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  • Moving to the midwest was one of the worst decisions of my life. I hate it here. I've always hated it here. I'm so stuck. 2 years wasted.
    Going through my "alert" sounds on my phone. All of them hurt even on the lowest volume. I've had my phone on silent for last 4 years.
    My phone has been on vibrate only or do not disturb/silent mode since tinnitus. Phone speakers are death to your ears.
    So within the past couple weeks. Right ear worsened from barber. Left ear worsened from collapsing a metal dog crate. Earplugs in each time.
    Over the last 2 weeks, and especially the last 3 days, my T has transformed into something completely foreign to what it used to be.
    All I want is to stop getting worse. 10-20 seconds of a razor WITH earplugs shouldn't worsen my T yet it did. WTF.ForgetACureIWantStabililty
    Me, too. I need 2 stable months at the very least to get over all the fkn recent worsenings.
    @streifzug has it just been deteriorating on its own, or has it been a series of unfortunate events?
    Well I've spent the last few days complaining about my right ear I guess the left felt left out. 4khz tone is currently louder than ever
    Can't sleep. Having 2 loud ears is really difficult. I've only dealt with one loud ear and the other moderate up until now.
    I am thankful that mine is only one ear.
    @Bob3382 I always was too. I think I relied on my better ear too much to hear and didn't protect it enough.
    All because I had the wrong ear plug in and forgot to switch it back to a solid after describing what cut I wanted. Why am I so fragile?
    absolutely, completely, struggling again. my right ear has never had a temporary spike, only permanent, so that what I expect to happen here
    Hope this one will be temporary
    @Juliane it's been about 2 weeks, but I wrote it off to being sick. Now that I'm feeling better sick-wise it's still spiked, so I'm getting anxiety about it.
    I understand. It is so difficult. I hope for the best.
    Static in my right ear has still been a problem since the barber used clippers near it. I've had clippers used a ton of times, no problem.
    So frustrated by my right ear. I can clearly hear it over my loud left ear now. It's panic-inducing.
    Not feeling ill anymore. Spike gone so far. Antigen test was negative when i took it - never got a PCR though. Symptoms stayed mild.
    Some good news maybe.
    Spike was down for a couple days but has been up and down since. At least I don't feel sick anymore.
    Right ear has been elevated for a week now - since going to the barber. Left hear has been elevated since I started feeling ill 2 days later
    &Eat raw garlic in the morning followed by water. Make home made ginger tea. Get vitiman D from the sun. With these , covid will be mild and you will beat it.
    Wishing you peace, love, and a winning lottety ticket
    Thanks Daniel. Been taking zinc lozenges and been getting outside a bit. Haven't had any full-blown symptoms so far, but just general malaise, fatigue, scratchy throat, and slightly irritated lungs.
    Think I might have caught something while out the other day. I wish others still masked.Each covid infection is one step closer to longcovid
    Just got back from San Diego and I for sure caught something. Hang in there @kingsfan
    @BrOKeN_1 That sucks. Hope it's just regular old rhino or coronavirus of the non-19 variant.
    Ears full after a full day out. As if ringing ears wasnt enough, I cant even do normal things without ear fullness
    Bite lip while chewing. Canker sore forms. Bite canker sore while chewing. Writhe in pain. Repeat the process.
    The insides of my cheeks are worn down from how much I chew on them, an anxious thing I've always done. I relate so hard to this lol
    I've been having so much pelvic pain I barely even care that I have tinnitus. It's that intense.
    I hope things improve for you. Were you able to find work?
    chronic pelvic pain has been kicking my ass and putting tinnitus in the back seat. I have a lot on my plate but my body can barely move
    I knew I shouldn't have opened my window for my cat. I don't know if the firecracker was really that loud but it def startled me
    My tinnitus has been spiked up to an unbearable level since yesterday.

    I really didn't think the firecracker was at a dangerous volume since it was around the corner, through the window, and across the street in the neighbor's yard.

    Hopefully it's just my anxiousness from the whole ordeal making it temporarily worse, and it will go back down.
    Last week I walked out back late at night and in the distance a firework was launched. Loud enough to startle me but not loud enough to cause damage I don't think. Hard for me to tell if it spiked since my T fluctuates constantly. I'm hoping your spike goes soon though.
    My family was camping for a week. It was bliss here. Now back to heavy footsteps, door slamming, blaring TV. Making plans to leave.
    What's up with motorcycles engine braking for stoplights? I've driving manual all my life and that's just unnecessary wear on your clutch
    And revving. These assholes clutch in, break and rev. They are evil idiots.
    @gameover Probably trying to keep their POS Harley's from stalling. Those things are garbage with fancy marketing.
    Having weird distortions i guess? If I rub my ear or make a blowing sound I hear ringing with it. All i did differently was take advil
    If I didn't have this electrical hissing, ear fullness & sound sensitivity I would be 80% okay. I've become used to all my other tinnitus
    I would be ALIVE if the electric hiss stopped. I habituated to all the other noise. This hiss is the worst of it all.
    I habituated to the mild tinnitus I had, but the severe stuff is another beast. The electrical hiss is bad enough, but I really hate the days with the high pitched piercing single tone. It cycles between them over a day or two, but sometimes changing back and forth during a single day.
    I got a new electric toothbrush and used it on a higher speed last night. Now my ears are bothering me more. Hopefully it's all in my head.
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