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  • ENT made me feel like absolute shit because I refused tympanometry since it caused be almost a year of pain last year. Didn't believe me.
    Double outer ear infection likely from earplug use ..prescribed ofloxacin ear drops which are ototoxic. What do I do?!
    Ask for anything other than fluoroquinolones.
    @BB23 Aminoglycosides are also ototoxic, so no Neomycin
    There is a natural alternative people on here recommend. I can't remember the name now but I think it includes garlic
    I am following your posts as I have similar experience… 12 months in for me! I hope you're doing ok, are you noticing improvements as time goes on? X
    Baby is here and we are enjoying soaking up the snuggles. Happy to say that my T wasn't impacted by my delivery or hospital stay.
    @Zigs congratulations on your new baby as well! I commented on your parenting thread but if you have any tips (or miseries) to swap I'm here for it! I don't come across many parents with young kids and T/H.
    Sorry for the slow response! I also don't know anyone who has T/H. I'm surprised more don't given how loud kids are - and how loud kids parties are! It does make me worry for kids ears in future.
    Congratulations!! Sorry the questions, but how are you dealing with the baby's crying? Was it a natural delivery?
    Hope you are doing okay. I found you because a baby screamed in my ear last Friday and my symptoms are the same as yours. I am so worried. Can I ask how close was your baby to your ear when he screamed ? For me it was a mother stood behind me in a queue at a store, her toddler just suddenly screamed. My right ear is now very messed up.
    Hi there, my baby was only inches from my ear. Toddlers are louder than babies though with more lung capacity. If symptoms are the same, I would definitely see a doctor. Acoustic shock is thought to mainly be an inflammatory cycle since there is no hearing loss usually.
    Prednisone might be a good choice. But it also might just take some time for your ear to recover, it probably startled you and activated your middle ear muscles which leads to the inflammation. For most people, acoustic shock symptoms tend to settle or go away with time.
    I'm having more trouble hearing thru my earplugs. I used to be able to hear a whisper easily. Is H getting better or T getting worse? Sigh.
    Wow, you're not the only one who shares that same sentiment… @Ngo13 I totally feel the same too. Hearing through plugs has become more and more difficult overtime. Coincides with my tremendous H improvements. I honestly, can't tell if my tinnitus has worsen these past 3 years though. It's possible. I was thinking maybe my hearing has slowly deteriorated. But i haven't noticed any significant loss.
    @ZFire Same, I haven't noticed my hearing being worse. I hope it's H improvements, that would be wonderful! I'm surprised though if that's the case as I'm over the general 2 year window
    @Ngo13 For what it's worth, I have continue to see improvements in H after 2 years, even when I thought my improvements had plateaued

    I see no reason why it can't happen to you as well :)
    But I enjoyed playing with my son for awhile, even though having my earplugs in makes me sad. I don't want these moments to pass me by!
    I wish I got a second chance or that mild type to start. Frustrating that I never got warning before I was stuck with all these ear issues.
    My son's bedtime story last night was about seeing fireworks. You know I added in that they put in earplugs first! Gotta start 'em young
    @Ngo13 's parenting skills on point :)
    I'm a vegetarian, and at the nonprofit where I used to volunteer, we all got a good laugh when one of our members said that he used Wite-Out and a pen to rewrite children's books to make them more animal-friendly to his small children when he would read aloud to them before bed. As a sufferer of T and H, I would wholeheartedly endorse any children's book that encourages people to avoid loud noise!
    How do you get past the fear of worsening without living as a hermit in complete isolation? It seems everyone gets worse over time.
    The fear of worsening is completely rational. So I am not sure we should get past it?
    I'm a tarot reader, and when I did a reading for myself on that exact same question, I drew The Hermit and The Nine of Swords and the Two of Pentacles. The Hermit is a card about staying home and isolating from others so you can rest and heal and do research. The Nine of Swords, however, is a card about insomnia and non-productive rumination.
    The Two of Pentacles is about staying balanced, whether financially, physically, mentally, or emotionally.

    I think the overall message of these three cards is to find a workable balance between extreme caution and extreme anxiety. Yes, isolate yourself and protect your ears when necessary, but don't paralyze yourself with excessive fear and rumination. Find the balance that works for YOU.
    Trying to stay off but my update is I'm 5 mo pregnant &very excited. I don't want to put my life on pause in case I worsen& regret in future
    @Ngo13 I think the LDN is definitely worth a try when the time is right for you, especially given its relatively minimal side effect profile. It definitely doesn't take away the sensation fully for me, but it reduces it & makes it more of a numbness rather than a burning.
    @Ngo13 I sincerely hope it is merely a 'not yet quite healing' thing or a central sensitization thing! Have you consumed any content on central sensitization? I'm currently quite enjoying Alan Gordon's podcast 'Tell Me About Your Pain.' The free Curable educational lectures are helpful as well.
    Hope you are doing OK <3
    Thank you. I've been trying to take a break from this forum and it definitely helped my mental state. I still check from time to time but try to stick to success stories and research news.
    Hope you are doing better as well @Juliane
    Hi Ngo13, what did you do to reduce pain? Hope all is well. Do you still have to wear earmuffs around your son? Thankyou.
    I wear my custom plugs around my son most of the time. This is mostly preventive in case of a sudden shrill scream or cry, as well as eases my anxiety as my TTTS is particularly triggered by him. Reducing pain for me has been time and I have found some success with antiinflammatory supplements like ALA and NAC. I believe my pain stems from TTTS and associated muscle inflammation.
    Pain is gone now, back to business as usual. Convinced that my issues do actually stem from a physical problem with my ears (TTTS) now
    What kind of ear pain are we talking about? burning and stabbing pains triggered by noise around you?

    Glad to hear you recovered. Sounds scary.
    @ZFire burning pain on the whole side of my face and ears and sharp pains. Not triggered by noise exactly - only by TTTS movement (which is triggered by noise, lol) but especially talking, chewing, turning neck, etc. I think it was the movement of my eardrum or those muscles.
    @ZFire Urgent care doc said my eardrums were bulging but no infection on 9/1. Still having more difficulty equalizing pressure when driving.

    It was not fun and brought lots of panic for sure.
    Going to treat it as eardrum injury rather than acoustic injury. Neurologist said I have TN & gave me meds. Might help TTTS. No change in T
    I think the tympanometry tests bruised my eardrums in combination with my TTTS.Pain is more from jaw/neck movement and TTTS thump then sound
    It's my birthday and I'm pretty sure I got noaxacusis. No trigger for it except maybe a tympanometry test a few days prior. I can't do this
    @RunningMan sleep was better, but no sleep again last night. I stopped the melatonin but seem to still have one sleepless night a week.
    I hope you feel better soon and that your birthday still has moments of joy to make up for this.
    I think it's an eardrum injury as I don't find the pain triggered by sounds themselves. I hope it heals quickly. Stupid ENT. Need to get TTTS under control
    Another audiology appointment, another time of being told my hearing and ears are perfect. Why can't my brain get that message!
    Thinking of you!
    Thank you. Had a decent weekend in spite of horrible T but my strength to pretend to be ok comes in much shorter bursts now. Really bad today. Hope you are doing better than me!
    @Ngo13 My heart breaks for you ❤️ I am in a similar place
    I'm in a bottomless pit of despair. No one to talk to. Therapist thinks I need antidepressant but too afraid to risk tinnitus worsening.
    I am right there with you today.
    It's a catch 22. You could always try the very lowest dose and test the waters. If it doesn't work out then you know.
    Very sad to hear that. Things can turn around for you. I understand your concern about ADs. They do make some people worse while they really help others. So tough to decide while being depressed. Is there anything (natural) that helps your mood a bit? Walks, swimming? Seeing a friend? Perhaps try that first and then decide? Big hug!
    We were supposed to be trying for 2nd child now. All I ever wanted. Waiting due to T & marriage issues. Feel like my life was stolen from me
    All I was doing was holding & caring for my child like a good mom should when the accident happened where I got T. I don't understand.
    It is all very illogical. I don't understand any of this either.
    I don't understand it either. You absolutely deserve another chance to recover, and it may still come.
    Depressed when I see so many stories of people recovering after one-off events. What made me so unlucky? Why didn't I get another chance?
    Your chance can still come. Nothing is too late.
    I've been trying so very hard to be hopeful. I just want some relief. Anything. Been trying everything no help. I can't live my life w this
    Day 2 of no sleep. Seems to be the norm for me now. Ringing has been gradually getting worse the last few months for no reason.
    Sorry to hear you're going through this. I had nights in the early months, sometimes back to back with no sleep. It was tough but did get better to where I would at least get few hours of broken sleep. I still struggle and don't get enough, though. Hopefully, yours will improve faster and better than mine has.
    And no one will want someone who has a young kid and ear problems. Just lots of tears. Sorry for the vent but helps to write it out
    I'm so sorry. I wish your hubby could show a little more compassion right now. You've gone through so much this past year. Even without T and H, it's very stressful for a couple to raise their first child.
    Vent away :) I'm sorry about your current situation, hopefully you have a strong support circle to help you through.
    Thanks everyone. Unfortunately I'm realizing I'm very much alone in my suffering.
    Yes maybe the probs were already there but were manageable before. I feel very unloved. I honestly don't know if we will make it.
    Are you and your husband open to marriage counseling? Just a thought.
    @ECP we tried but counselor said we weren't good candidates due to needing to work through our own personal issues first :( hubby just started therapy, I've been in for a year
    Having individual therapy is still better than nothing. I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope that the two of you can come to an understanding soon, with or without the aid of a marriage counselor.
    T has changed my whole life. I wish I got it when I was old and at least got through the child rearing years.
    @Ngo13 So sorry to hear you're going through this. Please know that this is NOT your fault.
    Thank you @scared8. Let's hope for better days for us all soon
    Anxious, easily overwhelmed, pessimistic, etc. Used to be a big go getter and didn't require much support. Now I'm "asking for too much"
    Of course you are! You are going through trauma. All normal reactions!!
    Could use a hug tonight. My T was the catalyst for destroying my marriage. Husband says he doesn't like the person I've become
    I sincerely hope that however the relationship between you & your husband unfolds, you remember that you were/are not to blame. Sending much love ❤️
    Thanks for the kind words. Helps me feel a little less alone.
    So sad to hear that. I know from experience how the people close to you can behave in unimaginable ways when you need them the most. I don't know why. I hope you know that nothing is your fault. I mean, of course we change for the worse when our lives are being sabotaged by torturous symptoms! Big hug ❤️
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