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  • Lidocaine diagnostic nerve block today (neck).T disappeared for 5 minutes! gradually returned as the block wore off. Now spiked. <sigh>
    That 5mins must have felt good!
    @tracyNYC dam almost. I swear wtf why would our brains even create phantom sounds like this WTF. and on top of that I know you see whats going on outside. cant even get no fresh air
    Long story - MRI cancelled. Meanwhile, took ONE 375mg naproxen (I know, but pain…) and tinnitus is at suicide level. Please make this stop!
    @brixenbrixen T originally from noise and age-related hearing loss. Been steadily worsening and wonder if neuralgias and cervical spine issues could be contributing. Took the naproxen for occipital neuralgia headache. Ugh. I should have powered through the headache.
    @yeezysqueezy Thank you - yes I will avoid NASIDs. I hope the H improves for you.
    @tracyNYC I am so sorry to hear this — what a shit that we have to avoid meds for curing other illnesses — that s not normal
    My 3T, 50 min. MRI in 5 days. Petrified. It must be done, I want it done, but can't, even with plugs. Worsening T rules my life. I'm angry.
    Dx'd with Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia. Need "FIESTA or CISS" MRI of brain to find nerve compression. Longer and louder scans? I'm screwed.
    @Marshall trippled up with protection when he had an MRI with foam plugs moldable plugs over them and then ear muffs.Can you do that if you need to get that MRI?
    @Strawberryblonde I may not be able to provide my own ear muffs -any they provide will be useless- and I may not be able to wear muffs anyway due to space/face cage. I'm calling MRI facilities this week. Fingers crossed. Thanks!
    I did, and I was perfectly fine. This was when my tinnitus was really bad too. I was very scared but I felt like I had to do it. Foam/mold/the earmuff headphone things they give you. I told them no music either lol
    in 1 day december 3 2022 susan shore is suppose to present her device with some new info.
    lets hope we get a early christmas surprise. lord knows we need 1. i legit havent enjoyed a holiday since my onset... Also have you tried hearing aids? also how on earth do you deal living in NYC, ive had to relocate to a more quieter setting but promised i'd move back home asap once a treatment is found.
    I have hearing aids but for hearing loss, not masking which is impossible. Tinnitus in NYC means wearing ear plugs outdoors 95% of the time and fewer subway trips. Not too bad really. I'm temporarily living in a quieter town (not because of tinnitus), and I can't wait to get back to NYC. I just need to resist the temptation to go to concerts -- all my favorite bands stop in NYC!
    shout out to any new yorkers on here, i thought you were new to tinnitus but seen you had this since 2009, which is longer than me. I salute you for surviving this long. i had it since 2014. life for me has never been the same.
    Life is definitely different and I at times I can still get bitter about it. I'm coping and surviving! Hope you are doing well!
    Very nervous of upcoming air travel.Short-hauls so smaller (noisier?) planes; have muffs, EarPlanes,1st class seats.Train/car not options :(
    You're protecting the best you can. Hopefully uneventful flight
    I really *need* to go to a concert--a loud AF concert. To "feel" some noise. I'm tired of earplugs and earmuffs and thinking about dB levels
    This is exactly how I feel. It just isn't fair :(
    I miss feeling the bass hit the back of my car seat as I'm cruising through the mountains.
    I posted this when I realized I cannot see my favorite artist, who is playing two shows near me. I've never missed a show. Recalling his past concerts (and yes, the bass that resounds and transports me...sigh!) brought out anger and frustration.
    I've realized my tinnitus worsens about every three months. Each time I settle in, relax and accept it, then BAM. It's exhausting.
    I love animals but am beginning to hate dogs. Barking and T do not get along. I'm screwed.
    Bill Bauer
    We should hate the dog owners who refuse to control their dogs...
    T still spiked and today it was exacerbated by everyday life in NYC. Mentally I'm a wreck. Sleep s*cks. I'm a shell of my former self.
    So very sorry, I can imagine how loud NYC is on a daily basis. Dallas is not much better with the never-ending barrage of loud trucks and leaf blowers. I hope things will settle down for you.
    Hopefully your spike subsides soon and you can have some mental tranquility!!!
    Thank you all for your kind words and support. It really means a lot. Sometimes I feel so alone because nobody else understands.
    Tomorrow I go under anesthesia. Trying to stay calm, but fear worsening tinnitus. Although, I've read others had a temporary reduction!
    Hard to say for sure, but I would say it did not. There were other issues later on that I believe did have a lasting impact. That said, I hope I don't need anesthesia anytime soon.
    Thanks. I may be getting shoulder surgery this year and have been concerned about the Anesthesia
    You're welcome. I hope your surgery goes well.
    F-you T, for giving me "anesthesia anxiety". Propofol or Fentanyl/midazolam - TBD. It's bad enough I'm anxious about the procedure.
    Does sleep get easier as the days... weeks... months... drag on?
    @GBB I've determined it would be a cold day in hell before my doctors prescribe a sleeping pill. It's infuriating.
    Generally, yes. I still sleep bad, but it's not even comperable to the first weeks/months when I slept 1-3 hours waking up a lot. My profile posts are witnesses to that. Keep holding on!
    Yes, I average 6.5 a night.
    T was loud but livable the past few days; last night it spiked so no sleep and stressed. Need the Lexapro but even more nervous to take it
    @tracyNYC I hear ya. My tinnitus is louder today than yesterday (I do continuous background sound). Still staring at the zoloft but am also tapering klonopin so its possible that could make it louder. No idea what to pursue.

    I'm going to try supplements first (L-theanine for example), and maybe with the warmer weather approaching, I will get me out of my apartment to exercise, which will improve my mood. ADs need to be our last resort. Good luck! Keep me posted.
    Staring at my new bottle of Lexapro I'm tied up in knots. Do I or don't I? Damn ototoxicity. Try to help myself but everything carries risk
    @starrynights Hi! I don't have a reply option yet! I'm sad the city I love has turned against me and I must wear earplugs when out and...1/2
    Which ones do you wear? Also which part of NYC do you live in, if you don't mind me asking? I'm on the Upper West Side, pretty loud up here especially in the Spring and Summer. Ha, oh boy.
    Hi @starrynights ! I have customs plugs, but mostly use 3M skull screws. They plug me up really well LOL. I too am on the Upper West Side -- near the touristy area of Strawberry Fields, so yeah, it does get noisy over here. I'm constantly on guard. The subway worries me, even with protection. But I can't walk everywhere, and Uber is breaking my bank!
    Oh, and I'm looking for a new apartment (hope to stay in the UWS), which is not going to be easy in my current T state. Ugh.
    I protect my ears, but life happens. Severe T has now broken me. Am forced to discuss anti-depressants w/ doctor and beg for sleeping pills.
    Ilias T
    I relate a lot. Are you actually in NYC? It's pretty loud there
    It's getting harder to concentrate at work with this screaming tinnitus. I fear being forced to quit, or worse yet, getting fired.
    Check with your companies leave of absence and disability programs. Contact HR, you may be entitled to relief, even for depression. (if applicable)
    Right ear is shrieking. It feels plugged or I've lost hearing?! Why does my T continue to worsen? What am I doing wrong? It can't take this.
    Ilias T
    Yesterday I got a spike that went for about 2 hours. My reason was probably sugar. I realized that I ate over 100 grams sugar!!! That's insane for 1 day. Never again. Maybe that might help you. Out of all my days it spiked when I ate all that sugar. I'm confident it's a trigger when it's too much.
    Hearing aids adjusted last week to increase highs, now T is higher/sharper. Each time I try to help myself I fail. I want to die.
    Had mone adjusted higher today. Be patient our stupid brains are adjusting. We got this!
    Last night my left ear spiked, where it remains. It's beyond severe and I'm depressed. Will I ever accept/habituate/sleep?! Therapy @ 3 EST
    I wish you the best with your therapy. I particularly hope you see an individual who is more interested in your care and well-being than they are taking your (or the insurance company's) money. It's something I am still considering, but I have yet to find anyone like that.
    @Drachen, Thank you so much for responding. I'm hoping that therapy will help with my distressed, catastrophizing brain. I always "what if" myself to death.
    Finding a mental health professional was difficult (most were not accepting new patients), and I gave up early on trying to find one with tinnitus experience. This individual at least ticks off a few of the other "experience boxes" I was looking for. Not sure about her integrity yet. I hope you find the health care professional(s) you are looking for.
    I have no life and I've put my dreams on hold. All I do is fixate on how T has negatively impacted me. Must try therapy; first appt is tmrw.
    Hang in there. I hope you have a good appointment.
    Thank you, Drachen. This is the biggest challenge I've ever been given, but if I don't get it together, my life will be upended. At this stage of my life, that is terrifying.
    Thank you all for your kind words.
    Dropped a dinner knife on a hardwood floor which I convince myself worsened T = more anxiety, making it louder, and round and round we go
    The psychological aspect of this symptom can be so utterly irrational at times.
    I was the same. However, I've now learnt to do the opposite and convince myself that it hasn't worsen my T. So even if it does give me a spike, I'm not bothered by it. I know it's easier said than done, but just try shrug it off and be like, "Oh well. If it spikes it spikes" - because there's nothing you can do about it once it's happened anyway.
    I definitely have mini spikes throughout the day because of doors slamming etc. They can't be helped and we can't let this condition rule us. Stay strong x
    T is now very severe. Anxiety at an all-time high. Doc. prescribed nortriptyline but I worry it could worsen T, which I could not handle.
    I'm on it and it didn't worsen my T. That being said there is definitely precedent for it doing so. I wish you luck in whatever you decide.
    Did you end up taking the nortriptyline? I'm at the same crossroads and hesitant on taking it.
    Had 12 years of mild to moderate habituated T, and recently two back-to-back noise events severely worsened it. WTF!
    Bill Bauer
    Temporary spikes can last over three months (but normally begin to fade after 4-6 weeks).
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