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  • hi, have you tried any medication since you got T? if so, which medications and how did it go? also, do you have experience with gabapentin?
    Hi there! I do have prior experience with Gabapentin, but it was used for bladder pain before I developed tinnitus.

    After gaining tinnitus I decided to throw all meds out besides my thyroid med.

    I do also, however, use Amitriptyline 25mg for sleep now though.
    Hey! I noticed you have interstitial cystitis too. I have had this / pelvic pain for years and it seems like lots of people on here have both. I feel like there must be a link somewhere. Wondering how your IC is these days?
    Hi there. I don't think there is a link, unless IC meds contributed to causing T. :(
    My IC is okay. Still there...
    Maybe not! I've been told the kidneys control the ear but who knows. I've just never come across anyone with IC but lots on here
    Hey Sarah, hope you are doing okay today :) I just wondered if you ever experience ear pain and how you manage that with your kids? I am currently not able to spend time with my three year old as it's too painful and it's killing me
    I would love to wear headphones or earplugs but it makes mine so much worse, T is all I hear like sizzling my brain, all in my head, I can't stand it. A lot of people with T can wear earplugs and headphones I guess our T is so much different. I pray for the day it gets better, but don't think it never will. Hate to think it will get worse, could never live like that forever.
    @SarahMLFlemmer I actually had to quit my job for now. My husband's brother-in-laws wife Dottie has gallbladder/liver cancer. So I have been working for him Monday-Friday and then I come over on Sunday for him to go to church. She is on oxygen 24/7. His wife Sandy which was my husband's sister died from cancer also, so he is going through it again.
    Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. I bet you are such a blessing to so many.
    I will get weeks and weeks with pushing through and no crying then days in a row suicidal. Such a crap condition. I've been missing you all!
    @SarahMLFlemmer I feel the same way. I was a lot better and then it's been really bad the last 2 or 3 weeks. I have missed you too.
    This is the most reliable post I've ever seen on this forum. Virtual hugs!
    Now I understand. Gods Grace is sufficient. Eyes on the afterlife. It is for ever. Look forward to your glorified body. Incredible. God goes through a lot to try and save us. You were truly God sent for me. I knew but I really did not know how much. Thank you once again.
    Honestly, it's the only hope we have (if all else here fails, which is almost inevitable in most ways)! Revelation 21:4 Read it and hold onto it with every ounce of your being. I am rooting for you and your kind words touched my heart more than you'll ever know. ❤️
    Well I'm 9 years in and thank God I really don't struggle with it much, hopefully you all will be there one day. Having said that I have to deal with other issues. Hang in there!
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    It does, I agree. I'll keep you in my prayers. Anxiety unfortunately can be overwhelming, I'm there now. I just hope you get better. I don't know how old you are but life doesn't get much easier. Having said that, hang on to good moments as tight as you can and try to reminisce on those moments when down. This will pass, but it may take time.
    @Eloy Resendez Jr thank you for sharing! I'm 36. Life don't get easier but I hang onto hope. ❤️ The Bible talks about glorified bodies one day... I can't wait!
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Amen to that @SarahMLFlemmer! I look forward to that day of glory myself. You're absolutely right, hang on to hope. Stay strong and trust in God!
    Some people developed visual snow after accutane as well. Are your visuals okay?
    @BB23 yeah, I think so but it's a pretty mild case. It did affect my eyes.
    My eyes want to cross now though, so that's cool. =/
    @Higo my job actually went good. They are very nice people. I really like it makes the day go by faster. I try not to worry about my tinnitus as much when I stay busy.
    That's really good to hear! If the day is going fast your definitely having a good day.
    How is everyone today?
    @SarahMLFlemmer Im doing ok. My T has been a little quieter the last 3 days or like you said, maybe Im dealing with it better. Before when it was warmer and then turned cold it got worse. It has gotten colder but it hasn't got worse and I was home all weekend so I didn't drive. The road noise and going in stores make mine worse, but today driving and went to a couple stores and it didn't get to loud.
    So aim going to pray and keep my fingers crossed.
    @SarahMLFlemmer Hope your ear heals up soon. How have you been with your Tinnitus? I haven't seen you up here as much so I figured you were doing better with your T.
    I've been okay, actually. But today I am just laying around the house and it is very hard.
    @SarahMLFlemmer well that's good. You said you are just laying around that's good isn't it if Your T is better.
    @SharonBell my T probably really isn't any better, just my reaction to it. I am dealing better, but some days are still hard. Just gotta stay distracted. =|
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