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  • To Marshall: I can well believe that either activity would, however, be detremental. I am too afraid that either activity would spike this.
    To Foamear: For me, T spikes (and migraines) are always aggravated when there is the barometric pressure transition from summer into fall.
    How are you with pressure changes from flying and or driving up and down mountains?
    Very smart, Jerad: A lady on this Forum said, "I'm not committing suicide; tinnitus is slowly killing me, like any other terminal illness."
    @DaveFromChicago thanks. Ya, it's a brutal disorder to deal with. I'm worried about another member on this forum, too. He was saying he might commit suicide this past wknd & I was trying to give him hope to hold on, but he hasn't signed on for 5 days now, which is really unusual for him.
    Tinnitus is like that hideous creature in the first "Alien" movie. No matter what the crew did, they could not eject it from the Space Ship.
    Good analogy. Unfortunately, unlike the xenomorph in alien, t won't kill ya :-( if it did, there would at least be comfort in knowing there would be an end in sight for the torment.
    What makes t such an evil and uniquely disturbing disorder is that its debilitating symptoms have no sway on your mortality. It will never take a life. It can only drive the sufferer to make that decision.
    If it was more like the xenomorph we could just gladly taunt it and let it rip us to shreds Lol
    This condition mentally fractures you in places that will never quite return to their pre-tinnitus status even if the tinnitus disappeared.
    Ive been hitting that lately
    I feel like if my tinnitus ever magically disappeared, I'd be left as the most humble person on Earth.
    To Danish Girl: The stress from this feels as if I am always exhausted from an unbearable, fearful hyperalertness than I cannot neutralize.
    Three days of skull-clenching Migraines, tea-kettle blasting tinnitus, my IRA being erased by the Stock Market Implosion; Ain't we got fun?
    To Lurius: I have had the same mammoth fluctuations lately; I would rather have one steady tone than quietude followed by such an upheavel.
    Same. The ups and downs are killer for mental health
    Same here. I have a new tone after a better period.
    Same. I have a new tone after having an okay year.
    To Lurius: Mine also has been worse this week. Maybe it's due to the roller coaster barometric pressure changes from all the winter storms.
    Mine is definitely weather related.
    Well hopefully mine is weather related too, because I have no idea why mine has suddenly worsened. :(
    After sleeping or napping from 5 minutes to 8 hours results in very loud Tinnitus spikes. At first I thought maybe it was the position of my head & neck. But that theory is not accurate as I have fallen asleep practically sitting straight up in my lounge chair and it's the same results. It does go down to its everyday volume anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours. Hate it!
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