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    This is progress, happy for you. Knowledge is power.
    That is a very good sign. You will habituate, virtually everybody does - if this was not true, this website and others would have half a billion or more members online, 24/7. The fact is, there really aren't many other sites like this one, if any. In time, you'll be your old self again, it just takes patience.
    Finding it hard to function. I am 3 months in and I'm thinking about getting maskers. Have they helped anyone here?
    @Sammy0225 That's crazy you have no known source. I am definitely grieving. I am grieving silence. I'm so sorry this has happened to you to, this is not normal. :( how long have you had T again?
    Thank you and I've had it since July 2022 so on about nine months. I am also sorry you have this condition :(
    @Sammy0225 guess we just gotta hang in there one day at a time. <3
    What else could I use besides Amtriptyline to sleep that isn't so ototoxic?
    Have you tried natural stuff like? Lavender spray for your pillow at night and chamomile tea or a hot milk before bed?
    Try a high quality magnesium supplement like magnesium citrate or gluconate. Get exhausted through physical work or exercise. Yoga, meditation, mindfullness
    I want to hear how you went from depression & anxiety caused by T to living your life again, fairly happily! What was the process?
    @Joe Cuber I sure hope it gets better, I hear it everday over everything but the shower too. I would consider my T moderate, I think. For the past 3 days it's been screaming but today it's a bit lower.
    @tniuf I don't think I have sound sensitivity or H, but my ears constantly feel tight and in pain... I love my quiet room, IDK how I'm gonna live like this. I did put a mini fan in there that I have on all day to have some kinda noise in there.
    @tniuf are you able to be in silent rooms yet?
    Wake up with T. I make my coffee, sit and try to enjoy it and I end up crying, everyday. I need a new morning routine. Any suggestions?
    Who is Susan Shore?
    Its the closest so far to a treatment that actually claims to lower the tinnitus volume as opposed to the cbt/trt things we have now. She has done a short interview that i saw on facebook from about 2019 that explains how the treatment will work. @SarahMLFlemmer
    @DeanD I wonder realistically how long it will take to actually get out there to the public. Will it be available in many countries or...?
    @SarahMLFlemmer - the general thinking is this is likely to be available early 2024 in the US first. Then hopefully available in other countries later 2024 or in to 2025. Things unfortunately don't move as fast as we would like at times
    When someone says T can fade, do they mean legit T can lower in volume or is it habituation? What does habituation mean to you?
    @Gabriel What a trip! Yeah, it seems TIME is key.
    I am getting really tired and I am always afraid that I will stay stuck this time, and also I don't know how to handle lexomyl, if I should take it again for the anteretrograde amnesia that I was looking for the onset, or if I should let my brain try to delete it. It's hard having the ass between two chair
    Hopefully, one of these night I won't wake up, and wake up the next morning free from high pitch T
    @Gabriel my T is screaming right now! I don't understand how one day I can wake up and it be moderate in sound and by nighttime it's screaming. Sometimes I even wake up with it screaming and it just keeps going for days. I can't mask it over anything right now.
    Who is Dr. Jastreboff?
    I have more faith on Susan Shore or an improved device of Neuromod after Lenire learnings and I think neuromodulation devices will have a better impact on neuroplasticity. But TRT can work, not for all, but it is not a scam.
    A complete twat who needs putting out to pasture. A con artist. A man who has neither identified physiological markers of tinnitus or devised treatments. A fat bafoon, stop there
    @Nick47 Well, I'm glad I asked before I bought a pipe dream scam. That's too bad.
    I believe I got tinnitus from ototoxicity. Is there anything I can do or should do or have checked?
    @SarahMLFlemmer ototoxicity usually affect high frequencies, it is well studied. You could have a complete audio test, look for a high frequency one.
    @SarahMLFlemmer i see your case is very new. Go urgently to a ENT (Otologist if possible) and Audiologist. If your case is from 2 february your case can be treated, i don´t know the outcome but you can do something about it. Ask for a prednisone course and also consider NAC, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamins ACE. Look for the right doctor asap. All the best
    @Amv I developed T on 11/20/22. I think I'm too late for all of that. :(
    Yet another mental breakdown last night. I don't know that I can go on like this. I have a family who needs me and I feel worthless.
    @SarahMLFlemmer I remember those days. It will get better. Try to take good care of yourself.
    @twa I keep hearing people say it gets better but I don't know what they mean. How does it get better?
    @SarahMLFlemmer initially, I was grieving and I cried every day. I also could not stand any noise at all. Eventually, I started trying to do more. I tried to focus on my family and taking better care of myself. I applied for a doctoral program. Then I applied for a teaching position at a local college. Little by little, I was able to do more and focus less on the T & H.
    Please tell me it gets better. Almost 3 months in and very sad.
    When I got my first tinnitus noise (a high-pitched dentist drill) in 2015 I thought I was going crazy. I didn't know what to do and none of my doctors seemed to be willing / capable of helping me. I just wanted to die because I couldn't see myself living with this painfully intrusive noise for the rest of my life.
    Eight years later, the noise is still there plus another two and a sensitivity to noise. Every time something new popped up it was back to the beginning for me - the anxiety, the anger, the tears, the loneliness... Fortunately, my brain seemed to have adapted, too, to every new symptom. Some of it put a real damper on the quality of my life but I'm also no longer sad and depressed 24/7.
    Finding this forum helped me a lot because everybody here is suffering from a similar trauma and knows exactly what it means from going from perfectly healthy to (severely) disabled. It doesn't make my tinnitus any easier to live with but being amongst people who understand just eases something in my mind and that's what is making a big difference to me,
    Crying all day every day. I just want the noise to stop.
    It'll help as it'll distract from the noise. I use different ones all the time otherwise I also start to hate the masking sounds :(
    I've had mine for 7 plus years. 6.5 of them were mild expect the beginning were it was loud but it did fade for me over time. I have a louder T now due to a combination of headphones chronic stress/anxiety and antidepressants unfortunately. It's the only reason I'm here, I didn't need a forum before it got worse. @SarahMLFlemmer
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