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  1. ashley

    Newbie :)

    Patrick, Not silly at all! Usually an acoustic neuroma. They are extremely slow growing and usually benign (nothing is typically done about them.) But also in terms of research just seeing neural origins and sites of activation and other things like that. :)
  2. ashley

    Weird Response to Frequency Test

    That's fine. I doubt you will be playing it long enough to affect you in any way. :) and it's usually high volumes that do the damage.
  3. ashley

    Minimum Masking Level?

    An audiology student-- half way through my graduate classes :)
  4. ashley

    Minimum Masking Level?

    I agree with all of the above posts. When I'm looking for a patient's MML, we do each side separately, then binaural. Usually, binaural is a little less dB HL since you are stimulating both sides! I usually ask patients to tell me even when there's partial masking, too. Any and all information...
  5. ashley

    Tinnitus, MRI, CT, Acoustic Neuroma Symptoms.

    Acoustic neuromas are very uncommon. If you couldn't already tell from the responses. :P I too have unilateral tinnitus, and other signs of one, but my MRI didn't show a thing. :) It's just something they need to do-- but we are here if you're scared and need to talk!
  6. ashley

    Hearing Aids

    I'm a second year Doctor of Audiology student. Hearing aids will not damage your hearing. For loud situations they do not amplify nearly as much, and there is a certain level they will never amplify above because it's dangerous. :)
  7. ashley

    Otoacoustic Emissions Test (Tinnitus Update)

    The OAE machine at my school is wacky, sometimes it shows normal OAEs and other times damage. We are getting a new one soon though so I can't wait to run my OAE then! (I have tinnitus and normal thresholds)
  8. ashley

    Dizzy All Day!

    That sounds horrible! Did you have a VEMP or VNG done? I saw the other tests you mentioned in the first post, but didn't see those!
  9. ashley

    Dizzy All Day!

    Do you feel like you or the room is spinning, or do you just feel off balance?
  10. ashley

    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    My ENT and neurologist thinks it's all placebo effect. In my Audiology magazine subscriptions, we are always told to be weary of Lipos (and any drugs) because there is not a single drug FDA approved for the purpose of tinnitus. All Lipos are would be vitamins. :) but there are always some who...
  11. ashley

    Tinnitus Without Hearing Loss? Need Help.

    You can most certainly have tinnitus without having hearing loss! Hearing loss is just the strongest correlated thing to tinnitus (in most cases).
  12. ashley

    OAE (Otoacoustic Emissions) Test

    I keep redoing my OAE because the machine is so faulty. I get wacky results all the time. I'm going to an ENT where I'm from soon and he said his OAE machine is reliable so I'm very excited!
  13. ashley

    Rochester NY Support Group

    UB has support groups if this doesn't work out. They don't meet too often, though.
  14. ashley


    It never hurts to have a scan anyway, especially with unilateral tinnitus; however, I don't think you have one either. I present with the same symptoms (left ear, high pitch and constant, no other problems otherwise) and I don't have one. Additionally, usually ANs have other symptoms with them...
  15. ashley

    Can Anyone Relate to This?

    I have not, but that doesn't mean others haven't too. If you haven't already, I would see an ENT about the dizziness that follows the fuzzy feeling. It's always good just to have a medical opinion on the matter.
  16. ashley

    Low frequency hearing loss - can this be caused by noise damage?

    Hey B! First off-- you're right. Noise induced hearing loss or damage happens in high frequencies-- usually around 4kHz. You probably didn't notice that you have a mild loss because most of the speech frequencies are around 1,000-2,000 (ish!) Hz, except for those fricatives (s, f, etc) which...
  17. ashley

    Headaches and Tinnitus

    My neurologist tried convincing me I get migraines, then proceeded to explain that migraines and tinnitus go hand in hand. He told me at the time he thought I had an overactive brain. Think maybe there is something similar going on w/you?! Also-- try not to stress. It exacerbates T.
  18. ashley

    I Think a Particular Type of Beer Caused My Tinnitus

    I know it may seem that way, but I think the fact that you tried a different beer may have just oddly coincided with your tinnitus. (However, usually alcohol can exacerbate it temporarily!) Did anything else change? When was the last time you had a hearing test? Either way, I'm so sorry you're...
  19. ashley

    MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Discussion & Experiences & Questions

    Hi! Funny I came across this post, since I try not to sign in too frequently anymore, but I have tinnitus in one ear and just got back from the neurologist today to get my MRI results! (Which were fine woohoo!) They are probably trying to look for an acoustic neuroma, or schwannoma...
  20. ashley


    Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried taking cyclandelate to alleviate some tinnitus. I came up with the idea, which I will eventually propose to my doctor, through a study I found on NIH's website. It's a vasodilator that is mainly used to treat peripheral vascular...
  21. ashley

    Dogs and Their Barking

    No. I don't think so. Maybe a temporary threshold shift, but it's such a short amount of time (what, 20 seconds?) that I don't think permanent damage would be done. You can always check with OSHA, I believe they have information how safe dB levels and how long you can be in what levels for what...
  22. ashley

    Should I Have a Scan?

    This actually makes me upset that my neurologist did not give me a script for a MRI (I'm in the US). My tinnitus is unilateral. I believe just better safe than sorry, if you have coverage. Like everyone else said, you will have covered all your ground and you may get some valuable information!
  23. ashley

    As if one noise is not bad enough:(

    I'm sorry. I know it's frustrating and sounds hard to believe now, but it will certainly get easier. :) Chin up! Is your other ear/new sound constant?
  24. ashley

    Newbie :)

    Hi @applewine ! Sorry I didn't reply any sooner. I'm definitely going for a second opinion at some point, it may just have to be later rather than sooner because of my work schedule, and I'd be traveling about 500 miles into NYC (my hometown) but I will explain that to the second doctor! (Which...
  25. ashley

    Why me!

    I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time! It is definitely a hard adjustment at first for many people. Are you struggling with both tinnitus and hyperacusis? What measures have you taken to help yourself thus far? Just looking to see what type of suggestions we can all make! And...
  26. ashley

    Just Introducing Myself :)

    Hi Luke! Welcome. I'm a firm believer in trying not to listen for it necessarily! I know I personally want to be in control of my tinnitus, and not have my tinnitus control me. Positive thinking and enjoying the moment is the way to go! (but of course we all have our low days and that happens...
  27. ashley

    Why Is Tinnitus Louder After Taking Out Hearing Aid?

    One theory of tinnitus is that it's your brain overcompensating for the absence of sound that would be there had the person have normal hearing. :) Also-- jazz has a really good point. Loud sounds (unless dangerously loud) usually don't negatively effect tinnitus in the long term of things...
  28. ashley

    Newbie :)

    I guess just the whole thing. I'm still a little skeptical since I'm nervous and new to tinnitus, and I'm apprehensive to try something that may not work. I also was doing lower body stretches when it happened, so that makes me a little weary, but I'm sure upper body muscles were also a little...
  29. ashley

    Newbie :)

    Thanks @applewine ! The only reason why I'm a little apprehensive is because I was doing lody body stretching, but hey you really never know!!! I'm willing to try anything at this point! Thank you for your kindness and resourcefulness, I'll be sending you a message now! :) My short term memory...
  30. ashley

    Newbie :)

    It's almost always one sound and one tone. :) In just 3 days it will be one month-- eek! So what type of therapy/resolutions are out there for muscle trigger points? If anything? I'm gonna watch the video now, I totally forgot!
  31. ashley

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Question

    Hi! I'm the same way-- I get very paranoid about everything I hear because of my tinnitus too. I think a lot of us can relate to you in that way. :) It sounds like nothing serious to me, but just wondering, have you had your Eustachian tube tested? If it is ET dysfunction, which it sounds like...
  32. ashley


    Hi everyone! I had my follow up appointment with my neurologist today, who originally thought I was having tinnitus due to a hyperactive brain and prescribed me Valium to suppress some nervous system activity. I will admit-- since then it's been much better. My tinnitus no longer "chases" loud...
  33. ashley

    I Am Scared and I Need Help

    Hey! Don't be scared, it's okay, so many people have tinnitus yet only 1 in every 10 (Americans) seek help for it. You should definitely see a medical specialist if you're able to-- especially if it's something that happened suddenly and abruptly. Good news is-- you aren't alone and people...
  34. ashley

    Hearing Test

    Yonkapin had a very thorough response. If all of those things remained constant, ie same audiologist in the same test booth, there are two ideas that I have. One-- maybe the calibration of the audiometer or any other equipment was off. I know my bone conduction at certain frequencies in one...
  35. ashley

    What Do You THINK Is Causing Your Tinnitus?

    I think I had an acute vascular insufficiency while stretching and am now left with tinnitus!
  36. ashley

    Nicotine and tinnitus

    Many reputable sources say there's a correlation between smoking cigarettes and tinnitus; however, there will always be some variability since everyone's body reacts to things differently. Good luck quitting! :)
  37. ashley

    Best ear plugs to wear to a wedding?

    Many companies offer musician plugs which are wonderful. I have many patients who are happy with them. They are pricey, but there is a filter in them which will help filter out noise and let speech through. Since the wedding is in a month, I'd do your best to find an audiologist or another...
  38. ashley

    Studio Monitors + Tinnitus

    Is it only when you're listening to them? I'm assuming they're speakers, not headphones right? My old old tv used to send off a very soft high pitch when it was on its way out... Then again it was old and these speakers are new. Maybe, if they're headphones, put the right on the left side and...
  39. ashley

    Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

    Hey all, So my tinnitus is constant. Before, I would get fleeting tinnitus every once in a while (like once, twice a year) for a few seconds. So, I just got a tiny bout of fleeting tinnitus. Usually, it is high pitch, but since my constant tinnitus is high pitched my fleeting tinnitus was mid...
  40. ashley

    Issue after long earplug use

    I'll let you know! I'm taking a 9 hour Amtrak trip in two days! And then back in a few days after that. :P
  41. ashley

    Hyperacusis Setback

    Look into sound desensitization therapy for the hyperacusis. :) Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions!
  42. ashley

    Can Household Mold Lead to Tinnitus and Hearing Loss?

    I personally haven't heard of any such things, however it's not a topic that I've looked into. Wish I could have been more of a help!
  43. ashley

    Mobile Tinnitus Apps (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.)

    Hi all! I haven't checked it out yet, but in the latest issue of Audiology Today they talk about diff apps to connect with your patients. One of them is called "Relax Melodies." The description is: "Tinnitus practitioners may need a free-sound generator for therapies. Patients are able to...
  44. ashley

    Radio Guy

    Hello! For tinnitus, most people just habituate to it over time. They almost tend to forget it's even there-- similar to if someone is living near a train station or airport and they have guests over. Guests may ask "how do you live with that noise?" But the person is already so used to it...
  45. ashley

    I Need a Hug :(

    Everything will be okay! Try to break the stress/sad cycle. Is there something that always relaxes you, or something you enjoy so much that you literally temporarily forget about your tinnitus? I know it's easier said than done, but it will help a lot. Good luck, and we are here to support you!
  46. ashley

    Hello to you all

    Hi Kenny! Glad to hear you're coping well and welcome! Keep us posted with the neuro-- hope your appt goes well. :)
  47. ashley

    Newbie :)

    Thanks so much! I will! And yes isn't it all so fascinating?
  48. ashley

    Newbie :)

    Thank you!!! When I'm procrastinating studying for finals I will definitely watch this video!! :) I'm super interested!
  49. ashley

    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    Cool! Thanks for the feedback! Glad to see it's providing relief.
  50. ashley

    Newbie :)

    Hi Jim, Thanks for the reply and support! Haha, I mainly said my age just because I wanted people to know I'm early in the AuD program and I don't have answers to every audiological question. :p Is your tinnitus on and off, or does it come and go with the migraines? Thanks for your response and...
  51. ashley

    Quiet — I Love the Silence

    I love the silence. Just laying in bed with the silence after a long day is absolutely amazing (in my opinion.) I really do miss it so much, since my tinnitus is constant and I rarely if ever have relief from it. My question is this: What do you all do when you miss the silence? How do you cope...
  52. ashley

    Newbie :)

    YAY Hi Karen, thanks for reading!! :) It's really nice to have people who can relate to you. My University has support groups but they only meet once a semester, so finding this website was awesome! Luckily, we have something we can pinpoint our tinnitus to-- I think that is always helpful even...
  53. ashley

    If I Ever Make It Out of This Hell...

    Yes! I am literally doing the same exact thing as well-- trying to actively habituate. I think you and I both just really need to do our best to not even think about it. I know when I try new things to see if they are soothing to me, I'm paying attention to how loud my tinnitus is being...
  54. ashley

    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    I was (and still secretly am) interested in trying lipoflavinoids -- I asked my neurologist about it and he said he thinks it's a waste of time/money (placebo effect). Just remember everything you read on their site you have to taken with a grain of salt because of the bias! So glad this post...
  55. ashley

    If I Ever Make It Out of This Hell...

    You will make it through. Some days are going to be harder than others, but that's for anyone-- with or without tinnitus. Just remember, chin up, you have support, and each day that goes by is another day closer to finding something that works! :) What have you tried to do thus far to...
  56. ashley

    Tinnitus and the Vascular System?

    Hi Dr Nagler! I know that the auditory system is highly vascularized... with that being said, I think I may have had an acute vascular insufficiency two weeks ago from some intense stretching and I've had tinnitus ever since. Does the theory of the cause of my tinnitus sound plausible? Is there...
  57. ashley

    Newbie :)

    Hi everyone! As long as I have tinnitus, and even probably after I have tinnitus (hopefully, and you will see why I say this) I plan to be active on here so I figured why not begin posting! My name is Ashley, I'm almost 22. I am an Au.D. student so I talk about and learn about tinnitus on the...