiaVIL
        I got mine from an infection at 31. My FIL has age related hearing loss from noise exposure at his job. He wears HAs. He had loud tinnitus and after 1 year with HAs he no longer has it. He can go 2 weeks at a time without his hearing aids and it doesn’t really come back… maybe a small amount but nothing like it was.. then he puts them back in again and it goes away. He goes to all types of loud places too
        Jun 10, 2024
      3. kingsfan
        My stepfather has tinnitus and hearing loss from riding motorcycles and working on heavy machinery. His tinnitus goes completely away while wearing his hearing aids
        Jun 11, 2024
    7. MiaVIL
      Metallic crackling in my right ear. It bounces and dances to a rhythm. I can feel it.
    8. MiaVIL
      This will be the end of me.
      1. gameover and Sansa like this.
    9. MiaVIL
      I’m going to die
      1. gameover and Utdmad89 like this.
      2. BB23
        One day everyone will
        Jun 7, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. MiaVIL
        I will sooner rather than later
        Jun 7, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    10. MiaVIL
      ENT has formally discharged me from her office. No more scans. Says I have fluid in back of ME and that I need psychiatric help.
      1. gameover and Pinhead like this.
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      3. JeffToob
        What is ME?
        Jun 7, 2024
      4. MiaVIL
        Jun 7, 2024
        JeffToob likes this.
      5. gameover
        Like WTF? Do you suggest psychiatric help, too when you break a leg?
        Jun 8, 2024
        SilverFox likes this.
    11. MiaVIL
      I miss silence, but I also miss the cutest little fleeting T episode I had in R ear today. Thin, 8K didn’t last long enough.Felt good in ear
      1. Thizzle
        Those are the furthest thing from cute lol
        Jun 4, 2024
      2. MiaVIL
        They are when you have my level of T severity.. they are a reprive… plus how they feel in my ear helps the chronic irritation I feel from my ears and current T
        Jun 4, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
    12. MiaVIL
      I would rather have pure tone
      1. gameover and weehiru like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. MiaVIL
        Had the cutest little fleeting T moment in R ear today. So thin, around 8K. Felt good in my ear and he was cute. Wished I had that over what I normally have.
        Jun 4, 2024
      4. gameover
        Yes. You have hiss from hell? I have both, and the hiss is worse. Only recently I started suspecting ETD, which nobody has diagnosed me with.
        Jun 4, 2024
      5. MiaVIL
        @gameover pls do your research about ETD and get copies of your audiogram to compare. ETD often shows type C tymphs.. the pressure must be way in the negatives.
        Jun 4, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    13. MiaVIL
      My CT scan says “BILATERAL MIDDLE EAR DISEASE” and a bunch of other fancy words… soft tissue, opacified cells… don’t know if causing t
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. gameover
        These ENTs are useless. Entirely Not Treating.
        Jun 4, 2024
      4. kingsfan
        @MiaVIL Your best bet is to try and see a doctor who is willing to go over it with you.
        Jun 4, 2024
      5. MiaVIL
        @kingsfan I live in Canada where I cannot get a second opinion. I am going back to my doctor on Thurs after demanding an appt.
        Jun 4, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    14. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      Lovr and prayers coming at you right now
      1. MiaVIL
        Thank you, back at you
        Jun 1, 2024
        Daniel Lion likes this.
    15. MiaVIL
      I need help
      1. Juliane likes this.
    16. MiaVIL
      Worsening. I thought I was getting better… it was barely noticeable a couple days last week now its been horrible this week. I want to die.
      1. gameover and Sansa like this.
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      3. MiaVIL
        @RunningMan I doubt it. My CT scan shows “middle ear disease”. I have no idea what to do… I get screaching. I thought I was healing.
        May 31, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      4. gameover
        You have a way to kill this shit. Look for better doctor now!!!
        Jun 4, 2024
      5. MiaVIL
        @gameover I’m trying but I don’t what is wrong with me. Hopefully I get some answers within the next 2 weeks. How do I even know that ME disease causes this much T?
        Jun 4, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    17. MiaVIL
      Is there anyone with good medical jargon knowledge that can read my CT scan from last December? doc mailed it to me
      1. MiaVIL
        May 26, 2024
      2. Nick47
        Your dr can read it surely?
        May 27, 2024
      3. MiaVIL
        My ENT won’t see me anymore
        May 27, 2024
    18. MiaVIL
      WHY ISN’T THE FADING LINEAR? it was a whisper for a few days last week… now more intense!
      1. Kiyomi likes this.
    19. MiaVIL
      Everything is mostly silent except for the high hiss which comes and goes like a sharp knife. I need it to get softer.
      1. Ngo13, Sansa, streifzug and 1 other person like this.
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      3. MiaVIL
        @SumGuy I don’t have ringing. My problem is sharp hissing/ticks and crackles
        May 26, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      4. Juliane
        Everything is mostly silent? That's incredibly good news!
        May 26, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      5. MiaVIL
        @Juliane its not gone. I have painful hissing/crackles/ticks
        May 26, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    20. MiaVIL
      I wish I had never gotten tubes.
    21. MiaVIL
      Ok so horrible screeching tinnitus all night. This morning I pulled a glob of bloody mucous from my right ear!!
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. kingsfan
        That doesn't sound good. Could be an infection or ruptured eardrum. I would go to urgent care or ER.
        May 16, 2024
        gameover, _Shoto_ and SilverFox like this.
      3. MiaVIL
        I have ear tubes in and nobody cares or will do anything to help me.
        May 16, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    22. MiaVIL
      Does anyone else’s T sound and feel like metal clanking? I can feel it. It hurts.
      1. tpj and L along the way like this.
    23. MiaVIL
      Tinnitus is basically stabilizing to pings/tings and sharp hisses. It’s very thin and severely intrusive. Can’t hold on much longer.
    24. MiaVIL
      Carol Lee Brook had one of the worst cases of T & H I have ever heard and made a full recovery. 4th phone call to this 84 year old.
      1. Ngo13 likes this.
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      3. 4Grace
        Nerve pain in neck not never
        May 16, 2024
      4. gameover
        Bullshit. Nobody recovers thanks to TRT. Recovered despite it.
        Jun 4, 2024
      5. MiaVIL
        Jun 4, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    25. MiaVIL
      Tinnitus has reduced down to a crackling, hissing hell
      1. L along the way, gameover and SumGuy like this.
      2. SumGuy
        is it easier to mask now?
        May 6, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      3. MiaVIL
        @SumGuy no not at all. It cuts through everything
        May 6, 2024
    26. MiaVIL
      For those in Ontario- Mississauga mayoral candidate Brian Crombie completely RECOVERED from T by wearing generators!!
      1. cjbhab
        i do wear generators and they provide relief but will not result in recovery for me.
        Apr 22, 2024
      2. gameover
        No, he recovered DESPITE wearing generators.
        Apr 23, 2024
        Nick47 likes this.
    27. MiaVIL
      When someone tells me “I don’t hear it” or “it’s basically gone now” then it means they don’t have it anymore!
      1. Juliane
        Yes it does. Agree
        Apr 22, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    28. MiaVIL
      December 30th 1991- May 24th 2023
      1. BrOKeN_1
        Apr 20, 2024
        Tryn2BHopeful likes this.
      2. MiaVIL
        Stop what?
        Apr 20, 2024
      3. BrOKeN_1
        Sry. I guess I shouldn't read into your post. I wish you well.
        Apr 20, 2024
    29. MiaVIL
      Ben Thompson says anyone who has had it for a year it’s permanent
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      2. MiaVIL
        @Varda there’s no tears in heaven
        Apr 20, 2024
      3. Varda
        @MiaVIL maybe there's still tinnitus in Heaven but everyone has learned to habituate
        Apr 20, 2024
      4. MiaVIL
        @Varda you’re thinking of hell
        Apr 20, 2024
        tpj, Juliane and BrOKeN_1 like this.
    30. MiaVIL
      looking for some opinions here- if you had thick mucous coming out of your ears and a CT scan showing this would you think it’s cause of T
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    infection, hearing loss
    The greatest wealth in the world is health. Nothing else matters.