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  • Living a happy life in spite of my tinnitus, never thought I'd see the day. In 1,5 years I'll be a certified audiologist.
    Yeah no, I had a good run but this new tone is just destroying any chance of happiness it seems.
    One second of accidental sound through headphones was all it took, under 70 dB. Back in hell. Years of protection for nothing. No hope.
    Follow up: the sound was WAY louder than 70 dB. More like 100 dB. 3 week insanse spike that slowly abated. Still, it probably caused a permanent worsening of some sort.
    Tinnitus had me on the floor, then C19 came and kicked me in the nuts in terms of worsened tinnitus. Scared to get it again.
    What's up with this low humming sound that comes and goes for many of us? Was gone for like 6 months, now back in bass thump city.
    I think that this has to do with allergies/ETD for me. Starting to see a pattern.
    When you guys talk about spikes, do you only mean a louder version of what you have or does it include new tones that then disappear?
    I can't take this insomnia. I've been stoic for 2 years but I've had it: I need sleeping medication. Are there any safe alteratives?
    The only thing I can think of that could have caused this new tone was a 0,5 second house alarm that was set off by a thunderstorm
    Now I know I got the tone pretty much exactly when I got Covid19. Pretty sure that's the cause. Note that I was largely asymptomatic and did not have any mucus or other respiratory symptoms.
    4 years ago my apartment was bombed (I wasn't the target). The blast woke me, so I didn't hear how loud it was.
    Confused, I looked out of my huge window. The blast wave (from ground level, I was 9 stories up) imploded the window seconds later and showered me with glass. I think this + the extremely loud sub bass tinnitus attacks is why I have mild PTSD. I was also on p s y ch e delics at them time. I wonder if this was one of many events that gave me tinnitus.
    The owner of an establishment hired people to bomb it for insurance claims, but nobody was charged. My GF was one inch from losing her eye because she fainted face first into a glass door. At least she has a badass scar below her eyebrow
    Are there earplugs that don't have the occlusion effect when talking? Like musicians earplugs or something?
    I want to be able to attend family gatherings and not sit quietly in a sofa with mah plugs
    Not posting here much. Just want to say to you all, especially those who are new to this: it can and often does get better. Give it 2 years
    I haven't had really bad hyperacusis like many of you here. I can only imagine how that would be like. My hyperacusis has improved a bit but not fully, I still can't reallt tolerate music for instance. But from what I've read hyperacusis is actually treatable in many cases.
    Thank you for giving me some hope today.
    Aaand sometimes it also gets worse.
    My new rhythmic subwoofer sound is so much worse than the high-pitched stuff. About once a week it gets 20x louder instantaneously.
    Ended up in a psych ward the last time that happened. It was truly suicidal level tinnitus. If it ends up being that loud permanently I see no reason to press on. Scared and confused. Giving up music at low volume even though I suspect this sound is TTTS or blood flow related. Giving up everything that could have caused this sound. Only focused on surviving for the sake of my partner.
    Hang on in there mate. Let's stay optimistic that regenerative drugs will help us and soon. You are one of the good guys!!
    I have mild PTSD from these extreme attacks. I wake up terrified and with panic when there are bassy low sounds around me when I sleep. A neighbour playing music, a distant truck..
    fully understand why you are worried but wearing both ear plugs and muffs gives you far more protection making it much safer than only using one or the other. Make sure you explain your concerns to the tech and have the panic button in your hand to cease the mri if it causes you any distress...
    Bill Bauer
    Wearing them together increases the protection of the one with the highest protection (of the two) by 5 dB. 5dB is a lot.
    How safe is it to do and MRI with earplugs and muffs? I have to know what's wrong with my hip since I probably need surgery, but I'm scared
    Bill Bauer
    I had exchanged personal messages with 4 people who got a permanent increase in their T as a result of having an MRI done. But keep in mind that people from all over the world use this forum...
    Bill, do you know if they used protection? I'm also wondering if it's just the noise, or if it's something else with the MRI technology that causes issues.
    Bill Bauer
    One or two people posted here that not only they used protection, but they also looked for a hospital with an MRI machine that is being marketed as being quiet. They still got a spike. However, in those cases I don't know whether the spike ended up being permanent. Having said this, plenty of people with T get an MRI and are ok afterwards.
    What causes new sounds? Can it be random?
    Thanks to the both of you
    Michael Leigh
    I am only referring to Noise induced tinnitus and my belief is the unchanged:
    New sounds develop for 3 reasons. The first, is further exposure to loud noise. 2nd, If a person is sensitive to moderate or low level sound and a spike occurs or new sound develops, the usual reason their hyperacusis has not been treated. 3rd cause is stress.
    I think stress could be the reason. I developed the new sound during a time where my PTSD got triggered by some events at night. I got PTSD from having my apartment bombed many years ago..
    Still freaking out about the faint new tinnitus that sounds just like footsteps, my neighbours subwoofer, distant machinery.
    For how long did you have this new sound?
    A bit more than a month. The only other new sound I have gotten before is still here 1 year later
    It might go away, but it can take a while. Do you know why you got this new sound?
    Has anybody tried and open MRI? Are they quieter?
    In my experience (open MRI and closed MRI for jaw surgery), the open one is more quiet than the other one. However, keep in mind that the open MRI is less accurate.
    Tinnitus is making me withdraw from everything I loved to do. Why did it become worse? I did everything right. Everything is dangerous
    Michael Leigh
    Sorry to hear of your discomfort. Is it possible to have a talk with your GP/family doctor? Perhaps get a referral to ENT or Audiology?
    Sorry to hear this buddy :( T is f*#king awful. Everything makes mine spike. Even though mine was quiet today, it still got me down, especially when I went to put music on in my car and remembered I couldn't.. *hugs*
    I know those feelings. Those thoughts.
    I wish someone would figure out the major whys of this.
    Now this is a mindfuck: hearing a new tone that sounds EXACTLY like an actual sound of construction machinery that my GF can hear as well.
    I think I expressed myself unclearly. I have a new sound that's internal, but it sounds just like many other sounds in our apartment that are external. I can't really tell when it's footsteps above, when it's distant machinery, or when it's internal. And it's often quiet when I cover my ears which makes it even more confusing.
    I think people call this "reactive tinnitus" because it layers itself on top of other sounds, and is almost not audible in silence
    @HeavyMantra you have literally described my Tinnitus! I can't tell what is T and what are external sounds and like you said, it's almost not audible in silence.
    The humming, idling truck sound seems to be here to stay.. It comes and goes. Did absolutely nothing to cause it.
    I think I know what you're talking about. It's not as infruriating as my usual T.
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