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  • According to Mayo Clinic, Azithromycin can cause: redness or swelling in the ear, continuing ringing or buzzing in the ears
    Loop diuretics are ototoxic but are herbal diuretics like "Wuling San Wan" safe? Think my T is caused by fluid buildup
    Is it better to treat cavities with mouthwash and xylitol gum instead of risking a baseline increase at the dentist?
    Can Barium swallow cause a T spike?
    I decided to play it safe and not do the barium swallow.
    Did Trump get tinnitus from the bullet going directly past his ear? If he did will we see more awareness about it?
    Have many members had success with Nortriptyline?
    What kind of success are you talking about??
    @RunningMan Dealing with depression without worsening the tinnitus.
    OK. Well, I took Nortriptyline at 50 mg for about 3 months straight. No effect on tinnitus or anxiety/depression feelings that I could tell. It increased heart rate, caused dry mouth, and some intermittent experiences of what felt like very painful acid reflux that would last 20 minutes or longer (and I don't even have acid reflux.) I couldn't handle higher dose & weaned off.
    What is the best anti-depressant or anti-psychotic for tinnitus?
    There is none. Take fish oil and magnesium. Those drugs you are talking about will cripple you more. Surviving exists for a reason. Please take my advice.
    @BB23 do you recommend any specific type of magnesium?
    @cjbhab glycinate and lthreonate but be vary u may need to taper off of these two as well...
    Should be a crime to give out macrolides without verbally explaining the 200% increased risk of getting tinnitus
    "Macrolide use in between both assessments was associated with more than a 2-fold increased risk on incident tinnitus"
    Good news is all the supplements I'm on cured my HFMD. Didn't do anything for the Tinnitus though
    My scalp is already getting pretty itchy. Says here if you get HFMD of the scalp the oral cavity is spared
    My HFMD only had one day of fever, no body aches or chills. Hope that's a good sign and the sores aren't so bad. Throat is already sore.
    Hate to admit to but I had to slam a Victan last night. Second one in 3 days. I hope I don't get Benzo Induced Neurological Dysfunction
    Splitting headache so took half a tab of loxoprofen and it sent my T through the roof.
    Took some nicotinamide, papaverine and loflazepate and after a good nights sleep my T is cured! Praise Jesus!
    Uh oh, T is starting to come back, maybe I spoke too soon.
    Dr. Nagler: "Take the vaccine. You owe it to yourself. Moreover, you owe it to society." WTF is he talking about "owe it to society?"
    Disgusting advice. Many people have been disabled from taking the vaccine. Who is Dr Nagler?
    @Juliane It can't even be called "advice." The phrasing "you owe it to society" is just straight up psychological bullying.
    @Juliane he was a nonsense spewing white coat on tinnitustalk posting until a while ago
    I contacted a lawyer about making a claim against the doctor that gave me the azithromycin that caused my tinnitus....
    What did the lawyer say?
    Unfortunately, there no way to prove that a doctor is libel for prescribing you an FDA approved medication.
    The FDA should have required there be a black box warning on azithromycin stating that it may cause permanent tinnitus. Are there any lawyers here that would like to help me sue the FDA. 100% contingency of course, you will take your fee from the settlement received from the FDA
    How are you doing?
    I've got a ~13khz ringing that seems to come and go. A quiet 1500hz tone that is pretty constant and never changes. I'm past the 3 week mark where they claim macrolide ototoxicity reverses so I guess I just have to get used to it.
    I've noticed the only thing that actually quiets my T is benzos. Is it viable to just chronically take benzos for the rest of my life?
    Benzos may temporarily reduce T in the short-term, but can permanently worsen T in the long-run.
    The irony
    I hate doctors.
    never had a good exp with docs even pre-T.
    crescentsky: I got a broken bone once. Seems pretty simple right? Put some bolts in the bone to fasten it back together? Nope, they ended up cutting a big fat sensory nerve while doing it and a big patch of my leg is permanently numb. I guess I should be thankful they properly washed there hands or sneeze in the open wound and I didn't get a massive infection.
    They can be always dangerous even for simple shit. Just too dumb and too full of themselves. The rare good ones LISTEN to their patients.
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