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    Tinnitus from Hearing Test at Audiologist's?

    yes it is possible to get T from an hearing test and it usually happens when they have a trainee handling the test who thinks they know what they're doing and not realizing the potential danger of doing the test. That's what happened to me where the trainee should have been wearing the same...
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    My Dearest Tinnitus Sufferers — I'm Torn Apart — I Want to End This Waking Nightmare

    Allan, the following link is a good shower sound mp3 and so buy a sandisk player or a small boom box with a built in mp3 player, with detachable speakers and place 1 speaker on each side the bed this is what i do when i reach a critical state and need to escape and or try various 8k notch file...
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    Doctor Using the Flush System Irrigation / Syringing to Remove My Excess Ear Wax — Is It Safe?

    very risky imo, sounds like a lot of people have gotten T from this procedure, so first make sure its necessary and if so, then make sure they don't have a trainee doing the procedure!
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    I Think My Tinnitus Has Gone Away

    good for you jamesd, maybe the Tebonin helped, thanks for the update! Tebonin optimizes the flow properties of the blood through capillaries, increasing the amount of oxygen supplied to all organs, tissues and individual cells throughout the human body. In addition, if effectively reduces the...
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    I Don't Know How to Cope Anymore — All I Do Is Cry and Cry

    If you think you got T after you "had your neck adjusted", then how could that damage your hearing i'm wondering? And if that's actually the case, then there may be hope for your situation because maybe all you have is a pinched Vagus nerve or something and just have to figure out a way to...
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    Got Tinnitus 4 Months Ago. Two Potential Causes.

    Could be a combination of noise and medications, so what kind of nasal spray or medications were you taking for you sinus problem?
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    All Hell Has Broken Loose

    We all here can totally relate to what you're going through: "Ever since that day I feel all hell has broken loose. I'm no longer that person I was. I live every day with this gut wrenching knot in my stomach. That my life is over because of this consuming fear I have of a sound my own body is...
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    Ear Pressurization or Ear Barotrauma

    seems to me that an ENT should have answers to symptoms like this, but if not then i really wonder what ENTs can do?
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    Tinnitus Going Away! B12 Was Deficient

    @MeBeSurfer were you low on B12 because you were on a vegetarian diet or why do you think you were low on B12? and also can you please tell us when you started taking the B12 and how long you were taking it before you started noticing a difference? and maybe this might explain why some of those...
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    Greetings from Holland

    I think @Dginobile has been taking tumeric and omega3 and that seems to have helped her inflamation and T, but it spikes my T, so tumeric may be a way of reducing your sinus condition and inflamation. However tumeric is a salicylate and if it doesn't seem to spike your T after several hours...
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    Finally Habituated to My Tinnitus, but Now It's Bothering Me Again!

    Right now i'm looking into taking B12, B6 and Folic Acid as i think i remember a relative had a B12 deficiency, so this is something to check into ie: @MeBeSurfer just recently said: So, I am having major, and I mean major reductions in my severe tinnitus. It's gone from screaming in my head...
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    Greetings from Holland

    I would say while you have a stuffy nose or sinus problems, to avoid all antibiotics, aspirin, motrin, allergy meds or any meds as your ear cells may be in a weakened state and susceptible even mild ototoxic chemicals, salicylates, alcohol ect
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    Finally Habituated to My Tinnitus, but Now It's Bothering Me Again!

    you said "My hearing is always extremely sensitive after I go to the gym for a number of hours afterwards" and if the gym is playing loud music or weight machine weights are slamming together, i bet these could be triggers. Or if you changed your diet or are taking any allergy meds or other meds...
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    My Tinnitus History

    Hi Kent, its hard for us to know anymore what causes what as there seems to a fairly big delay in cause and effect sometimes, but i recently read that salicylates can accumulate over time, so one thing you might want to try is to avoid them wherever you can as they might be a trigger when there...
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    Triamterene aka Dyrenium

    wiki says Triamterene directly blocks the epithelial sodium channel and small amounts are naturally contained in folic acid and salt is what creates spikes for me, so maybe i will try some folic acid, thanks for the info!
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    Feeling Suicidal with Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Yes KayG you will get better, either your increased Tinnitus will go away very probably or if it doesn't you will get used to the new sound and we've all felt the same way you're feeling now, but just take it 1 hour, 1 day at a time and eventually you will develop a mental callous to the new...
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    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Yes this is definitely great progress and it makes a lot of sense because scientific efforts elsewhere have recently been able to turn regular skin cells into pluripotent stem cells using CRISPR and that tells me that the approach they're using in the following article is right in line with that...
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    Tonight Because of Severe Tinnitus I’m Sleeping in a Cell

    Very sorry to hear about your situation Bam......when my T spikes, which it does now on a regular basis, like every 4th day or so, i listen to a 14k notched file on a sandisk mp3 player and i've just started researching hearing aids that also have notched sounds built in, because listening to a...
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    Spike for 5 Weeks

    this link says Augmentin contains Amoxicillin which may be ototoxic:
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    yes i have floaters and they increased right around the time i got my 2nd Tinnitus affliction in Dec 2017 and i'm wondering if maybe floaters are another indication or affect of something that also caused my T, in other words some kind of poisoning that affected a number of sensitve areas. And...
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    Newbie to the Tinnitus World

    i would stop taking any of those supplements that aren't standard vitamins as they are typically not regulated or quality controlled and when in combination with other supplements could cause some kind of ototoxic or salicylate overload affect, even Motrin and Aspirin are salicylates
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    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    @Darkener posted this from an NIH study and may explain why some people get a spike from CBD "The results suggest that cannabinoids may promote the development of tinnitus, especially when there is pre-existing hearing damage"
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    Spike and New Symptoms After 4 Years!

    one thing you can try is to try and eliminate high salicylate and sulphur based foods and i think this may only be the case for we folks who think our T was caused by an ototoxic mediations. For example, if i eat food that contains honey, cinammon, taurine (red bull), tumeric ect, my T spikes...
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    My Tinnitus Has More or Less Been Gone for Four Months

    I now see why my general doctor never recommended going to an ENT as its pretty much a waste of time and money unless you have an obvious ENT type problem, but during my visit, the "audiologist" blasted my ears by accident and i literally had to throw the headphones off but was too late and now...
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    Two Year Anniversary

    Allen i think you captured the essence of living with T.
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    Spike Has Already Lasted for 4 Weeks

    Scott, yes i'm in the middle of one right now and i've learned the hard way that its very difficult to know the cause and effect as there seem to be different types of T conditions. For example, if you think your T was caused by an ototoxic reaction or by a noise effect, you might have different...
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    Have to Have My Gallbladder Removed — I’m Worried

    @Dginobile you've probably seen this TT post on anything ...mycin: Also congratulations on your T habituation, can you please tell me/us what brand Tumeric and FishOil you've been taking? Your story is definitely a great...
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    Tinnitus Following Use of Antibiotics and How It Has Evolved

    Hi _Chris, just checking to see how you're doing and wondering if you're still keeping a chart of you're T experiences? And what's interesting about your chart, which definitely takes a lot of discipline to maintain, is it pretty much follows what my current T experiences have been lately...
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    I’m So Upset

    my niece said she started getting some ringing in her ears and i know she drinks a lot of red bull which has Taurine in it and i think i read somewhere they use Taurine to induce T in rats, but not sure about that, and i think Taurine is related to the sulfur family of compounds and that's how...
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    AudioNotch Experience — I Swear My Tinnitus Is Getting Louder and Changing Tones After 5 Days of Use

    I had to try 10 different frequencies to find the right range, so just wondering how many frequencies you've tried?
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    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    i had a big spike the last few days and i think i was something i ate and it was a combination of hissing and ringing, so i used my 7700 notched file while sleeping and when i woke up the ringing was still intense, but after a few hours the ringing reduced in intensity as well as the hissing and...
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    Flonase and Tinnitus

    I got a huge resurgence of tinnitus after taking NasaCort, so beware of any medications and those companies don't know how to test for tinnitus effects.
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    Honestly Scared for My Life, Please God Help Me.

    Wishy, so very sorry to hear about your state of mind and we can all definitely relate. I'm no one to be making suggestions as i'm really not sure if what works for me will help any one else, but i did find that using a white noise notched file did help move my ringing to more of a high pitched...
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    Acupuncture Cured Me

    Hi Betty Bleep, can you give us the name of that herb you're taking and is it still working?
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    A Life with Tinnitus — How to Live?

    For tonal tinnitus i think the notched file therapy helped move my tonal sounds to more of a higher pitched hissing sound, which for me is a lot more tolerable than those tonal screeching tea pot sounds, so have you tried the notched file therapy yet? so at least i now a have more of a...
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    Recipes That Won't Spike Tinnitus?

    Almonds are high in Salicylates which can affect Tinnitus, even cause Tinnitus is very high doses
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    Caffeine and Pulsatile Tinnitus

    I wonder if there's a difference in how Tinnitus reacts based on whether you got Tinnitus from noise exposure, from an ear infection like you think you did or from a medication like i did, so maybe what you're experiencing is unique to how you got Tinnitus, sure would be interesting to find out...
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    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    Someone has probably already mentioned this, but based on reading Amazon comments on that Flavonoid supplement, it sounds like it helps people with the Meniere's condition or however that's spelled, luck them!
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    Can Fluoxetine or Ambien Cause Tinnitus?

    Hi Bishop, you may have metioned how you initially got Tinnitus, but was it from noise or medication do you think?
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    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 7: What Advice Would You Give to Someone Else Who Has Tinnitus?

    I got Tinnitus back in 1991 after taking a sulfur antibiotic before a long flight and after about a year it settled down and became a background hiss that i got used to and pretty much stopped thinking about and i think there's a very high probability that you will get used to it as well...
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    Getting Decent Sleep — Tinnitus on One Ear, Hyperacusis on the Other

    if you find that you can't get any sleep for days, maybe try 1 mg melatonin time release and if that doesn't work then add benadryl and if not working then swap benadryl for doxolomine succiunate, now i have these ready to go myself, but i've been able to somehow get 5 hours a night and so...
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    Poll: Is Your Tinnitus Caused by Noise?

    Good question, so i'm wondering if spikes are caused by different things for people who got T from noise exposure versus ototoxic medications and in my case, i know my T was caused by a sulfur antibiotic and i experience big spikes when consuming moderate to high salicylate or high salt foods...
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    The Flu Has Finally Caught Me! Help What Meds Are OK?

    i was wondering the same thing about Tamiflu and i think its going to affect people differently, for example if your T was caused by medications to begin with, then i would be worried about using Tamiflu, but if caused by loud noise then it may not have an effect. But that's my overall worry...
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    Why Does My Tinnitus Spike So Much?

    Sandra, you might want to take a look at your diet and if you're consuming a alot of salicylate and salty foods, that might be a cause of the spikes, but i'm still in the test analysis phase and trying 1 food change everyday over what seems to be ok food and that way i can better determine if a...
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    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 4: Do You Use Apps to Manage Your Tinnitus? If So, Which Ones and Why?

    I used notched file therapy for about 2 weeks and it reduced by "tonal" tinnitus quite a bit, but i've yet to find a notch file frequency that helps my high pitched hissing T and i've tried 6 different HZs from 8500 to 14k without much effect, but reducing the "tonal" T was a great benefit as...
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    Emergency Crisis State

    So very sorry to hear all the suffering going on with everyone, this T really seems to be an epidemic which is not being taken serious like it is in the UK, where they seem to be a lot more aware of the problem and are genuinely trying to help people through their crisis. But in the US, we seem...
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    Emergency Crisis State

    Kari, i got T back in 1991 and it was pretty intense back then and then it became a low hiss over time, but recently it came back after taking NasaCort medication and now i'm having a spike as well and haven't had much sleep either, so i can absolutely understand your situation. And yes the...
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    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 2: How Do You Manage Your Sleep with Tinnitus?

    I have melatonin, benadryl and doxolomine succinate ready to go if i'm ready to go off the deep end, which may be soon, but i've yet to take it for fear of making my T worse and i think this because i originally got T from a sulfur antibiotic and recently had my T resurface with a vengeance...
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    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 1: What Techniques Do You Use to Manage Your Tinnitus?

    For "tonal" tinnitus the notched file wav file therapy (learned how to from Cheza's book on T) seems to work a fair amount and for hissing T, i'm trying magnesium bisglyconate and it may be helping a bit, but still monitoring. I'm also avoiding foods that have moderate to high salicylates and i...
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    The Best Tinnitus Tone Generator (What Is Your Hz?)

    Hi Stakovic, what does your tinnitus sound like or is it tonal or like a hissing sound? Reason I'm asking is my tinnitus sounds like a high frequency hissing, white noise sound and I'm trying to find the Hz range that the hissing type tinnitus usually resides in, thanks!
  51. B Polls

    by whoosh do you mean what i call a white noise sound or a hissing sound? and if so have you been able to identify what frequency hz that whoosh, hissing sound range is in? as i've tried many frequencies from 8400 to 13k, but i'm not sure i've really identified it correctly? please let me know...
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    New Here (3 Weeks In)

    I found that i can reduce my T about 40% by avoiding all foods that contain moderate to high salicylates, salt and caffeine, maybe sugar and i've been able to reduce my "tonal" T using a notched 8400 hz wav mp3 file, however haven't been able to do much about my white noise T, but i think the...
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    Tinnitus Following Use of Antibiotics and How It Has Evolved

    Hi Chis, i've read your diary of events and can totally relate to your feelings and experiences almost to the word and i see where you're wondering if Bactrim was the cause of your Tinnitus and i would say yes that it was the cause and the reason is that's when my T started right after taking a...
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    Alternatives to SSRI Antidepressants That Are Safe to Take?

    Hi Geoff, i'm going through the same experiences you're currently having as my T flaired up big time after using NasaCort and was thinking about asking my ENT for Amitriptyline, but i see you're currently using it, so can you please tell me more about how the Amitriptyline is helping your...
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    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    I've read alot of LIPO reviews on Amazon and the people who seem to be helped the most are people with ear balance problems, but sure wish we could contact some of these people months later and see if its still working for them. Maybe Amazon could offer a discount to reviewers if they'd be...
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    Will This Spike Go Down? Before This Flu Tinnitus Was Barely Noticeable, Now It's Roaring Loud

    When you had the flu did you take any flu medications and if so, many of them can spike Tinnitus or even cause Tinnitus. I got my Tinnitus from taking an antibiotic right before a flight from CO to CA back in 1991 and it pretty much became a background noise until i recently took NasaCort and...
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    Attempts to Understand the Causes of Prolonged Spike. Need Advice.

    I got on an almost zero Sicylates diet and that seemed to help with the spikes:
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    High Protein Consumption May Be the Culprit

    Thanks to Cheza's new book, i'm now on an almost zero Sicylates diet and i think that's helped alot, for example, i wanted to try to get some more magnesium naturally via a large spinach salad with raisons and dressing, but my T went through the roof and turns out that spinach and raisons are...
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    Introducing My New Book "Living With Tinnitus"

    HI Cheza, I’ve been able to create several audio notch files for different Hz ranges just for practice and can now create one in about 5 minutes using your step by step instructions, so I will continue creating test files until I think I’ve found the closest Hz value or can get a reading from my...
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    Introducing My New Book "Living With Tinnitus"

    Hi Cheza, thanks again for getting back about your Doxylamine Succinate experiences and yes it sounds like the best alternative out there for sleep based on what I've read so far and also from posts on the BENZO forum, especially the post where someone found it as “effective as Remeron” and...