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Sep 28, 2024 at 2:12 PM
Sep 28, 2023
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Member, Male

You are dealing with brain damage. Once you accept that, you'll start seeing things easier. Brain damage can't be cured. Aug 28, 2024

BB23 was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Sep 28, 2024 at 2:12 PM
    1. BB23
      You are dealing with brain damage. Once you accept that, you'll start seeing things easier. Brain damage can't be cured.
    2. BB23
      Another night of total insomnia. Wish I knew beforehand Drs are total frauds and no different than illegal drug pushers.
    3. BB23
      There's no point to hold on.
    4. BB23
      Why do I exist
      1. Juliane, streifzug, Utdmad89 and 3 others like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        To bring glory to God. ❤️
        Jul 13, 2024
    5. BB23
      I'm sorry for all the horrible things I did. Please forgive me.
      1. Juliane, tpj and gameover like this.
      2. gameover
        I said that, too. Does not seem to work.
        Jul 5, 2024
        BB23 likes this.
      3. BB23
        @gameover self deletion would work though for sure..
        Jul 5, 2024
        gameover likes this.
      4. Juliane
        I am sure they are not that horrible. And people who really did horrible things do not suffer from these illnesses. They enjoy life carefree despite their sins
        Jul 23, 2024
        tpj likes this.
    6. Vadimus
      Hello dear friend, have you heard of this:
      Kampo medicines are traditional herbal formulas prescribed in Japan. Recently, Kampo medicines, such as Kamishoyosan (KSS) and Kamikihito (KKT), were found to improve the stress-induced reduction of KCC2 via GSK3β signaling.

      This herbs are avaiolable online, maybe it makes sense to try them.
      1. tpj and Utdmad89 like this.
      2. BB23
        I think we need something more potent but you are welcome to try just do a search on potential side effects before
        Jul 4, 2024
    7. BB23
      I require a TTTS surgery without any anesthesia if possible since I got brain damaged thanks to mirtazapine.
    8. BB23
      I hate what my life has become. I don't want to be on these forums anymore... I just want to lay down in silence without any pain ..
      1. gameover
        100%. I wish I visited this forum before getting T to learn. But no, I did not give a fuck to research things like that.
        Jul 3, 2024
        2049v, Juliane, _Shoto_ and 2 others like this.
      2. Utdmad89
        Jul 3, 2024
        _Shoto_, BB23 and tpj like this.
    9. BB23
      Mania set in I m done
      1. SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    10. BB23
      pointless. they give meds and treat you like u r crazy. i am crazy dont get me wrong but they dont have a clue what tinnitus/vss is
    11. BB23
      I'll get myself admitted or something today if i can. goodbye for now
      1. View previous comments...
      2. weehiru
        Take care of yourself mate. I hope they can help you out. Sending you strength
        Jun 13, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      3. 4Grace
        ❤️❤️ you are not alone. With God anything is possible.❤️❤️ These are not empty words.
        Jun 13, 2024
      4. Utdmad89
        Hope you're alright mate. Keep up the fight
        Jun 13, 2024
    12. BB23
      There's a few things left that i want to do. But I'm ready to check out to be honest. And I hope I don't come back.
    13. BB23
      I don't do good after zero hour nights
      1. Juliane and RunningMan like this.
      2. RunningMan
        Yeah, I've had those.... even back to back at one point. I feel like I can function reasonably well on 4 hours and am able to get 5+ a lot of the time with the assistance of multiple meds.
        Jun 6, 2024
        BB23 likes this.
    14. Utdmad89
      1. BB23
        I'm shadow dancer over there. I don't think the kV7 stuff will do much for vss. I believe it's all kcc2. But let's see... I hope it helps with both vs and tinnitus
        Jun 5, 2024
      2. Utdmad89
        Have you tried rhe supplements?
        Jun 5, 2024
      3. BB23
        @Utdmad89 what is there for us to try other than prescription drugs...
        Jun 5, 2024
    15. Pinhead
      How are you @BB23? My doctor prescribed mirtazapine today and I thought of you. I’m scared to take it.
      1. Utdmad89 and RunningMan like this.
      2. RunningMan
        What dosage did he prescribe?
        May 30, 2024
      3. BB23
        @Pinhead why are you prescribed mirt? If it's for sleep, try other means, this isn't a sleeping aid. Also you will hit tolerance and it will take your sleep away after some time. it has a black box warning for suicidal ideations. It gave me vss/hppd and fried my histamine/dopamine receptors. Turned my life into hell. Do you want to risk it?
        May 30, 2024
        Juliane and RunningMan like this.
      4. BB23
        @Pinhead many people on surviving antidepressants committed suicide after this poison. Go read the stories of muddles, tramond to name a few. There's kata who's also dead on the neurotoxicity Facebook page among many others. Also Robin Williams was on it when he died.. the guy who crashed the plane In Europe a few years back on purpose, also got vss on it.
        May 30, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
    16. BB23
      Fuck it. We are born to suffer and die. Die horribly get sick get murdered. I'm gonna do it I can't take it anymore. Lost everything to meds
      1. gameover likes this.
    17. BB23
      god please please help me, i just want to sleeo and feel ok i dont care about t anymore...
      1. _Shoto_ and streifzug like this.
      2. 4Grace
        Jun 13, 2024
    18. BB23
      Less than 1.5 hours last night. You know my stance on drugs but I'm actually considering lamotrigine and or klonopin now.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Varda
        @RunningMan I guess everyone's brain is different. I find Hydroxyzine hits me like a tranquilizer dart. More reliable than a Benzo for inducing drowsiness. Only take occasionally and haven't built any tolerance. For me sometimes Benzos have the chance of producing a paradoxical reaction....a feeling like getting buzzed on alcohol: my skin gets kind of tingly and I get light headed but I'm fully amped up and awake.
        May 21, 2024
      3. BB23
        @Varda, anecdotal stories are on reddit. I got spiked but it was so loud i couldnt hear my mom talk over it, cant risk it being permanent again.
        May 21, 2024
      4. Higo
        Try make yourself tired and sleeping should be easier, I'd recommend to do some cardio before sleeping might help.
        May 21, 2024
    19. BB23
      nothing will fix this
      1. Higo
        Only time will tell, I believe there will be something at least treatment, but the question is how long?
        May 19, 2024
        L along the way and streifzug like this.
      2. BlueMoon86
        I believe something will. The question is can we hang on in there on faith? I'm not sure I can....
        May 19, 2024
    20. BB23
      ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿(◡︵◡)
    21. BB23
      A bunch of talking monkeys living on a space rock...
      1. L along the way and streifzug like this.
    22. BB23
      Total Insomnia. Wired all the time. Losing the plot.
      1. streifzug and L along the way like this.
    23. BB23
      If kV7 doesnt alleviate at all I'm ending it. Fuck this life. I was an alien to it anyways due to my high functioning autism.
      1. L along the way
        L along the way
        @BB23 what does it help, but just saying i symphatize..
        May 3, 2024
        BB23 likes this.
    24. BB23
      Why does inserting foam earplugs help with TTTS? Less crackling when I swallow less fluttering when I touch my face less tension overall?
      1. Kiyomi likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kiyomi
        But yea, with hearing pro inside my ears, the crackling is much quieter. It also depends on my posture and other things. I think those tubes equalize pressure?
        Apr 30, 2024
      4. BB23
        @Kiyomi I feel some strange physical sensations when I swallow. Assume the Tensor tympani muscle is tugging on other stuff in weird ways inside the ear..
        Apr 30, 2024
        Kiyomi likes this.
      5. RunningMan
        When I have incidents of TTTS fluttering in my left ear while listening to speaking, putting an earplug only in my right ear will stop it. I'm not sure earplugs help with the occasional TTTS thumps.
        Apr 30, 2024
        BB23 likes this.
    25. BB23
      @Hazel is an interview with Arnaud Norena possible in the future?
      1. Hazel, Ngo13, Note and 1 other person like this.
      2. Juliane
        Who is that?
        Jun 13, 2024
      3. Hazel
        Yes, we can do that! Just met him again at the TRI conference and he's very approachable. I really like his work...
        Jun 13, 2024
    26. BB23
      God I was a loser before this already had nothing to show for in life. Was playing games all day. Why did this have to happen to me...
      1. streifzug, Utdmad89 and gameover like this.
      2. MindOverMatter
        All the why's and what ifs doesn't serve any purpose @BB23 other than being counterintuitive for any chance of acceptance and habituation. We could all ask ourself that question, and I've been through it many times myself. Ive stopped asking those questions to myself long time ago as it will only make one miserable.
        Apr 28, 2024
        BB23 likes this.
    27. BB23
      I always hated people and had a life where I kept things to myself, now I can't even have that. Just waiting for my expiration date now.
      1. gameover, Sansa and streifzug like this.
      2. gameover
        I was selective about people. For the most part I could ignore them. Now I can't because they invade me with their loud ways. Hate people 100x more now. This is extremely sad.
        Apr 27, 2024
        BB23 likes this.
      3. BB23
        @gameover i dont want to interact with doctors or anyone, i hate interacting with people and now i am dependant on others to help me out...
        Apr 28, 2024
        gameover likes this.
    28. BB23
      I had it coming. My entire life was a lie. I don't care anymore.
    29. BB23
      Fighting to survive, just so we can lose the battle in the end regardless...
      1. Juliane, Sansa, tpj and 2 others like this.
      2. Juliane
        It is all so meaningless
        Jun 13, 2024
    30. BB23
      Realized B4 the industrial revolution people died bcs of wars(nuked/gassed), famine, floods, diseases. humans were never meant to live happy
      1. Travis Henry and Juliane like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Juliane
        Agree. I often wonder if this planet is indeed hell.
        Apr 13, 2024
        Pinhead, RunningMan, Karolina and 2 others like this.
      4. 4Grace
        For the most part the world is a beautiful place. People are beautiful. Most people, even the poorest are happy. The poorest countries in the world experience the least anxiety and depression. Did you ever see kids playing in war torn countries. I don’t know. Outside of my soul everything looks like a dream.
        Apr 13, 2024
        Juliane likes this.
      5. Pinhead
        Just a fact check: No one was getting 'nuked' before the industrial revolution.
        Apr 18, 2024
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Antibiotics and mirtazapine
    Trying to stay alive.