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  • My tinnitus is so loud it makes my head shake and my jaws hurt so bad from clenching. Had a "good week" but this is still very, very hard.
    I'm glad you had a good week. Here is to another good week!
    Marina Moon
    I'm so sorry :( t is so hard and makes everything much more stressful, just be careful about teeth clenching because it can hurt your TMJs. Be gentle to yourself ❤
    Had a good week, but today I am physically and mentally exhausted.
    Sarah did you say you had a standard hearing test at ENT before? You said, you were getting the OAE test done in December to check the hair cells .
    @SharonBell I had a standard hearing test only, test showed normal.

    I am getting the OAE test in December on the 9th.
    Does anyone take Tylenol pm to sleep? I asked my audiologist and she said, I could take it. I told her I thought those medicines were ototoxic and she said, it's when people don't take them like they should and take them for a long time.
    Penny at I started taking trazadone to . I took it a few times and quit. My doctor prescribed it to me for sleep. But the. She wanted me to start taking it for my anxiety. I took it yesterday and today. I took a Tylenol pm last night and it helped me get to sleep. I'm taking another one tonight. I just can't do it every night.
    @SarahMLFlemmer A variety of reasons. It can help with anxiety as needed so I've had some on hand for a while. I've had several doctors also prescribe it for sleep but I don't think it helped as much as the Trazodone.
    Are they benzodiazepines that you take? the audiologist told me if I took that Ativan my dr. Prescribed coming off of it could make my Tinnitus worse.
    I did take trazadone today 1/2 pill for my anxiety.
    I took it daily for about three weeks at first because I was so erratic, then now I only take it 1-3 times a month. The Xanax is a benzodiazepine.
    Amitriptyline is an antidepressant. I'm trying to find something better to help me sleep but I can't seem to find anything. =(
    I don't know what Im going to do. My head is still so loud. I only slept 4 hours last night and came back from taking daughter to school and only slept 1487 min. I just had the worst time getting to sleep. I took medicine early this morning that's the only reason I went back to sleep.
    I understand. Mine is in my head too and then goes into ears. I have to take 25mg of Amitriptyline to sleep and low dose Xanax to nap. I hate it, but what else can I do?
    Yeah it's hard not to have to take anything to sleep.I actually took a half Tramadol today for my anxiety the first pill I took in a while except for my flexeril I take at night sometimes for my back and shoulder.melatonin doesn't really do anything for me. Do you take magnesium or magnesium glycinate at all?
    @SharonBell I haven't taking magnesium in a long time, but I should buy a bottle soon.
    Sarah didn't you say you were going to get an OAE test done? Maybe that was before just wondering if you had it done what were your results and if you havnt had it done when are you getting it done? I saw it today sometime, but just couldn't remember.
    I'm supposed to get it done at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, CA on December 7th.
    Oh ok I was just wondering.
    Anybody have suggestions on how I can sit in my house on the couch and the table and relax and watch tv? I'm always so wound up and my Tinnitus is always bad that's why I can't relax. I have to have my sound machine right there or my phone with me at all times.
    How can I hear my T over the bowling alley? That's INSANE! =/
    Dang yeah that's pretty loud. That's good that you can go out and do things Sarah. I sure wish I could, but all I think about is my T when I do go somewhere with my husband and daughter or worry it's going to be to loud for me.
    Try some breathing exercises and meditation. I do it at night. It brings my heart rate down. I have smiling mind App., widen Ben tinnitus appointment. They have breathing, meditation, relaxation, and guided imagery. It doesn't help my tinnitus, but it does help calm me down.
    Happy Birthday Sarah. What's going on? I feel like that alot lately myself.
    I have other health issues. T is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I can't even start to work on my other ailments again because T is so darn distressing.
    Oh ok I understand. I've been going through prementapause I believe is what's it's called. I haven't hit mentapause yet.Im 49.
    Special occasions can be hard. I am so sorry you feel like this today. You are loved by this community. Says so much about you. Stay you. Stay strong.
    Seems like the lows in life just keep becoming lower and lower
    Marina Moon
    I'm so sorry, Sarah. And i understand. This disorder is harder than i even know how to put to words, but you're incredibly strong for fighting each day. Stronger than most people. Things will get better one day, just keep hanging on till they do *hugs*
    Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday SarahMLFlemmer …. Happy Birthday toooooooooooo Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Wish you the very best on your birthday. :)
    Happy Birthday Sarah. Wishing you many good days.
    Love the birthday song. Thank you, I appreciate it!
    I might have to fold and get maskers, maybe.
    Also, happy birthday <3 Birthday wish and prayer for you that the year ahead brings healing and improvement.
    They can help. I use Oladance open ear earbuds that go around the back of your ear and come around the front. I also have a pair that that you just put on your ear. It helps me with the buzzing in my head.
    @ErikaS my ears can only tolerate so much "sound therapy"" and then they start to hurt, but they hurt anyways so IDK.
    Please, make it stop. ={
    @Supersix it's so hard to just listen to this noise from sun up to sun down. I know you understand. I keep thinking about the verse that tells us this life is but a vapor, and then the verses explaining our glorified bodies that those who are in Christ will have one day. He is my only hope!
    My tinnitus is a constant source of distress in my life. I need help to focus and try to enjoy my daily activities. I have shared with my wife that the only time I will be able to find peace is when my tinnitus is gone or when I am no longer here and in heaven. The goal is to try and find three good days that will make a huge difference in our lives.
    @Supersix I have "good days" but I have to fight like crazy to "make" them "good."
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