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  • I've been reading some about organoids. These may be a key to studying the inner ear and learning about tinnitus.
    Seems like they're exploring everything these days in pursuit of T. Even if it's a dead end, at least they can cross it off the list.
    Slightly worse tinnitus this week but still very tolerable. Hoping the trend of better bad days continues.
    I'm probably going to jinx it, but I've had almost a week worth of Susan Shore level tinnitus.
    That's very mild. Very nice. I can only dream about that. It's been too many years.
    Hope you can experience it some day. My mood has been much better. I'm just hoping it stays this way. My left ear (my better ear) may be almost completely healed.
    Been having more mild/quiet days recently. If I ever get rid of this life will feel like I'm on easy mode.
    Love to hear it keep us updated❤️
    Would be living the best life. No one can tell me otherwise lol
    Even mild/quiet already make it easy mode. Congrats.
    Sounds like there's a mosquito buzzing around today. This is such a weird disorder.
    Tone changed to more of a light squealing this week. Wonder if all these changes in tone means its healing.
    Softness of tone is more important than volume(to a point)in my opinion. Mine is a bit louder today but the softer tone makes it not as bad.
    I hear my shit T in the shower. With water directly blasting my head it is masked 80-90%, but it is there. With just standing it in the shower, maybe 50%. It sucks.
    I can relate to this. Kind of like a warm sizzle compared to the piercing drill. Anything but the drill.
    @gameover - you go from mild to hearing it that loud in the shower. That still amazes me. I can hear mine in the shower too but it stays that loud all the time. Never goes down.
    Seems to be easier to mask my tinnitus during my bad days now. Hopefully this means its fading more and more.
    I notice on days where I have migraines my tinnitus is almost non existent. Not a great trade off though lol
    Today is the mildest its been since this all started. Not sure if this will last but this is so peaceful.
    Mild high pitch buzzing in my worse ear most of the week. Annoying but definitely an improvement.
    Been having some shitty days since feeling better. This shit makes no sense to me.
    I feel that.
    Shit day for me again.
    There just seems to be no rhyme or reason for it to act up. Its like there's little dice in my right ear that decide my fate every morning.
    Got covid. Tinnitus even more mild and easier to tune out for now. Weird...but I'll take it.
    This new JN.1 variant is no joke. Seems nearly everyone has had it.
    One of the things keeping me hopeful is that my bad days aren't as harsh or debilitating. Wish this was a more linear healing process though
    That sounds great! Do you think it is habituation or is your T objectively lower?
    Hoping to end up writing a success story in the coming months if things don't change for the worse again. This time feels different though.
    Just wanted to give an update. Over the last week my tinnitus seems to have improved A LOT. My bad days have been annoying but fairly mild.
    I noticed my tinnitus will distort while I move my jaw around in wide motions. Wonder if mine is somatic.
    @Windy64 Mines definitely from acoustic trauma. I really don't have any jaw issues. I'm just hoping mines somatic in some way so the Susan Shore Device has a better chance at working.
    That's textbook somatic tinnitus
    Things still seem to be going pretty good. Saturday was a little crappy but not too bad. Going to try taurine supplements as well.
    Still seems like its fading more but very slowly. Hopefully it keeps up. Been taking Lion's Mane Mushroom supplements lately.
    I was considering Lion's Mane, but some people reported worsening, so I stayed away. I wish my fading was steady even if slow. The setbacks kill me. Every time I wonder if this is permanent.
    Yeah I get the same on setback days especially when I get the high pitch dental drill tone. So far so good but I'm still scared of going backwards again. Hope yours eases up and improves. I was happy when you were getting good days.
    Had a good weekend for the most part. Dentist drill sound today but its very quiet. Inner ear throbbing on and off. Wonder if nerve healing.
    Have had a mostly good week. Got cricket noises today but the pitch seems to be softer. Almost like its harder to perceive.
    You're very lucky. Protect your hearing from now on, and hopefully your tinnitus will become less and less.
    For sure. I've been wearing an ear plug in my right ear when I drive and have been pretty much staying home outside of going to work. I'm officially 3 months into this today. If my right ear fades to the level of my left I'll basically be 95% tinnitus free. The instability of my right seems to be tightening the last 2 weeks.
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