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  • Doing okay, I guess.
    OK is progress indeed! Don't doubt it if you are doing okay @SarahMLFlemmer Embrace it, and think of it as one step closer to habituation. Life with t can still be a normal and giving life - for most.
    L along the way
    That's nice to read :) I hope we can all say that some time. Myself, i'm not searching for doing great & feeling amazing, just to feel okay & feeling comfort in myself & wellbeing is what it's about.. taking it easy
    I know you will heal from this. Just takes a while.
    It is basically a high-quality Ginkobiloba increases blood flow the cochlea, is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent/repair ear damage and calms the over excited auditory nerve fibers to lesson symptoms.
    Thank you for taking the time to do all of that. I did the Ginko and it was of no help. Hopefully the Shore Device can help me. ❤️
    He said. Some people find that taking arches tinnitus formula helps them but there are no guarentees. (
    Arches is what my ENT suggested to me... I never tried it. Seemed like a scam to me, but who knows.
    He said you need to learn to control your tinnitus and habituate to it by not focusing on it and worrying about it. Rather, you need to treat it as a totally unimportant useless sound that is not worth your time even thinking about the focus on the loves of your life.
    Mr. Neil said Isotrentinoin (accutane) certainly can cause side effects such as tinnitus and hearing loss. Once you have tinnitus from such a drug the first thing is to stop taking it and probably never take it again in the future. You can't undo what is done so if the tinnitus doesn't go away on its own after a couple weeks or so.
    Sarah I looked his sight up and wrote down what he told me. So I will probably have a couple of posts up here to tell you what he said.
    4Grace did you see the one I put up there about TTTS Tanic Tensor Tympani syndrome where you have fluttering in ears, heat, pain, fullness, hyperacusis and dizziness. I just don't have pain and dizziness. I don't know if you have ever heard of this before.
    I have pain H and reactive T. At this point it's just a label on a problem that I just have to indure. Only God can change my heart and make me endure even though I don't deserve it.
    Sarah actually let us eat supper and I will look it up on my phone to his response.
    He said, it's normally buzzing-static like mine when it's from a medicine. He said, it's like a brain zap. It said a brain zap was from starting or quitting a medicine I believe. I don't think I have a brain zap. I told him mine is all the time is always the same unless it gets a lot louder. Please tell me what y'all think.
    Have yall ever seen a Neil Bauman PH.D on google he has wrote books and he answers questions that you ask him. I forget what he is on, but I will write it down when I go on it later. He seems to think my metoprolol I have been taking 17-18 is the cause of my extended high frequency hearing loss. He said that ototoxic medicine could happen 10 years down the road. What do yall think about that?
    I think medication and vaccines are one of the huge contributors to bad health, so I believe it.
    Don't take his advice too seriously. He has a PhD in forestry and is not a licensed medical expert.
    Merry Christmas everyone. I'm eating some good food we cooked and I m eating a brownie and I'm fixing myself some decaf tea some sugar, I hope my T doesn't get to loud with the sugar.
    "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and only Son, who can from the Father...
    Started out with only ear tinnitus this morning, and by early afternoon it's already in my head. TINNITUS SUCKS!
    @SarahMLFlemmer For twenty years, I had no idea T could ever NOT only be in the ears :-( I would do so much to get my pre-2023 T back. I am crying when I think about how lucky I was back then without even knowing it.... Head T is a curse of the most evil kind...
    Dunno mine does the same. Sucks
    My R I bilateral and in my head all the time. Mine is 24/7 ears and head never changes. I wish I could go back to and it was just ringing in my ears.
    The T is in my head! Brother in law is over, his is from ear infections as a kid and does not hear his!! Why is my T so loud and in my HEAD?
    Mine moves around sometimes head, sometimes left ear, sometimes right, sometimes both. Sucks. I don't get it
    I just got gaslight by someone with tinnitus! Some people can be so rude. Much love! Goodnight everyone. ❤️
    @Tryn2BHopeful she's newer to our church, she has her own issues. Her T is mild.
    @Joshua Macleod I actually did tell her, "yeah, it's bothering me. Really bad actually." In our room of 8 adults, 4 had T! 2 of them seem to be unbothered by it, including her.
    So sorry. They know not what they say. My friend that has it for years gets super frustrated with me if I complain about it. Tells me to man up about it. They don't know. He goes to concerts. Actually we everyone I know tell me enough already. I really feel for you. Gaslighting sucks.
    Yes fighting this everyday is so hard for me. I stay busy all day to try and keep my mind off it, but it doesn't help much.
    Not gonna lie though, fighting this everyday is very hard, but I'm trying!
    this is getting ridiculous. we shouldn't have to live like this.
    i feel you. everyday feels like a struggle just to survive. not live.
    @cjbhab I know it, it's awful. Every day is suffering. I try to tell myself it's not that big of a deal so that I don't start totally freaking out, cause I will, bad.
    My tinnitus is just so hard to figure out with the weather, sugar, different foods, noises, decaf coffee and caffeine free Pepsi.I write down everything I eat and drink everyday, medicine I take and how I sleep, I wear my Fitbit to bed. Does anyone do anything that they can share that might help me or someonelse?
    I don't monitor my T. That's how I am moving on. No one else I know that has it monitors it in such a way that I've seen here. I don't think there's any rhyme or reason for what my T does, personally unless I come home from somewhere loud then it's louder. For the most part, my T is pretty stable, I think.
    @SarahMLFlemmer I believe these people do not have T like we do, or maybe we are just super high strung. It's hard not to monitor when its constantly going wild.
    @cjbhab IDK which is worse, constant high pitch T like mine or constant changing T. It's no contest though, tinnitus is stupid. =|
    I didn't take anything last night. I ended sleeping 4 hrs so I took a 1/2 flexerill this morning about 2:00 to go back to sleep. I took my daughter Jaden to school I was so sleepy and came home and got back in the bed and slept an hour or so.
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