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  • hey silent!! hows everything going?
    Silent!!! I'm so happy and proud of you :D good job on pushing through!! You honestly commented that at the right time, because I've been going through a rough patch these last few days regarding my tinnitus— it's not that it's significantly changed, it's just that I've been paying too much attention, so reading that really gave me a sense of reassurance! I hope life continues to treat you well my dear!
    @lanterns&coffee i really really recommend getting into meditation/mindfulness!!!! make peace with the tinnitus, let it wash over you and exist without being averse to it. let yourself get normalized to it and let it become as predictable and mundane as blinking, or eye floaters :)
    @silentnight maybe if I treat it like a friend, a part of me, I'll be able to overcome this hardship thank you silent :)
    i was on methylprednisolone for a few days because of tonsillitis, and i think the steroid made my T temporarily quieter? ran out of it, tho
    no, acid didn't help, unfortunately, although maybe next time??
    hey @Joe Cuber, it's pretty much the same as far as i can tell. haven't been paying much attention to it tbh because there's other things going on in my life, which has been great ^^ i may devote some time to the tinnitus next time i'm on acid, but on the other hand i want to live life, and i'm not letting T stop me ^u^!!
    just like in the cliché - meditation and mindful relaxation does help :p
    @Joe Cuber pretty silent the last couple days, although more existent today. not sure what the correlation is. perhaps relieving inner tensions is helping?
    Hey silent :D how's everything going?
    oh, dear lantern.. what a coincidence!! i just so happened to check this site for the first time in quite a while.. i'm happy to see you, as always, and thank you for stopping by :D
    things have been going really well, tinnitus wise!! it's a lot easier to habituate and take the stress off of the ear when there is *so* much going on—so much work to be done and things to learn!! i've also improved my posture and increased my diet dramatically, dunno if that's related though.
    @silentnight oh my this is a terribly late reply but I'm glad everything is / was well on your end!!!
    I hope you're still doing well nightie!
    it's never gone, just forgotten. always waiting to be remembered, to consume my life once more. i won't let it, of course.
    and yet it also feels like there's this potential state of my body in which it feels nearly nonexistent. i need to tune into my somatic experiences more
    Hey silent!!! How're ya doing?
    hello dear lantern!! =^^= i've been doing really good!! i've been really busy with life stuff so i haven't noticed my tinnitus much lately, although i think it's still there (habituated perhaps???) i'm happy to see you though!! take care, dear <3
    I'm glad you're on your way to habituation!! Praying for 100% habituation on your end and mine haha
    Take care as well hun!! <3
    2023 update: tinnitus is so much of a non-issue for me now. bigger problems to deal with. habituation success?
    tinnitus feels like it gets quieter for a day after putting stress on my jaw. i may be fucking it up but hey if it works it works
    looking back at my previous profile posts like an anthropologist
    anyone with somatic tinnitus: try massaging the area in front of and above the tragus? should be a dent???
    I did it for about a week once and i "think" it made a difference but ive not done it often enough to make a complete difference since, I really need to keep that up as I have TMJ. I watch some YouTube videos about massaging around the jaw and they are quite informative.
    *takes ginkgo biloba pills* *tinnitus instantly feels quieter* "wow, ginkgo biloba is really effective- no wait, that's just placebo..."
    somatic tinnitus is so weird. it's like the entire right side of my head is more sensitive to strains and movement than the left? but why???
    pressing on left side: nothing.
    pressing on right side: hissssszz
    @Joe Cuber it's possible, but it still seems weird to think that one side of our posture or muscles could be worse than the other.. maybe some kind of pinched nerve or pressure or something?? bleh.. we'll get through this someday.. :<
    bad news: got a 103°F fever (may be mono?) good news: tinnitus has been really quiet, perhaps due to fever???
    If T is unaffected, that's a win then! Ive got the theory that when our body is going through another problem/illness (fever, bad stomach, joint pain) the auditory system is not our brain's priority and we perceive our T less. Of course this is just my opinion. Hope your T stays like that!!
    My tinnitus got quieter when I had covid
    local university student simply too busy to have tinnitus
    I'm in college and I do not have the time for T, but it's been getting me down again and pissing me off. One more midterm and I have reading week. Cannot wait.
    had a really busy day today. 3 midterms. somehow the tinnitus is the quiestest it's ever been?????????? i'm glad the day is over though <3
    quieter.. but not silent... and yet, i don't know what's left to be done... what else can i do to solve this problem...
    You should do nothing, because there is nothing that can be done. The next step is internalize that is the way is going to be for the foreseeable future. Embrace the noise.
    Unfortunately. @InfiniteLoop is correct. You may have to face the fact that complete silence may very well never be achieved. It's frustrating for sure but the more you fight the longer it will take to habituate. Try to make peace with the noise and learn to coexist.
    Live with it. Be grateful it's mild and carry on with life, just don't be careless with your ears
    maybe i've been clenching my jaw too tightly? people have told me to loosen it before when it didnt feel like it was tight...
    yolo!! How are you feeling today :D?
    @silentnight im doing alright thanks for asking! Currently about to go to school and complete an English comparative essay sac. Hopefully my cheatsheet will save me womp womp .. Highschool sucks, hopefully I'll be free after this
    @lanterns&coffee sounds interesting!! :> what's a sac, exactly? like an exam or a timed writing assignment or something? good luck!! o/ <3
    Sac stands for student assessed coursework!!! It's like a .. really important test, a subcategory of exam? But yea! We have a couple of them every term for each subject :>
    quieter and i don't know why... louder and i don't know why... why oh why must these sounds haunt my life...
    That's me! Though some days I don't really know if it is quieter or I am just more distracted and don't really pay attention to it
    @Joe Cuber that's what I meant. I cant say that mine changes that much. It's always very loud but some days it takes me longer to actually focus on it. Other days I hear it screeming all day long.
    acupunctured and nucca. T's been louder today than usual. perhaps that's healing? progress? or just due to my stressful day, sigh...
    there should really be a section on profiles for "cured since:" or "habituated since:"
    maybe. But a lot of people having it bad for their whole life. I am so glad, that you have somatic T. Appreciate the silence, when you are be there. No Headphones, no loud enviroements, and NO stress. Stress was my trigger.
    @Aschenherz as in stress caused T in the first place, or that stress brought about its episodes? And... I think stress shall be inevitable in my life, but perhaps the road to victory shall be in reinterpreting those stressors as something positive (or whatever doesn't cause the ear to buzz XD)
    clicks have been getting rarer. why? less tension? post-covid clearing up? habituation!? cuddling with a boy!?!? answer me, ear muscles!!!
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