Jason C

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  • How are you doing these days I seen you were online today
    Jason C
    Hiya, Sorry for the distance, I don't visit here often now but I do check in now and then as this place was a real help for me during my bad times, and yes still tinnitus free apart from some fleeting tinnitus which I had before the noise exposure, I am always careful around loud noise.
    Love to hear it, your story has given me hope. Hope to be like you one day. Thank you take care
    Jason C
    All good thankfully,
    How are you today? I
    Still tinnitus free? Luckiest man on earth if so.
    Did yours feel like it had a central/"brain" component? Flux tones? I'm 38 years old and run a business as well and doing it all to get past this- dreaming of an outcome like yours- cheers to you Jason.
    The mostly likely culprit being a medication though one not reported to cause any auditory risks from my extensive research though I assume possible. I too run a business and have pushed through with work while suffering and working to get better.
    Jason- you sound a lot like me. I was hit like a freight train by tinnitus- my cause unfortunately is much less clear as it a frustrating case of 'waking up with it randomly'.
    Hey Jason, I have T since 19.4. I listened a lot headphones and went since January to some gigs. I have excellent hearing with 24. Almost up to 18000hz. Its difficult to say if my T its improving because i have a lot of anexty at the moment. What do you think in my case? I know, you can't make any promises. But your story gave me hope!
    I know you can't answer if it will fade again this time, but I would consider myself nearly cured if the reactiveness that you also experienced went away. It rides over any external noise.

    Seeing as we had similar experiences, could I ask how long the reactivity stayed with you? Did it fade with your hyperacusis?
    I had another trauma in Jan -- a powerful external car alarm! 120 db. For about 45 seconds in my garage with no hearing protection.

    Since then, I've had quiet days (near silent) and LOUD days. hear it over everything loud. This has been going on for about 5 months
    Hey Jason, let me start by saying your posts are great. I went through a similar experience in 2016 with shotgun blasts with no hearing protection. Mine actually faded much quicker than yours did, although it never went away completely.
    Hi! I ve had an acoustic trauma 5 years ago (fire works) Ive had fullness and tightness and it almost completely went away… 5 days ago i went to a party with earplugs. 2 days after i have a blocked and tight feeling in my ears.. I'm totally panicking. Will this be back again?
    No, never had tinnitus. Ive had an acoustic shock 5 years ago (fireworks) and had heaviness and stufyness and pressure in ears.. it all faded away.. but now i can feel it comming back.. will it take 5 years again to recover ??? I m panicking..
    I don't think it will be as bad, especially since you had earplugs. But only time will tell
    I would just avoid loud situations from now on to be honest
    Hi Jason , i'm expierence ear pressure and fullness in both ears , since T onset 10 months ago,..how long Do You feel ear pressure and fullness ? Thanks man!
    Hi Jason. I just want to let you know I have followed your threads. Currently experiencing something similar especially with the reactive component. Your story is inspiring to keep me calm and stay patient with this
    And did you drive around in a Ferrari with tinnitus:)?
    Thanks for still contributing to TT. You're a real success story!
    Jason C
    Sorry only seeing this now. During my recovery I did experience loud noise from time to time, I was exposed to a ambulance siren, unexpected noise that happens in every day life and I think it did set things back a little bit overall Ondid recover from tinnitus but it did take a long time, I didnt sit at home, I have a business to run and people depend on me.
    Jason C
    With regards to the cars, they can be noisy but not actually inside the car, during the first year I couldn't drive the louder cars as hyperacusis made everything much louder.
    Thanks for the info Jason:)
    Happy for your recovery. It's strange some people recover while others get worse.. I was on my way to recovery before a setback.
    Take care!
    Hi @Jason C
    Sorry to bother you but I see you check in sometimes:)
    Did you experience very loud incidents the first year in your recovery? Loud enough to change tinnitus for some days/weeks?
    Or did you manage to avoid that by only get in the car to work and gym and then stay home rest of the days:)
    Hello Jason, I hope you doing well!
    Quick question, Did your hearing improve when the T went away. And how long it took your hearing to recover?
    Jason C
    My hearing improved over time
    as the tinnitus faded away. It took around 2 years for things to improve and the tinnitus to fade completely.
    Another question I'm afraid! When you had Tinnitus did it react(get louder) around noise?
    Jason C
    Hiya, I used to say tinnitus would ride on top of anything I was listening too. So if I was listening to music I could hear the tinnitus on top of the music regardless of the volume (obviously at sensible volume) This I believe is hyperacusis, When your auditory system is over sensitive maybe due to noise damage and things seem louder than usual. This takes a long time to resolve but it can resolve over time.
    Thanks for the answer, really appreciate it. The Tinnitus riding noise is exactly what I experience and I do have some hyperacusis, though the hyperacusis has improved quite a lot.
    Hi Jason, I hope you don't mind me asking another question. After your acoustic trauma did you suffer with earaches? I can't seem to go more than a few days without an earache.
    Jason C
    Hiya, Thankfully not earache, I did have a sensation of ear pressure and fullness which was annoying but not painful.
    The tinnitus was more of a concern at the time as that was mentally painful.
    I've read your success story many times and it always gives me hope. They say age plays a large part in the ears recovering, if you don't mind me asking how old were you when you got tinnitus?
    Jason C
    Hi, I was 36 at the time of the noise trauma, 38 by the time it finally resolved and 41 now, Thankfully still free of tinnitus but always fearful of loud noise.
    How long did it take for music to stop sounding like a broken speaker to you?
    And would you describe the distortions as being 100% gone?
    Jason C
    The distortion I had was literally like listening to music via a broken speaker, I couldn't hear bass and the highs sounded very crackled but also with the tinnitus squealing over the top of everything.
    Thankfully yes now all the distortions and tinnitus have 100% gone.
    I do still experience fleeting tinnitus for a few seconds at a time but then fades away. This happens maybe a few times a week.
    @Jason C That's really motivating. All music sounds like clipping to me
    Hi Jason, before your tinnitus went away did you get spikes from doing normal things, like driving in a car or other day to day stuff, or was it always the same level more or less? Thanks!
    Jason C
    Hiya, Yea it did indeed. Even just being in a busy environment, when I got home my ears would be screaming. This was during the first year of tinnitus.
    Thanks, good to know someone can recover from that kind of sensitivity.
    Hi Jason. I'm 3 months and still suffering. Do You hear your tinnitus at all anymore? I see your still visiting the site? Are you just keeping up with friends or has your tinnitus come back?
    Bill Bauer
    If yours has faded over the past two months, but is still very prominent at the three-months mark, it ought to fade, but it might take a 12-18-24 months. You might want to wear foam plugs (e.g., 3M 1100) when you are around your baby and especially when you carry the baby. Loud noises when the source is very close to one's ear can be dangerous.
    Bill Bauer
    As long as you avoid a secondary acoustic trauma it is reasonable to expect that eventually you will mostly get over it.
    Yes thank you. I ordered custom ear plug when I hold the baby. I don't want to be scared of my own baby. mine wasn't acoustic trauma. It just happened all sudden while watching tv. May of been stress bc I was remodeling my kitchen at the time. But either way acoustic trama could make it worse.
    Can you give us an update on how you're faring now? How life is, what you do. Did the fleeting T bouts die down. Anything like that.
    Jason C
    I'm very well Thankyou.

    The fleeting tinnitus still occurs, this only lasts for 10 seconds at a time and occasionally I get a sensation of pressure difference in my ears for maybe 10-15 seconds a time but I'm pretty sure I had that now and then before the acoustic trauma.
    The 29th of this month will be 3 years from the event that caused my acoustic trauma, thankfully no tinnitus now.
    Jason C
    I did do a skydive over new year this year and was fearful that this might be too much but thankfully I didn't have any problems after.
    Jason C
    Life is back to normal now but I now understand how noise works and when to be careful. I use in ear monitors for times when I need to protect my hearing in loud environments like a show at the opera house and plug my ears if an ambulance goes screaming past but I dont over protect and I use noice cancelling headphones for flying.
    Hello Jason!

    How did you avoid noise during the year and a half/two years it took for your tinnitus to disappear completely?

    I have been struggling for roughly the same length of time, though my case is considerably less severe (with regards to side effects such as balance etc) and I continued to keep it worse with noisy activities (no more!)

    Please keep it up! You are an inspiration to others!
    Jason C

    Really I was just careful with loud noise, if I went to see a show I would use ear plugs and if I'm using power tools I would use ear muffs, I didn't over protect though so if I went to a restaurant I wouldnt use hearing protection.
    Obviously you can't avoid all loud noises and these things happen. You just need to do what ya can :)
    Thanks man!
    Hi, did you also have a blocked / tight feeling? I have this since 2018 (because of fireworks) . Your story gives me hope! Thanks in advance!
    Jason C
    It was a good year before it went away, I read you don't have tinnitus? You are very lucky, I had terrible tinnitus along with ear fullness, balance problems etc it was a horrible time.
    No i don t have tinnitus.. i know! I m glad your feeling better!!!!! Hope this blocked feeling will also go away... i m taking magnesium and vitamine d right now.
    @Jason C 1,5 years ago i recoverd and i went to a bar on friday with earplugs and on monday i started feeling the fullness and tightness again.. will it take 3,5 years to recover again?? :-(
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