SarahMLFlemmer Feb 17, 2023 What kind of damage does ototoxic drug induced T do, damage the hair cells or...??
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 16, 2023 I've heard people say that they can forget about their T for hours, days, then weeks and even MONTHS! Is and how is this even possible?!
I've heard people say that they can forget about their T for hours, days, then weeks and even MONTHS! Is and how is this even possible?!
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 14, 2023 Finding it hard to function. I am 3 months in and I'm thinking about getting maskers. Have they helped anyone here?
Finding it hard to function. I am 3 months in and I'm thinking about getting maskers. Have they helped anyone here?
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 14, 2023 What else could I use besides Amtriptyline to sleep that isn't so ototoxic?
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 13, 2023 I want to hear how you went from depression & anxiety caused by T to living your life again, fairly happily! What was the process?
I want to hear how you went from depression & anxiety caused by T to living your life again, fairly happily! What was the process?
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 13, 2023 Wake up with T. I make my coffee, sit and try to enjoy it and I end up crying, everyday. I need a new morning routine. Any suggestions?
Wake up with T. I make my coffee, sit and try to enjoy it and I end up crying, everyday. I need a new morning routine. Any suggestions?
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 12, 2023 When someone says T can fade, do they mean legit T can lower in volume or is it habituation? What does habituation mean to you?
When someone says T can fade, do they mean legit T can lower in volume or is it habituation? What does habituation mean to you?
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 11, 2023 I believe I got tinnitus from ototoxicity. Is there anything I can do or should do or have checked?
SarahMLFlemmer Feb 11, 2023 Yet another mental breakdown last night. I don't know that I can go on like this. I have a family who needs me and I feel worthless.
Yet another mental breakdown last night. I don't know that I can go on like this. I have a family who needs me and I feel worthless.