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  • just received third year anniversary, can not belivee its been three years my life has been ruined. starting to think T and H will never go
    ears are feeling hot/burning, but no burning in canals. is this still hyperacusis ?or is this tmj? can not tell if its from noise.
    Could be trigeminal nerve pain, or TTTS. Not uncommon to have this. The more you worry about it, the worse it gets.
    hard to not focus on it. woke up this morning with jaw pain on both sides. getting better as the day goes by. ears were feeling so called i had to keep applying cold cans from the fridge to the ear.
    Could anyone tell me why ear muffs/defenders seem to hurt my ears ? Like my ear feels sharp pain and some burning whilst wearing the muffs
    I've let these conditions consume me. I'm not who I used to be. More evil people out there who deserve these conditions, why me ?
    There are many people around the world who could ask themselves that question @Bimmerboy; Why me? Life isn't fair. Never has been. No one deserve this, or any other suffering for that matter.
    How do you guys clean your custom ear plugs ? I use wipes but don't think that's effective enough.
    Can these supplements spike tinnitus: Omega 3 ?b12, and nac. Currently T is spiking so bad. Hearing a washing machine/tumbledryer right now
    NAC is most likely the culprit, what dosage are you taking?
    I took 1 tablet which is 600mg

    Yesterday I took omega 3 but I been taking omega 3 regularly. All be it this time a different brand. Took b12 again after very long time and nac iv e0very other day with no affect so I'm not sure.
    I supplemented wrong I should of taken one each day. To see. So will start again but doesn't explain why my tinnitus has spiked and gotten worse.
    Ear muffs/defenders making me feel nauseous gives ear pain. Mostly auricular pain helix/cartilage. Also sharp pain in ear until taken off
    Got custom earplugs from acs Still very uncomfortable to wear for more than 30 min. Anyone think the same about their custom earplugs ?
    Yes, I get irritation with all foam ear plugs however macks ultra comfort provide me few hours without irritation. For some reason earmuffs cause me pain on jaw and inside ear. As if the seal creates a vacuum or something. I be honest I'm disappointed the custom plugs didn't work out for me.
    Do you think maybe your ears are currently irritated from the other earplugs you may have been wearing and the customs are just exacerbating it?

    Personally, with my ears, foam tends to cause the skin in my ear canals to become raw and inflamed if I wear them too long/often.
    I don't even know anymore. This is so taxing. I decided to switch out to earmuffs but they are just making me feel sick. These are the x4a peltors. It's like I don't know the vacuum cup seal or something maybe pressure on my tmj but makes me feel nauseous.
    I've had setback from too much exposure I guess now suffering from anxiety about wheter ill spike further or heal. Any advice for anxiety ?
    Might sound stupid but is there any chance obesity makes issues with ears worse? H and T worse due to poor diet and cholesterol and high bp
    I have been wondering the same about high bp. I have been checking my blood pressure when ever I get that EEEeeeEEEeee sound that goes along with my heartbeat, but I haven't seen any correlation so far.
    @kingsfan I get that sound along with the lower pitched whooshing and it turned out to be venous sinus stenosis.
    Can anyone suggest what magnesium supplements to take? currently taking vitabiotic magnesium, with no effect. So any suggestions ?
    Heatwaves and summer are the worst, kids out all day screaming. Don't know if all these kids screaming will give me setback.
    How to tell if ears allergic to silicone ? Need to buy custom ear plugs but they're made of silicone and I think I'm allergic any help ?
    Any advice on ear protection? Everything I use cause irritation in ears. Waiting on custom molded ones but is nc headphones any better ?
    I think I have small ear canals. I've tried every plug I could. I tried musician ear plugs but I don't know if I'm allergic to silicone. When you say filtered ear plugs which ones are you recommending ?
    @Bimmerboy I use Alpine pluggies for kids as they are also recommended for small ear canals. They seem pretty good at attenuation frequencies and they are 25db reduction. Only a tenner on amazon.
    Thanks I literally just ordered . Do you think dryness in ears could be exacerbated when using these plugs hence the irritation ?
    feels like im the only person with H in London. find no one that can relate to my issues. Am I really that unlucky ?
    I feel like that trying to explain this condition to my wife... that's half the reason I ended up here!
    I feel the same.. i'm the only one in the whole city with T.
    Frustrating condition especially when I look at all the healthy people walking around. Oblivious to the fact conditions like H and T exist. More and more people I see take their hearing for granted as well.
    Those with H depending on your severity do you still go to the barbers or cut your hair at home ?
    I used to have my hair cut at home. Now I ask my barber to close the door and turn off music - and of course not to use clippers under any circumstances.
    I don't know if I have H or reactive T. Last time I went I swore they intentionally held the shaver next to my ear! I wanted to smack them with it.
    Can Anybody from the UK recommend good earplugs to use or custom ear plug makers in London. As some have been poor and not fit for use
    So if you give the above a quick read, you'll notice the preference for foam plug brands is dictated by the size/shape of an individual's ear canals.

    For example, if you have large/normal size canals, then the 3M 1100 will probably suit you best.
    If like me, however, you have small/narrow ear canals, then you should probably a buy a good quantity of Mack's Slim Fit/Dreamgirls.

    Basically you have to experiment with a few different brands to find what will be most comfortable for you personally.
    Solid advice. I currently use 3m yellow earplugs. But I'm going to test out few ear plugs. Going to contactboots to get moulds of my ear made.
    I've managed to get a middle ear infection in my right ear ? . Currently on amoxicillian.Anyone have any advice?
    If you live in the UK and desperate to see a private Ent. Please avoid a doctor called Gerald brookes of the harley street ent clinic.
    Apparently I had tmj, dry ear canal otitis media which I agree I do have. And some other problem that sounded too technical. Didn't know what ototoxic was. Played down H and said its tmj pain. Then prescribed me medicine which is for menieres and just said to take it.
    The guy made over £10000 probably more by the end of the day by just ordering useless tests and prescribing medicine. I was his 10th patient by 12pm and they start at 9 just shows how he's rushing to get the money in consultation fee is 250. Then 400 for tests which he orders.
    I think this is the one my Mum wanted me to go to once. Good thing I didn't. Sorry for your experience there
    Since H I've lost all social life. Friends dont check on me. Envious of others health n success is this really my life's purpose now ?
    @Bimmerboy If you told your friends about your situation, and they still dont check in on you at all, they dont act like friends should. Do they? Remember, todays misery doesn't tell anything about tomorrow. It will pass - one way or another.
    I mean they know yh but unless you have it nobody really understands what your going through. Your message enlightened me- this setback or whatever causing my flare up will pass I just need to be strong. I'm taking mometasone and just came off prednisone and now taking co codamol for 2 days for pain relif from tmj and back pain so maybe might help I don't know just at loss right now.
    also using some memetasone right now and seems to have spiked my tinnitus but im trying to stick it out as ent reckons take 3 weeks to work
    so next month have to decide whether i want tubes in my ear to solve the retraction i have. but worried ill get worse anybody have advice ?
    the pain I'm getting in left ear seems to b caused by the air coming from fan and the cars Ac don't know if cold air is harsh for us with H
    Life is shit again, today's just full spike in H and T definitely must be the extreme hot weather. Havent felt this down since last year.
    How's everyone doing ? , going through a shit time with me ears and hayfever, just trying to change my mind and see how every1 summer going.
    @Steph1710 Uptick in storms, tornado-type weather too. Barometric pressure squeezes my head/ears like a vice; mid-core expansion contributing increase in T/H as @Jerad greatly described in a post. Others get it this extreme?
    @sakrt I have intracranial pressure, so my head is constantly squeezed by my spinal fluid flooding my brain cavities- yay! I don't know what it's like not to have the feeling of my head in a vice. I need to throw up every morning. :)
    Yeah i.mean I've given it few days and I've been fine. Yesterday went to see some family and they wew incredibly loud. Thing is my ears are sore now which is the following morning. H works in mysterious ways. It also doesn't help that I have people doing renovation near me hearing that every day from 8 to 6 is annoying.
    T has now morphed into a washing machine/vacuum cleaner. I'm guessing hayfevsr and a bad cough is behind it..
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