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  1. L

    Clearing My Tinnitus

    Wow i think its a great sign that your t sometimes clears with the fluid discharge. Does your ear fulness get better when this happens? Its up to the doctors to decide if this is all conneted. But of this happens i don't think you have to look too far for answers. Just tell the doctors your...
  2. L

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Hey Roman, I'm sorry to hear that :( i was hoping you were healed by now. No i still have tinnitus too. Some days its better, some days its a bit worse. But i dont care much about it lately. I'm so used to it, i dont think about it most of the time. I'm still going to physio though because it...
  3. L

    Had a nice conversation with the ent. She confirmed t and etd is from muscle tension. Its great...

    Had a nice conversation with the ent. She confirmed t and etd is from muscle tension. Its great to find a doctor who takes time to listen.
  4. L

    Helpt medrol dan tegen t?

    Helpt medrol dan tegen t?
  5. L

    Maar ik maak me ook wat zorgen. Er zijn tekenen dat ik een scheur heb in mijn R trommelvlies die...

    Maar ik maak me ook wat zorgen. Er zijn tekenen dat ik een scheur heb in mijn R trommelvlies die maar niet geneest. Maar voorlopig is het nog wachten tot 6 maart voor onderzoek.
  6. L

    Je weet dat dat scannen niet zo goed is he ;) maar ik weet dat het wel verschieten is. Mijn t...

    Je weet dat dat scannen niet zo goed is he ;) maar ik weet dat het wel verschieten is. Mijn t fluctueert trouwens doorheen de dag dus ik heb die schommelingen ook leren negeren.
  7. L

    Idd het is beter om zo snel mogelijk iemand te zien. Dan ben je ook meer gerustgesteld.

    Idd het is beter om zo snel mogelijk iemand te zien. Dan ben je ook meer gerustgesteld.
  8. L

    Hoe gaat het met jou? En je broer?

    Hoe gaat het met jou? En je broer?
  9. L

    Vreemd dat het niet lukt. Ja ik begrijp dat het moeilijk is. Kheb die automatisme ook was. Ik...

    Vreemd dat het niet lukt. Ja ik begrijp dat het moeilijk is. Kheb die automatisme ook was. Ik kan mijn oren laten klakken door mijn kaken op te spannen. Hier gaat het redelijk goed. Niet veel verandert.
  10. L

    Als het voor 2 sec is zou ik me geen zorgen maken. Maar ik zou het niet te veel kraken als je...

    Als het voor 2 sec is zou ik me geen zorgen maken. Maar ik zou het niet te veel kraken als je geen last hebt van druk!
  11. L

    Ear Drum Rupture. How Long Can It Last?

    Hey everyone, Quick question. My doctor told me I show signs of some ear drum rupture in one ear. This has been going on for approx. 3 months and I'm waiting for the ENT appointment in March. Now I was wondering how long ear drum rupture can last and what can be done to maximize chances of...
  12. L

    My Friend's Tinnitus Went Away

    I agree. Although i envy the people who get rid of it, im genuinly happy for them. Nobody deserves ilness. And the succes stories gives some hope, especially for people who have gotten it recently and are thinking "how can i live with this". The thing that feares people the most is that is is...
  13. L

    My Friend's Tinnitus Went Away

    Very nice to hear. I have it due to pcs myself. Its one of the last symptoms remaining. A big part of pcs is indeed waiting it out and relaxing. There are many studies that show that stress plays a big part in prolonging pcs symptoms (in combination with other factors and the physical injury...
  14. L

    My Tinnitus Story — Looking for Feedback

    Hi, Im sorry to hear about your difficulties regarding the diagnosis. I too have neck stifness and some etd problems. And you'll find many members on this forum who are strugling with the same problem For the treatment. Physio therapy can really help bring the neck stiffnss down. If your t...
  15. L

    Post Concussion Tinnitus

    Hey jurgen, First my t only got worse. But now it has stabilized and gotten better with physiotherapy. Although my right ear is still bad. My doctor suspects something is wrong with my right eardrum. But ill have to wait untill march for tests. I dont have quiet periods but i dont hear it most...
  16. L

    My Brother's Tinnitus Has Skyrocketed...

    Good luck with getting an appointment. I hope they will schedule it soon. Idk about leuven, it will probably be good too. But ive heard very good things from Antwerpen so its worth the try. Yeah it can be a neck, jaw thing. My headaches and t come partially from neck problems. But indeed its so...
  17. L

    My Brother's Tinnitus Has Skyrocketed...

    Hey Jurgen, Im sorry to hear about the many health problem your brother faces. Unfortunately the link between vertigo, headache and tinnitus can have many origins. For ex. Jaw tension, infection, etc. Maybe some other members have better answers for this. What made me answer is that i see you...
  18. L

    Head Related Trauma Delayed Onset Tinnitus from Automobile Accident

    Damn thats so harsh. If it makes you feel a bit better, i had the same experience with my ent. I told him i got t from a concussion. He said thats impossible, its stress...
  19. L

    Hey roman, how are you? I hope you are feeling better

    Hey roman, how are you? I hope you are feeling better
  20. L

    Head Related Trauma Delayed Onset Tinnitus from Automobile Accident

    Oops i read over the fact that ot happened in 2016. So I'm guessing you already went to the whole procedure of treating your injuries. Any luck witg that?
  21. L

    Head Related Trauma Delayed Onset Tinnitus from Automobile Accident

    Yes i had t from a concussion. Delayed onset is very typical in those cases. Head traumas are very complex injuries. There is a lot going on when you hit your head. With mild head traumas (no visible brain injury) it goes away in most cases. But if not it is worth getting a full checkup...
  22. L

    Is There Still Hope? Is My Tinnitus Considered Chronic?

    2 months is not chronic. Some say its chronic after 6 months, others at 1 year or even 2 years. For now the best way is to accept its there (i know thats hard) and see what the future holds.
  23. L

    Tinnitus Clinic?

    Although i think your ent had the best intentions. It is indeed harsh to just refuse medicine when someone needs it. Sleep is way to important to risk it. Cbt does help for sleep. I am a behavioural therapist myself and use relaxation techniques to sleep. Then again i needed 2 months of sleep...
  24. L

    Masking High-Pitched Tinnitus for Sleeping

    Normally an audiologist can help with that. They can analyse your sounds and then see which sounds can mask it. Personally i never mask my t when i go to sleep. I do relaxation excersises everytime i lay in bed and then fall asleep during the excersise. It does take some pracrice though. Maybe...
  25. L

    Flying with ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)

    Hey everyone, Quick question. Soon I have to go on a 13 hour flight to visit a sick family member. But I have ETD. Does anyone have any tips about flying with ETD and minimizing the risk for eardrum damage? My ETD is not mucus related but stems from muscle tension in my face. So nasal sprays...
  26. L

    Are These Painkillers (Voltaren and Pinex Forte) Safe?

    That is indeed strange. Tinnitus are known side effects for paracetamol amd codeine. Voltaren is anti-inflammatory and can cause t too as a side effect. I personally think the voltaren is the most important of the 2 after surgery, because of its anti inflammatory properties. Preventing...
  27. L

    Are These Painkillers (Voltaren and Pinex Forte) Safe?

    Same here. I took codeine and paracetomol withouth any problems. My t is sommatic too. As long as you take reasonable amounts it shouldnt be a problem. I once had to took paracetamol every day after an accident. My neuro explained to me that the risk for long term side effects are higher if...
  28. L

    Anyone Have Good or Bad Experiences from Having Just UPPER Wisdom Teeth Removed, No Drilling?

    Ive had al my wisdom teeth removed without a single problem. But that was way before i had tinnitus. These procedures are often done well, so i wouldnt worry to much. Ive read one story from a person who had their wisdom teeth removed and it lowered his/her tinnitus. But it depends wether it...
  29. L

    Tinnitus Affected by Salmon

    Spike or not, its healthy. ;) Maybe something to do with blood values....? I have no idea (n)
  30. L

    Zeer zeker!

    Zeer zeker!
  31. L

    Hair Washing Gives a Tinnitus Spike?

    Yip same with me. Whenever i take a hot shower the tinnitus gets louder for a few minutes and i have pressure in my head. When i keep moving i dont hear the spike. Its only when i stand still. My tinnitus has a muscular origin so it would make sense. But i dont worry its only for a few minutes...
  32. L

    What Can I Do to Reverse Ototoxicity from Sertraline?

    I'm sorry but there isn't a definitive answer to that, nor any time frame. I think the doctors are very cautious about giving predictions. Its like when i once got injured the doctor said several weeks to months to heal. Then it changed into 6 months to a year. Everybody is different so its just...
  33. L

    What Can I Do to Reverse Ototoxicity from Sertraline?

    Hey Lizzie, Unfortunately with ototoxity the only thing you can do is give it time. I do think most people recover from drug induced tinnitus if they only used it for a short period. It is not uncommon with some medication that it produces tinnitus as a withdrawal symptom. The fact that it is...
  34. L

    Tot mijn verbazing zeiden mijn ouders een tijdje trg dat ze ook allebei tinnitus hadden. En ze...

    Tot mijn verbazing zeiden mijn ouders een tijdje trg dat ze ook allebei tinnitus hadden. En ze vertelden dat het idd een kwestie was om die emotionele reactie te beperken. Als dat gebeurd, verdwijnt het stilletjes aan op de achtergrond.
  35. L

    het is vooral die vicieuze cirkel dat je moet doorbreken van stress en daardoor luidere...

    het is vooral die vicieuze cirkel dat je moet doorbreken van stress en daardoor luidere perceptie van tinnitus en daardoor nog meer stress, etc. Maar als ik het zo hoor ben je alles perfect aan het doen zoals het moet.
  36. L

    Fijn dat je zo goed geholpen wordt. Iemand die zelf tinnitus heeft is ook veel geloofwaardiger...

    Fijn dat je zo goed geholpen wordt. Iemand die zelf tinnitus heeft is ook veel geloofwaardiger. Die man weet dan ook goed hoe het zit. Mindfulness zou goed moeten helpen om de reactie van het autonoom zenuwstelsel wat te beperken. Het vraagt wat oefening, maar komt wel goed ;)
  37. L

    Super dat het al wat beter gaat. Elke stap in de goede richting telt. Hier gaat het zeer goed...

    Super dat het al wat beter gaat. Elke stap in de goede richting telt. Hier gaat het zeer goed. Ik kan trg genieten van sport en mijn vroegere hobbies oppikken. Binnen 3 weken wordt fysio ook gestopt. Kben de tinnitus ook meer gwn aant worden. s Avonds heb ik er nog last van, maar eerder in de...
  38. L

    Hey Chris, al enige beterschap?

    Hey Chris, al enige beterschap?
  39. L

    I Hate TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy)

    Because its a futile attemp to find a cure that does not excist. You are just mentally exhausting yourself with it and thus creating a downwards spiral. But i see that you really dont want to listen to people who want to help. So i guess explaining is also futile. ;)
  40. L

    I Hate TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy)

    Dear threefirefour, With all due respect, I go with what some people said above. Namely, that it is all about mindset. Although i don't have experience in trt. I have given a lot of cbt treatment. Once again, i do not want to attack you verbally in any way but i feel that your mindset about trt...
  41. L

    Trigger Point Massage & Physiotheraphy for Somatic Tinnitus

    2 months physio and it dropped about 80% in volume according to my personal perception of course.
  42. L

    Dealing with Tinnitus in College

    Yes certainly do it. Definitly do it. Universities are very understanding about these things. A friend of mine got disibality for condition where he always trembles and another friend got it for myoclonus. They gave them an hour extra for every exam. Or sometimes let them sit in a seperate...
  43. L

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Thats good news. It means you have the best chance for it to go away. Yes mine has gotten much better. It was severe, i could hear it over everything. Now its moderate and sometimes mild (fluctuates a lot). But im thinking it will take a very long time to go. If it hasn't faded yet untill you...
  44. L

    Anyone with Tinnitus from a Neck/Jaw Issue? Would a Neck Brace Help?

    Yes physical therapy can very much help if you have loss of motion. A neck brace is counterproductive when used to much because it will further destabilize the neck and causes even more loss of motion. Really if your neck feels weak i would at least try physical therapy. They can also check if...
  45. L

    Does Anyone Have Headaches with Sounds?

    I'm sorry to hear about the incident and that your gf has to suffer for so long. I had somethimg very similar happened to me. I think you will be more helped in the hyperacusis board of this forum. I hope the doctor can find out what is causing this. And maybe visiting a social worker can sort...
  46. L

    Physiotherapy and Tinnitus

    Idk about pulsatile. According to my doctor it most likely works on people who can alter sounds with movement, but even then there is no gaurantuee.
  47. L

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Why is your neurologist is so persistant in the fact that it cannot be somatic t. Does he has a reason to believe its not? I mean, yeah we dont know for sure that it is somatic t and there is still a possibility that it is from the concussion or something else. But its a bit fast to jump on...
  48. L

    Stress Induced Tinnitus

    I know it sucks to be on xanax. I don't think anyone wants to be on medication. But it is very helpfull to keep stress manageable untill you feel better and get more comfortable with tinnitus. I took it too for the first 2 weeks, but had to stop because of side effects. Yes i have watched...
  49. L

    Stress Induced Tinnitus

    No need to apologize. You're not obligated to answer me :p Yes we are indeed both unlucky and lucky to have these things happenend to us. But in the end we grow stronger as a person. As for the predisposition its possible but indeed we can never tell for sure. Some people get tinnitus just from...
  50. L

    Stress Induced Tinnitus

    I have to admit that was real scary to have my life chance at the blink of an eye. I sometimes thought i would never be the same again. But thanks to my physiotherapist and some hard work im back. It takes more than a brain injury to stop me :p. And i gues i was kinda lucky to have some...
  51. L

    Stress Induced Tinnitus

    I can tell you have it figured out ;) I'm doing quite fine, thanks for asking. Yeah i dont have t for long. I got it from a freak accident at home (bumped my head against a cupboard while cleaning) which resulted in post concussion syndrome. Basicly a severe concussion that can last from months...
  52. L

    Despite all the hardship, t has made me a stronger person and less afraid in life. Do i want a...

    Despite all the hardship, t has made me a stronger person and less afraid in life. Do i want a cure? Yes. Do i need it? No.
  53. L

    Stress Induced Tinnitus

    My message was somehow included in the quote itself. Just to avoid confusion :p
  54. L

    I Know of 2 People in My Family Whose Tinnitus Has Gone Away

    Yeah it's hard not to. What calms my mind is to think of it as just a sound that my body makes, instead of a horrible ilness or whatsoever. But it does takes time to not react to it anymore
  55. L

    Stress Induced Tinnitus

    Hey Chris, I"m a psychologist and now what terrible symptoms burn out can cause. From what i read you are doing all the right things in other to beat this condition. Excersise and meditation/yoga/relaxation are great ways to counter stress and help speed recovery. Burn out can take a while to...
  56. L

    Muscular Tinnitus?

    I would take Steve's vitamin tip to heart. Vit b and magnesium are good natural ways to alleviate muscular problems. If you decide to take a lot of magnesium dont forget to take calcium once in a while. Magnesium is very good for muscle relaxation but it can deplete calcium after a while. And...
  57. L

    I Know of 2 People in My Family Whose Tinnitus Has Gone Away

    I have no idea what his sound was like. But wat he told me that despite it was awfull he didnt care to much. Because the doctor told him its normal to have symptoms from such surgery and that it usually goes away when the wound heals. He didnt stress much over it and i think that is what made it...
  58. L

    Osteopathic Neck Manipulation Caused a Bad Spike

    Hey Anima, thanks for the update. Im verry happy to hear it has settled back to normal. Let's keep our fingers crossed that i will only get better in the future. And thank you for the wishes :) i hope we both can defeat this.
  59. L

    Constant Ringing to Pulsatile Tinnitus (Both Reactive) Post Concussion

    Thats good to hear. The less you stress the more chance of it going away. Its normal for 1 or 2 symptoms to persist for a while after concussion but they usually fade away. That isnt pcs btw. 1 or 2 remaining symptoms for months still falls under normal concussion.