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  • Yesterday wasn't too bad. We will see what today holds. Left ear feeling very sensitive and popping along with unstable tinnitus and H in both ears still. Nox seems…controlled? (Fingers crossed).
    Joshua Macleod
    My fingers are crossed for you, mate. Taking it day by day feels so difficult but you're doing great.
    thank you. Today was weird. I took a nap and as I was falling asleep my ears began just screaming with a new tone. It left but it was terrifying…for now I'm back to baseline auditory nightmare lol.
    I don't think I can do this :(
    You can, I know you're scared but you'll make it through... it feels horrible and intrusive but it's not an actual threat even if your entire being is trying to tell you otherwise, it will get better.

    Try and do something to distract (I bought a block of modelling clay and took up sculpting) & to de-stress, even if it's just for 30 seconds with a breathing exercise, we've all got to start somewhere!
    My update; Ear burning getting worse. T fluctuates from pure hell to severe based on Ativan dose.
    Hey, I am in klonopin withdrawal, 15 months along. My tinnitus is pretty bad the past few days. I have about 8 tones altogether, but some days are a lot better and I it seems more like 3/4 tones. Hang in there… I have an 8 year old and an 8 month old. You seem really scared.
    I am very scared. Thank you for your encouragement.
    Another day in my room in plugs. So scared this Ativan taper will kill me. I'm not nearly as strong as Padraigh or Brian and look what it did to them. They have kids too. Benzos are evil.
    Holding on for my son, Kai. Kai buddy I love you more than anything in this world and mommy is trying to get better for you.
    Staying on my taper of Ativan at 1/4 of a 0.5 pill 3x a day. My tinnitus is insane. 10 different sounds in head and ears. I'm also having ear pain and extreme hyperacusis. I'm very scared. It seems all the suicide stories here got bad multitonal tinnitus from benzos like me. Trying to stay strong but worried I'll just be a memorial post in a few months. One tone vibrates my entire head.
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